Common Names
Please note that the common names may vary, the botanical names however are consistent. This list may not be complete and is just for your assistance.
Botanical name | Common Name(s) |
ABUTILON vitifolium | Indian Mallow, Flowering Maple |
ACAENA buchananii | New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri |
ACAENA caesiiglauca | New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri |
ACAENA fissistipula | New Zealand Burr |
ACAENA inermis | New Zealand Burr, Sheep's Burr |
ACAENA inermis 'Purpurea' | Purple Sheep's Burr, Purple Goose-Leaf |
ACAENA microphylla | Bronze New Zealand Bur, Sheep Burr |
ACAENA myriophylla | Cadillo, Clubbed Sheep Burr |
ACAENA novae-zelandiae | New Zealand Burr |
ACANTHUS hungaricus | Hungarian Bear's Breeches |
ACANTHUS mollis | Bear's Breeches |
ACANTHUS spinosus | Spiny Bear's Breeches |
ACHILLEA clypeolata | Yarrow |
ACHILLEA filipendulina 'Parkers Varietät' | Fernleaf Yarrow |
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cassis' | Common Yarrow, Milfoil |
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cerise Queen' | Common Yarrow, Milfoil |
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Colorado' | Common Yarrow, Milfoil |
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Summer Pastels' | Common Yarrow, Milfoil |
ACHILLEA millefolium wild form | Yarrow, Milfoil |
ACHILLEA nana | Dwarf Alpine Yarrow |
ACHILLEA nobilis | Noble Yarrow |
ACHILLEA ptarmica | Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy |
ACHILLEA ptarmica 'Pearl-Group' | Sneezewort, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy |
ACHILLEA ptarmica fl. pl. 'Noblessa' | Sneezewort, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy |
ACHILLEA sibirica ssp. camtschatica 'Love Parade' | Siberian Yarrow |
ACHILLEA tomentosa 'Aurea' | Fuzzy Yarrow, Wooly Yarrow |
ACHLYS triphylla | Vanilla Leaf, Deer Foot, Sweet-After-Life |
ACHNATHERUM calamagrostis | Silver Spike Grass |
ACHNATHERUM hymenoides 'Rimrock' | Indian Rice Grass |
ACHNATHERUM splendens | Chee Grass |
ACIPHYLLA aurea | Speargrass, Golden Spaniard, Kuri Kuri |
ACIPHYLLA congesta | Compact speargrass |
ACIPHYLLA dieffenbachii | Chatham Island Speargrass, Soft Speargrass, Coxella |
ACIPHYLLA glaucescens | Blue Speargrass |
ACIPHYLLA monroi | Little Speargrass |
ACIS nicaeensis | French Snowflake, Mentone |
ACMELLA oleracea f. purpurea | Purple leaved Paracress, Toothache Plant |
ACMELLA oleracea f. purpurea dark leaved | Purple leaved Paracress, Toothache Plant |
ACMELLA oleracea f. viridis green leaved | Green leaved Paracress, Eyeball Plant |
ACONITUM anthora | Yellow Monkshood, Hanging Wolfsbane |
ACONITUM carmichaelii 'Spätlese' | Chinese Aconite, Monkshood |
ACONITUM carmichaelii Arendsii-Group | Chinese Aconite, Monkshood |
ACONITUM hemsleyanum 'Red Wine' | Monkshood, Helmet Flower, Venus' Chariot, Wolfbane |
ACONITUM lamarckii | Northern Wolf's-bane, Yellow Monkshood |
ACONITUM lycoctonum | Northern Wolfsbane, Alpine Wolfsbane |
ACONITUM napellus | Monkshood |
ACONITUM napellus 'Newry Blue' | Monkshood |
ACONITUM variegatum | Manchurian Monkshood |
ACORUS calamus | Sweet Calamus, Sweetflag |
ACTAEA pachypoda | Baneberry |
ACTAEA rubra | Red Baneberry, Snakeberry |
ACTAEA spicata | Spike Baneberry |
ADENOPHORA liliifolia | Lily-leafed Lady Bells |
ADLUMIA fungosa | Allegheny Vine |
ADONIS aestivalis | Summer Pheasant's Eye, Summer-Adonis |
ADONIS vernalis | Spring Adonis |
AETHIONEMA antitaurii | Stone Cress |
AETHIONEMA coridifolium | Stone Cress |
AETHIONEMA grandiflorum | Persian Stonecress |
AETHIONEMA kotschyi | Lebanese Stone Cress |
AETHIONEMA membranaceum | Stone Cress |
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'Getty White' | African Lily, Lily of the Nile |
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'Queen Anne' | African Lily, Lily of the Nile |
AGAPANTHUS praecox ssp. minimus 'Peter Pan' | African Lily, Lily of the Nile |
AGAPANTHUS umbellatus | African Lily, Lily of the Nile |
AGAPANTHUS umbellatus 'Albus' | African Lily, Lily of the Nile |
AGASTACHE aurantiaca | Hummingbird Mint |
AGASTACHE Aurantiaca-Hybr. 'Fragrant Carpet' | Hummingbird Mint |
AGASTACHE Aurantiaca-Hybr. 'Tango' | Hummingbird Mint |
AGASTACHE Cana-Hybr. 'Bolero' | Mosquito-Hyssop |
AGASTACHE foeniculum | Anise-Hyssop |
AGASTACHE foeniculum | True Anise-Hyssop |
AGASTACHE mexicana 'Sangria' | Mexican Hyssop |
AGASTACHE nepetoides | Yellow Giant Hyssop |
AGASTACHE Pallida-Hybr. (pallida x rugosa) 'Globetrotter' | Globe Hyssop |
AGASTACHE rugosa | Blue Anis Hyssop, (Huo Xiang) |
AGASTACHE rugosa 'Korean Zest' | Korean Mint |
AGASTACHE rugosa f. albiflora | White Anis Hyssop |
AGASTACHE rugosa f. albiflora | White Anis Hyssop, White Korean Mint |
AGASTACHE rupestris | Sunset Hyssop, Rock Anise Hyssop |
AGRIMONIA eupatoria | Common Agrimony |
AGRIMONIA eupatoria | Common Agrimony, Cocklebur |
AGRIMONIA eupatoria var. alba | Agrimony |
AGRIMONIA procera | Fragrant Agrimony |
AGROSTEMMA githago | Corn Cockle |
AJUGA genevensis | Upright Bugle, Blue Bugle, Geneva Bugleweed |
AJUGA reptans | Creeping Bugle |
