New Varieties 1997

  • Art.No.: AA365

    Blue Stars are very tenacious, robust and prolific perennials for sunny to shady positions and grow in any good garden soil. The Arkansas Blue Star with its beautiful brilliant golden Autumn leaf colour is, unfortunately, used much too seldom.

    Amsonia hubrichtii is one of the most graceful varieties with fine needle shaped leaves and light blue, star shaped flowers from June to July. The sturdy stems, up to 80 cm, are just as suitable for cutting, in flower or as foliage for decoration from Summer to Autumn.

  • This variety is one of the most beautiful Bell Flowers in this group. In the first year after sowing Symphyandra wanneri forms a compact rosette of sharply toothed, dark green, shiny leaves. The nodding violet blue bell shaped flowers appear in abundance the following May on a pyramidal stem of up to 25 cm long.

    Symphyandra wanneri prefers to grow in dry, drained soil in a border or rock garden, in a sunny to partially shady position. This variety is often only biennual, however it usually reseeds. Despite its short life this plant rewards one fully with its beauty. Symphyandra wanneri is also suitable as a pot plant.

  • This very beautiful and robust strain is the result of back-crossing Linum capitatum with the well-known English Gemmel's Hybrid.

    'Gemmel's Strain' is much more durable, grows up to 15 cm high and from April to June the whole plant is so covered with large, golden flowers that the leaves can hardly be seen. The thick, firm, succulent rosette shaped leaves are strongly glaucous blue. A real beauty for borders and rock gardens in a sunny position and it can flower just as richly as a pot plant.

  • Pure seed
    Product Details ECHINOPS niveus  'Arctic Glow'

    Globe Thistles have proved to be much adored and durable border perennials in our gardens. The sturdy blue varieties are used often. With 'Arctic Glow' we can, at last, offer an excellent, white flowering seed variety which, in contrast to the common species, grows very compactly and sturdily.

    The unusually large, white, round flowers owe their special intensity to the red-brown, 80 cm high stem, to which we paid particular attention in the selection of this variety. The loosely arranged, silvery-grey foliage is only lightly thorny. 'Arctic Glow' has been developed from Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Niveus' and is just as suitable as a cut plant. This seed variety grows in any average garden soil and flowers from July to August.

  • Pure seed
    Product Details PULSATILLA vulgaris  'Blaue Glocke'

    'Blaue Glocke' is an excellent selection of the Pasque flower with large, strong, blue-violet flowers. 'Blaue Glocke' complements the pulsatilla selection beautifully, is particularly notable for its well balanced dark colour, and is very prolific. Flowers from March to April.
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