What does JET mean?
The designation JET® represents several advanced JELITTO TECHNOLOGY techniques.
The germination of the seeds can be increased, diseases and pests can be combated or better mechanical handling of the sowing can be achieved.
Over time, we have used more and more technology in seed processing, for Gold Nugget Seed® and for counting seeds per gram for sale in number of seeds. Therefore, we now offer our seeds generally under the term Jet-Seeds®.
Articles are marked with a "T" as the second letter in the item number if they are available rubbed for pure seed or have been heat-treated.
JET® pure seed / rubbed seed
Comparison normal seed - JET® seed
![]() Alcea |
Gaillardia |
Scabiosa |
Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta' and 'Perfecta Alba' have been rubbed or peeled for better mechanical handling and seed sowing by machine which had not been possible before. Other similarly treated perennial seeds include popular Gaillardia aristata cultivars.
And perfectly pure seed has been accomplished on top selling hollyhocks like 'Chaters', and Alcea rosea Hybrids 'Simplex' and the very dark flowering Alcea rosea var. nigra.
Seed Count per Gram comparison:
65 s/g - SB 244 Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta'
70 s/g - ST 244 Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta', JET® rubbed seed
200 s/g - GA 009 Gaillardia 'Bijou'
330 s/g - GT 009 Gaillardia 'Bijou', JET® rubbed seed
130 s/g - AA 304 Alcea 'Chaters Mix'
250 s/g - AT 304 Alcea 'Chaters Mix', JET® rubbed seed
Comparison normal seed - pure seed
![]() Pulsatilla |
Chasmanthium |
Anemone |
JET® heat-treated seed
Russell Varieties of Lupines are now heat treated to eliminate a seed borne Colletotrichon fungus that has previously hampered healthy growth. Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivanti 'Goldsturm' are heat treated, eliminating any disease spores that might be present on a crop that's given growers headaches over the last decade.
A secondary infection is still possible, please prevent!