ALCEA Ficifolia-Hybr. | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Ficifolia-Hybr. 'Las Vegas' | Fig-leaf Hollyhock |
ALCEA pallida | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters chamois' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters chestnut-brown' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters magnificent mixture' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters pink' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters purple' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters red (scarlet)' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters salmon pink' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters violet' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters white' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters yellow' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rosea var. nigra | Black Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Blacknight' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Mars Magic' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Polarstar' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Radiant Rose' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Simplex' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Sunshine' | Hollyhock |
ALCEA rugosa | Russian Hollyhock |
ALCHEMILLA alpina | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA epipsila | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA erythropoda | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA mollis | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA mollis 'Select' | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA saxatilis | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA sericata 'Gold Strike' | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA xanthochlora | Lady's Mantle |
ALCHEMILLA xanthochlora | Ladys Mantle |
ALISMA parviflorum | Water Plantain |
ALISMA plantago-aquatica | Water Plantain |
ALKANNA orientalis | Alkanet |
ALLIUM acuminatum | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM aflatunense | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM angulosum | Mouse Garlic |
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum | Keeled Garlic |
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum f. album | White Keeled Garlic |
ALLIUM cernuum | Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion |
ALLIUM cernuum 'Hidcote' | Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion |
ALLIUM cernuum f. albiflorum | Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion |
ALLIUM christophii | Star of Persia, Downy Onion |
ALLIUM fistulosum | Welsh Onion (Cong-Bai) |
ALLIUM flavum | Small Yellow Onion |
ALLIUM hookeri var. muliense | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM jesdianum | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM karataviense | Blue-tongue Leek |
ALLIUM neapolitanum | Naples Garlic, Daffodil Garlic, White Garlic |
ALLIUM obliquum | Twisted Leaf Garlic |
ALLIUM ramosum | Fragrant Flowered Garlic |
ALLIUM rosenbachianum | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum | Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Mixed One' | Ornamental Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Pink One' | Ornamental Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Polyvert' | Vegetable Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Polyvit' | Vegetable Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Purple One' | Ornamental Chives |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'White One' | Crystal White Ornamental Chives |
ALLIUM senescens ssp. montanum | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM sphaerocephalum | Ornamental Onion |
ALLIUM suaveolens | Fragrant Leek |
ALLIUM tricoccum | Ramp, Wild Leek, Spring Onions, Chicagoua |
ALLIUM triquetrum | Three-cornered Leek |
ALLIUM tuberosum | Chinese Chives, Garlic Chives (Jiu-Zi) |
ALLIUM ursinum | Bear Leek, Wood Garlic, Ramsons |
ALLIUM ursinum | Wood Garlic, Bear Garlic, Ramsons |
ALOINOPSIS spathulata | Hardy Living Stone |
ALSTROEMERIA aurea | Peruvian lily |
ALSTROEMERIA Ligtu-Hybr. 'Dandy Candy' | Dwarf Peruvian Lily |
ALSTROEMERIA psittacina 'Mona Lisa' | Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily |
ALTHAEA cannabina | Hemp Marsh Mallow |
ALTHAEA cannabina | Hemp Marsh Mallow, Palm Leaf Marshmallow |
ALTHAEA officinalis | Marsh Mallow, White Mallow |
ALYSSUM argenteum | Alpine Madwort |
ALYSSUM cuneifolium | Madwort |
ALYSSUM montanum 'Luna' | Madwort |
ALYSSUM montanum 'Mountain Gold' | Madwort |
ALYSSUM repens | Creeping Madwort |
ALYSSUM serpyllifolium | Madwort |
ALYSSUM tortuosum var. obovatum | Madwort |
ALYSSUM wulfenianum | Madwort |
AMMI visnaga | Pick-Tooth |
AMMOPHILA arenaria | Marram Grass |
AMORPHA canescens | False Indigo, Lead Plant |
AMPELODESMOS mauritanicus | Mauritania Vine Reed |
AMSONIA hubrichtii | Hubricht's Bluestar |
AMSONIA tabernaemontana | Eastern Bluestar, Dogbane |
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum | Mount Atlas Daisy |
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum var. depressus | Mount Atlas Daisy |
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum var. depressus f. compactum 'Silberkissen' | Mount Atlas Daisy |
ANAPHALIS alpicola | Pearly Everlasting |
ANAPHALIS margaritacea 'Neuschnee' | Pearly Everlasting |
ANAPHALIS triplinervis | Pearly Everlasting |
ANCHUSA azurea | Bugloss, Alkanet |
ANCHUSA azurea 'Feltham Pride Strain' | Gentian-blue Bugloss |
ANCHUSA officinalis | Bugloss, Alkanet |
ANDROPOGON gerardii | Blue-Stem Grass |
ANDROPOGON glomeratus | Bushy Beardgrass |
ANDROPOGON hallii | Sand Bluestem |
ANDROPOGON scoparius | Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass |
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Aldous' | Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass |
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Blaze' | Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass |
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Camper' | Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass |
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Prairie Blues' | Little Blue Stem |
ANDROPOGON ternarius | Split-beard Bluestem |
ANDROSACE albana | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE alpina | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE carnea | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE carnea ssp. brigantiaca | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE chamaejasme | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE septentrionalis 'Star Dust' | Rock Jasmine |
ANDROSACE villosa | Rock Jasmine |
ANEMANTHELE lessoniana | Pheasant's-tail Grass |
ANEMONE baldensis | Windflower |
ANEMONE canadensis | Windflower |
ANEMONE fasciculata | Windflower |
ANEMONE hupehensis | Japanese Anemone |
ANEMONE leveillei | Windflower |
ANEMONE multifida 'Major' | Windflower |
ANEMONE multifida var. magellanica | Windflower |
ANEMONE narcissiflora | Windflower |
ANEMONE nemorosa | Windflower, Wood Anemone |
ANEMONE ranunculoides | Windflower |
ANEMONE rivularis | Windflower |
ANEMONE sylvestris | Large Forest or Snowdrop Anemone |
ANEMONE virginiana | Tall Thimbleweed, Virginia Anemone |
ANEMOPSIS californica | Yerba Mansa |
ANETHUM graveolens | Dill |
ANGELICA archangelica | Archangel, Wild Parsnip, Holy Ghost |
ANGELICA archangelica 'BLBP 01' | Angelica, Holy Ghost |
ANGELICA dahurica 'BLBP 01' | Chinese Angelica (Bai Zhi) |
ANGELICA gigas | Korean Archangel |
ANGELICA pachycarpa | Glossy leaved Angelica |
ANGELICA sylvestris 'Ebony' | Purple Holy Ghost |
ANGELICA sylvestris 'Vicar's Mead' | Purple Holy Ghost |
ANTENNARIA dioica | Pussy Toes, Everlasting |
ANTENNARIA dioica 'Rubra' | Pussy Toes, Everlasting |
ANTENNARIA plantaginifolia | Woman’s Tobacco |
ANTHEMIS cretica ssp. carpatica 'Karpatenschnee' | Snowy Marguerite |
ANTHEMIS sancti-johannis | Roman Chamomile |
ANTHEMIS tinctoria | Dyer's Chamomile |
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Alba' | Marguerite, Dyers' Chamomile |
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Dwarf Form' | Dwarf Dyer's Chamomile |
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Kelwayi' | Dyer's Chamomile |
ANTHERICUM liliago | St. Bernard's Lily |
ANTHOXANTHUM odoratum | Sweet Vernal Grass |
ANTHRISCUS cerefolium 'Typ Fine Curled' | Chervil |
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris | Chervil |
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris 'Golden Fleece' | Golden Cow Parsley |
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris 'Ravenswing' | Purple leaved Cow Parsley |
ANTHYLLIS vulneraria | Kidney Vetch, Ladies’ Fingers |
ANTHYLLIS vulneraria var. coccinea | Kidney Vetch, Lady's Fingers |
ANTIRRHINUM braun-blanquetii | Snapdragon |
ANTIRRHINUM majus ssp. majus | Large Snapdragon |
ANTIRRHINUM sempervirens | Spanish Snapdragon |
AQUILEGIA alpina hort. | Mountain Columbine |
AQUILEGIA atrata | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA buergeriana | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA buergeriana 'Calimero' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA caerulea wild form | Columbine, Colorado State Flower |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Biedermeier', Mixture | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Blue Star' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Dragon Fly', Mixture | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Blue-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Mix' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-Blue' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Red-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Red-Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Heavenly Blue' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Koralle' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Kristall' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Maxi' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'McKana', Mixture | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Red Hobbit' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Rotstern' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA canadensis | Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine |
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Corbett' | Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine |
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Little Lanterns' | Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine |
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Pink Lanterns' | Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine |
AQUILEGIA chrysantha 'Yellow Queen' | Golden Columbine |
AQUILEGIA chrysantha Denver Gold® | Denver Gold Columbine |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Blue-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Lightred-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Mixture' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Pink-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Softpink' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Blue-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Light-Red-Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Mix' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Pink-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila 'Ministar' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila 'Selection' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila f. alba | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila f. kurilensis 'Rosea' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA flavescens | Golden Columbine, Yellow Columbine |
AQUILEGIA formosa | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA nevadensis | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA olympica | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA oxysepala | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA pyrenaica | Pyrenean Columbine |
AQUILEGIA rockii | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA sibirica | Siberian Columbine |
AQUILEGIA viridiflora | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Alba' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Blue' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Formula Mix' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Rose' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Salmon Rose' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Grandmothers Garden' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Heidi' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Leprechaun Gold' | Columbine, Doves Round a Dish |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Mellow Yellow' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'William Guiness' | Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Blue-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Double Red-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Double Rose-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Purple-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Red-White' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Rose-Rose' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Single Formula Mix' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Woodside Strain' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Barlow Choice Mix' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Black Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Blue Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Bordeaux Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Christa Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Green Apples' | Columbine, Double-flowered Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Nora Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Rose Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Ruby Port' | Columbine, Double-flowered Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'White Barlow' | Double Columbine |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Alaska' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Colorado' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Florida' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Georgia' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Louisiana' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Montana' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Oregon' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'State-Series Mix' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Vermont' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Virginia' | Columbine, Granny's Bonnet |
ARABIS blepharophylla 'Frühlingszauber' | Coast Rock Cress |
ARABIS blepharophylla 'Rote Sensation | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica 'Compinkie' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica 'Little Treasure Deep Rose'(TM) | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica 'Little Treasure White'(TM) | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica 'Pixie Cream' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Schneeball' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Schneehaube' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Snowfix' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS caucasica Rosea 'La Fraicheur' | Rock Cress |
ARABIS procurrens 'Glacier' | Running Rock Cress |
ARALIA cordata f. aurea | Japanese Spikenard, Mountain Asparagus, Udo |
ARALIA racemosa | American Spikenard |
ARCTANTHEMUM arcticum | Arctic Daisy |
ARCTIUM lappa | Great Burdock (Niu-Bang-Zi) |
ARCTOSTAPHYLOS uva-ursi | Bearberry, Sandberry, Kinnikinick, Mountain Box |
ARENARIA ledebouriana | Sandwort |
ARENARIA montana | Sandwort |
ARENARIA serpyllifolia | Thyme-Leaved Sandwort |
ARGEMONE platyceras | Prickly Poppy, Wide Horn Poppy |
ARGEMONE polyanthemos | Plains Prickly Poppy |
ARISAEMA ciliatum | Dragon Root, Jack In The Pulpit |
ARISAEMA consanguineum | Dragon Root, Jack In The Pulpit, Himalayan Cobra Lily |
ARISAEMA flavum | Yellow Jack In The Pulpit |
ARISAEMA tortuosum | Whipcord Cobra Lily |
ARISAEMA triphyllum | Jack In The Pulpit |
ARISTEA ecklonii | Blue Stars, Blue Corn Lily |
ARISTOLOCHIA clematitis | Osterluzei, Birthwort |
ARMERIA maritima 'Alba' | Common Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA maritima 'Morning Star Deep Pink' | Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA maritima 'Morning Star White' | Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA maritima 'Splendens' | Common Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA Maritima-Hybr. Ornament®' | Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA pseudarmeria | Thrift, Sea Pink |
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Lilac' | Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift |
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red' | Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift |
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina White' | Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift |
ARNEBIA pulchra | Prophet Flower |
ARNICA chamissonis | Leafy Leopard's Bane |
ARNICA montana | Arnica, Mountain Tabacco |
ARNICA montana 'Arbo' | Mountain Arnica |
ARTEMISIA absinthium | Common Wormwood, Absinthe |
ARTEMISIA absinthium 'Silverado' | Common Wormwood, Absinthe |
ARTEMISIA annua | Sweet Annie (Qing Hao) |
ARTEMISIA dracunculus | Russian Tarragon |
ARTEMISIA lactiflora | White Mugwort |
ARTEMISIA laxa | Wormwood, Sage Brush Mugwort |
ARTEMISIA ludoviciana | Western Mugwort, White Prairie Sage |
ARTEMISIA scoparia 'BLBP 01' | Redstern Wormwood (Yin-Chen) |
ARTEMISIA stelleriana 'Mori's Strain' | Beach wormwood |
ARTEMISIA vulgaris | Mugwort, Chinese Moxa (Ai-Ye) |
ARTHROPODIUM cirratum | Rock Lily, Reinga Lily |
ARUM maculatum | Lords & Ladies |
ARUNCUS aethusifolius | Dwarf Goat's Beard |
ARUNCUS dioicus | Goat's Beard, Bride's Feathers |
ARUNCUS dioicus Kneiffii-Hybr. 'Whirlwind' | Goat's Beard |
ARUNCUS dioicus var. kamtschaticus | Goat's Beard |
ARUNCUS sinensis | Goat's Beard |
ASARINA procumbens | Creeping Snapdragon, Twining Snapdragon |
ASARUM canadense | Wild Ginger |
ASARUM caudatum | Western Wild Ginger, Long-Tailed Wild Ginger |
ASARUM europaeum | Asarabacca |
ASCLEPIAS asperula | Antelope Horns, Spider Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS curassavica | Blood flower, Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS fruticosa | Cotton Bush Milkweed, Tennis Ball Bush, Goose Plant |
ASCLEPIAS hirtella | Tall Green Milkweed, Prairie Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS incarnata | Swamp Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS incarnata 'Iceballet' | White Swamp Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS physocarpa | Swan Plant Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS purpurascens | Purple Butterfly Weed |
ASCLEPIAS speciosa | Showy Butterflyweed |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa | Butterfly Weed |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa | Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies' | Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa 'Hello Yellow' | Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa ssp. interior | Milkweed, Butterflyweed |
ASCLEPIAS verticillata | Whorled Milkweed |
ASCLEPIAS viridis | Green Antelopehorn, Spider Milkweed |
ASPERULA cynanchica | Woodruff, Squinancy Wort |
ASPHODELINE liburnica | Jacob's Rod |
ASPHODELINE lutea | Yellow Asphodel, King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod |
ASPHODELINE taurica | Jacob's Rod |
ASPHODELUS albus | White Asphodel |
ASPHODELUS fistulosus | Onion-leaved Asphodel |
ASPHODELUS tenuifolius | White Asphodel, Onion Weed |
ASTELIA banksii | Wharawhara |
ASTELIA chathamica | Chatham Island Astelia, Silver Spear |
ASTELIA fragrans | Kakahaha |
ASTER alpinus | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus 'Albus' | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus 'Dunkle Schöne' | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus 'Goliath' | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus 'Happy End' | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus 'Pinkie' | Alpine Aster |
ASTER alpinus Formula Mix | Alpine Aster |
ASTER amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' | Aster |
ASTER azureus | Sky Blue Aster |
ASTER coloradoensis | Colorado Tansy Aster |
ASTER divaricatus | Aster |
ASTER ericoides | Aster |
ASTER laevis | Aster |
ASTER macrophyllus | Bigleaf Aster |
ASTER novae-angliae | New England Aster |
ASTER novi-belgii | Michaelmas Daisy |
ASTER oblongifolius | Aromatic Aster |
ASTER ptarmicoides | Aster |
ASTER spectabilis | Eastern Showy Aster, Seaside Aster |
ASTER tataricus | Tatarian Aster (Zi Wan) |
ASTER tongolensis 'Wartburgstern' | Tongo Daisy |
ASTER turbinellus | Fall Aster |
ASTILBE Arendsii-Hybr. 'Bunter Zauber' | False Buck's Beard |
ASTILBE Arendsii-Hybr. 'Showstar' | False Goatsbeard |
ASTILBE chinensis | False Goatsbeard |
ASTILBE chinensis var. pumila | Dwarf False Goat's Beard |
ASTILBE chinensis var. taquetii Hybr. | False Goatsbeard |
ASTILBE rivularis | False Goatsbeard |
ASTRAGALUS alpinus | Alpine Milkvetch |
ASTRAGALUS canadensis | Canada Milkvetch |
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus 'BLBP 04' | Chinese Milkvetch (Huang Qi) |
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus 'BLBP 04' | Chinese Milkvetch, (Huang Qi) |
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus var. dahuricus 'Weila®galus' | Chinese Milkvetch (Huang Qi) |
ASTRANTIA major | Greater Masterwort |
ASTRANTIA Major-Hybr. 'Rosensinfonie' | Greater Masterwort |
ASTRANTIA maxima | Masterwort |
ASTRANTIA minor | Lesser Masterwort |
ATHAMANTA cretensis | Candy Carrot |
ATRIPLEX hortensis var. rubra | Red leaved Garden Orache |
ATROPA bella-donna | Deadly Nightshade |
ATROPA bella-donna | Deadly Nightshade, Bella Donna |
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Blue' | Aubrieta |
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Purple-Violet' | Rock Cress |
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Red' | Aubrieta |
AURINIA petraeum | Madwort |
AURINIA saxatile 'Compactum Goldkugel' | Madwort |
AURINIA saxatile 'Gold Kobold' | Madwort, Basket-of-Gold |
AURINIA saxatile 'Sulphureum' | Madwort |
AURINIA saxatile 'Summit' | Madwort |
BALSAMORHIZA sagittata | Balsam Root |
BAPTISIA alba | Wild White Indigo |
BAPTISIA australis | False Blue Indigo |
BAPTISIA australis 'Alba' | False Indigo, Wild Indigo |
BAPTISIA australis var. minor | Blue Wild Indigo |
BAPTISIA bracteata var. leucophaea | Buffalo Pea |
BAPTISIA perfoliata | False Indigo, Wild Indigo |
BAPTISIA sphaerocarpa | Yellow Wild Indigo |
BAPTISIA tinctoria | Horsefly Weed, Wild Indigo |
BARBAREA vulgaris | Rock Cress, Yellow Rocket |
BARBAREA vulgaris 'Variegata' | Rock Cress, Yellow Rocket |
BARTSIA alpina | Velvet Bells |
BELAMCANDA chinensis | Blackberry Lily, Leopard Flower |
BELAMCANDA chinensis | Leopard Flower |
BELAMCANDA flabellata 'Hello Orange' | Orange Leopard Lily, Orange Blackberry Lily, Orange Leopard Flower |
BELAMCANDA flabellata 'Hello Yellow' | Dwarf Blackberry Lily |
BELLIS perennis | Common Daisy, English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Carmine-rose' | Common Daisy, English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Mixture' | Common Daisy, English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Pink' | Common Daisy, English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette White' | Common Daisy, English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon Pink' | English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon Red' | English Daisy |
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon White' | English Daisy |
BERGENIA cordifolia | Elephants Ears |
BERGENIA cordifolia 'New Hybrids' | Elephants Ears |
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Rotblum' | Elephant Ears, Pig Squeak |
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Snowtime' | Elephant Ears, Heartleaf |
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Winterglut' | Elephant Ears, Pig Squeak, Heartleaf |
BERGENIA purpurascens | Elephants Ears |
BERGERANTHUS vespertinus | Berger's Ice Plant |
BERGERANTHUS vespertinus f. albiflora | Berger's Ice Plant |
BERKHEYA multijuga | Golden Spikes |
BERKHEYA purpurea | Purple Berkheya |
BERLANDIERA lyrata | Chocolate Flower, Green Eyes |
BERLANDIERA texana | Texas Greeneyes |
BIGELOWIA nuttallii | Nuttall's Rayless Goldenrod |
BISCUTELLA laevigata | Buckler Mustard |
BOEHMERIA sieboldiana | Rami, False Nettle |
BOLBOSCHOENUS maritimus | Sea Club Rush |
BOLTONIA asteroides var. latisquama 'Nana' | False Chamomile |
BOLTONIA decurrens | Winged False Aster, Clasping Leaf Doll's Daisy |
BORAGO officinalis | Borage |
BORAGO officinalis 'Alba' | White Flowering Borage |
BOUTELOUA curtipendula | Side-Oats Grama Grass, Mosquito Grass |
BOUTELOUA gracilis | Side-Oats Grama Grass, Mosquito Grass |
BOUTELOUA gracilis 'Bad River' | Mosquito Grass |
BRACHYPODIUM pinnatum | Tor Grass |
BRACHYPODIUM sylvaticum | False Brome |
BRIZA media pure seed | Quaking Grass, Rattle Snake Grass, Doddering Dickies |
BRIZA triloba | Chilean Quaking Grass |
BRUCKENTHALIA spiculifolia | Spike Heath |
BUCHLOE dactyloides | Buffalo Grass |
BULBINE frutescens | Bulbine, Burn Jelly Plant |
BULBINE frutescens | Yellow Bulbine, Burn Jelly Plant |
BULBINE frutescens 'Avera Sunrise Yellow' | Stalked Bulbine |
BULBINE frutescens 'Avera Sunset Orange' | Stalked Bulbine |
BULBINELLA angustifolia | Maori Onion |
BULBINELLA gibbsii var. balanifera | Maori Onion |
BULBINELLA hookeri | Maori Onion |
BUPHTHALMUM salicifolium | Willowleaf Ox-Eye |
BUPHTHALMUM salicifolium 'Alpengold' | Willowleaf Ox-Eye |
BUPLEURUM falcatum | Sickle-leaved Hare's Ear, Chinese Thorowax (Chai-Hu) |
BUPLEURUM fruticosum | Shrubby Hare's Ear |
BUPLEURUM ranunculoides | Thorow-wax, Hare's Ear |
BUTOMUS umbellatus | Flowering Rush, Water Gladiolus, Grassy Rush |
CALAMAGROSTIS brachytricha | Diamond Grass, Korean Feather Reed Grass |
CALAMAGROSTIS canadensis | Bluejoint Reedgras |
CALAMAGROSTIS epigejos | Wood Small Reed |
CALAMINTHA grandiflora | Large flowering Calamint |
CALAMINTHA grandiflora | Large lowered Calamint |
CALAMINTHA nepeta | Nepitella, Calamint |
CALAMINTHA nepeta 'Marvelette Blue' | Nepitella, Lesser Calamint |
CALAMINTHA nepeta 'Marvelette White' | Nepitella, Lesser Calamint |
CALAMINTHA nepeta ssp. nepeta 'Blue Cloud Strain' | Calamint |
CALAMINTHA nepeta ssp. nepeta 'White Cloud Strain' | Calamint |
CALANDRINIA umbellata | Rock Purslane |
CALCEOLARIA biflora 'Goldcap' | Slipper Flower, Slipperwort |
CALCEOLARIA fothergillii | Slipper Flower, Slipperwort |
CALCEOLARIA hybrida 'Sunset Red' | Slipper Flower, Slipperwort |
CALENDULA officinalis | Pot Marigold, Scotch Marigold |
CALLA palustris | Water Arum, Wild Calla |
CALLIRHOE bushii | Bush's Poppy Mallow |
CALLIRHOE involucrata | Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups |
CALLIRHOE involucrata var. tenuissima | Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups |
CALLUNA vulgaris | Scots Heather, Ling |
CALOPSIS paniculata | Broom-Restio |
CALTHA leptosepala | Mountain or Elkslip Marsh Marigold |
CALTHA palustris | Kingcup, Marsh Marigold, May-Blob, Meadow Bright, Souci d'eau |
CALTHA palustris var. alba | King Cup, Marsh Marigold |
CALYLOPHUS serrulatus | Shrubby Evening Primrose |
CALYPTRIDIUM umbellatum | Pussy Paws |
CAMASSIA leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii | Quamash, White Camass |
CAMASSIA leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii | Quamash |
CAMASSIA quamash | Quamash |
CAMPANULA alliariifolia | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA alpestris | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA americana | Tall Bellflower |
CAMPANULA aucherii | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA barbata | Bearded Bellflower |
CAMPANULA bellidifolia | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blue Clips' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blue Uniform' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Deep Blue Clips' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Pearl Deep Blue' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Pearl White' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'White Clips' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'White Uniform' | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA carpatica f. alba | Tussock Bellflower |
CAMPANULA cenisia | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia | Dwarf Bellflower, Earleaf Bellflower, Fairy Thimbles |
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue' | Dwarf Bellflower, Fairies' Thimbles |
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria White' | Dwarf Bellflower, Fairies' Thimbles |
CAMPANULA collina | Sage-leaved Bellflower |
CAMPANULA fenestrellata | Adriatic Bellflower |
CAMPANULA garganica | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA glomerata var. acaulis | Clustered Bellflower |
CAMPANULA glomerata var. alba | Clustered Bellflower |
CAMPANULA glomerata var. dahurica | Clustered Bellflower |
CAMPANULA incurva | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA lactiflora | Milky Bellflower |
CAMPANULA lactiflora 'New Hybrids' | Milky Bellflower |
CAMPANULA latifolia var. macrantha | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA latifolia var. macrantha 'Alba' | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA linifolia | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA medium Blue single | Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer |
CAMPANULA medium Rosepink single | Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer |
CAMPANULA medium White single | Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer |
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Blue double' | Double Canterbury Bells |
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Double Mixture' | Double Canterbury Bells |
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Pink double' | Double Canterbury Bells |
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'White double' | Double Canterbury Bells |
CAMPANULA ochroleuca | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Grandiflora Alba' | Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf |
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Grandiflora Coerulea' | Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf |
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' | Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf |
CAMPANULA persicifolia wild form | Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf |
CAMPANULA portenschlagiana | Dalmatian Bellflower |
CAMPANULA poscharskyana | Serbian Bellflower |
CAMPANULA punctata | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA punctata f. rubriflora | Spotted Bellflower |
CAMPANULA pyramidalis | Chimney Bellflower |
CAMPANULA pyramidalis 'Alba' | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA pyramidalis Mixture | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA rapunculoides | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA rapunculus | Rampion |
CAMPANULA rotundifolia | Scottish Bluebells, Harebells |
CAMPANULA sarmatica | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA saxifraga | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA speciosa | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA takesimana | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA takesimana 'Alba' | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA takesimana fl. pl. 'Flore Pleno Mix' | Korean Bellflower |
CAMPANULA thyrsoides | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA tommasiniana | Bellflower |
CAMPANULA trachelium | Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort |
CAMPANULA trachelium 'Flore Pleno Mix' | Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort |
CAMPANULA trachelium var. alba | Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort |
CAMPANULA waldsteiniana | Bellflower |
CANNOMOIS virgata | Bellreed |
CAPPARIS spinosa | Caper |
CAPPARIS spinosa var. inermis | Spineless Caper Plant |
CARDAMINE pratensis | Bittercress, Meadow Cress, Cuckoo Flower |
CARDIOCRINUM giganteum | Giant Lily |
CARDIOSPERMUM halicacabum | Balloon Vine, Heart Pea |
CAREX acuta | Sedge |
CAREX acutiformis | Swamp Sedge |
CAREX albula 'Frosted Curls' | Blonde Sedge |
CAREX appalachica | Appalachian Sedge |
CAREX arenaria | Sand-Sedge |
CAREX aurea | Golden Sedge |
CAREX berggrenii | Sedge |
CAREX buchananii | Leatherleaf Sedge |
CAREX buchananii 'Firefox' | Leatherleaf Sedge |
CAREX buchananii f. viridis 'Green Twist' | Leatherleaf Sedge |
CAREX comans | Sedge |
CAREX comans bronze form | New Zealand Hair Sedge |
CAREX comosa | Bristly Sedge |
CAREX davalliana | Davall's Sedge |
CAREX divulsa | Grassland Sedge, Berkeley Sedge, |
CAREX flacca | Blue-green Sedge |
CAREX flagellifera 'Kiwi' | Weeping Sedge |
CAREX flagellifera bronze form | Sedge |
CAREX flava | Sedge |
CAREX folliculata | Sedge |
CAREX grayi | Morning Star Sedge, Gray's Sedge |
CAREX intumescens | Star-Sedge, Greater Bladder Sedge |
CAREX lurida | Sedge |
CAREX muricata | Rough Sedge, Prickly Sedge |
CAREX muskingumensis | Palm Sedge, Muskrat Sedge |
CAREX paniculata | Greater Tussock Sedge |
CAREX pendula | Great Dropping Sedge |
CAREX petriei | Brown Sedge |
CAREX plantaginea 'Blue Ridge' | Plantain Leaved Sedge, Seersucker Sage |
CAREX pseudocyperus | Sedge |
CAREX remota | Sedge |
CAREX riparia | Great pond-sedge |
CAREX rosea | Rosy Sedge, Curly-styled Wood Sedge |
CAREX secta | Sedge |
CAREX shortiana | Short's Sedge |
CAREX solandri | New Zealand Woodland Sedge |
CAREX sparganioides | Bur-reed Sedge |
CAREX species 'Majken' | Sedge |
CAREX sylvatica | Forest Sedge |
CAREX tenuiculmis | Cinnamon Sedge, Hair Sedge, Red Grass |
CAREX testacea | Orange Tufted Sedge |
CAREX trifida | Sedge |
CARLINA acanthifolia | Carline Thistle |
CARLINA acaulis ssp. caulescens | Silver Thistle or Weather Thistle |
CARLINA acaulis ssp. caulescens 'Bronze' | Bronze Weather Thistle, Stemless Carline Thistle |
CARLINA vulgaris | Common Carline Thistle |
CARLINA vulgaris 'Silver Star' | Weather Thistle, Common Carline Thistle |
CARPESIUM macrocephalum | Collarflower (He Shi) |
CARTHAMUS tinctorius | Dyer’s Saffron (Hong-Hua) |
CARUM carvi | Caraway |
CASSIA didymobotrya | Wild Senna, Popcorn Bush |
CASSIA hebecarpa | Northern Wild Senna |
CASSIA marilandica | Wild Senna, Maryland Senna |
CASTILLEJA integra | Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush, Squawfeather |
CASTILLEJA miniata | Scarlet Paintbrush |
CASTILLEJA rhexifolia | Split Leaf Paintbrush |
CASTILLEJA sulphurea | Painted Cups, Indian Paintbrush, Yellow Paintbrush |
CATANANCHE caerulea | Cupid's Dart |
CATANANCHE caerulea 'Alba' | White Cupid's Dart |
CELMISIA hookeri | New Zealand Daisy |
CELMISIA semicordata | New Zealand Daisy |
CELMISIA sessiliflora | New Zealand Daisy |
CELMISIA spectabilis ssp. magnifica | New Zealand Daisy |
CELMISIA spedenii | New Zealand Daisy |
CELMISIA walkeri | New Zealand Daisy |
CENTAUREA alpestris | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA cineraria hort. | Dusty Miller |
CENTAUREA cyanus 'Blaue Gefüllte' | Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets |
CENTAUREA cyanus 'Double Mixture' | Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets |
CENTAUREA cyanus wild form | Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets |
CENTAUREA dealbata | Persian Cornflower |
CENTAUREA dealbata 'Pink Passion' | Persian Cornflower |
CENTAUREA jacea | Brown Knapweed, Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA macrocephala | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA montana | Perennial Cornflower, Mountain Bluet |
CENTAUREA nigra | Lesser Knapweed |
CENTAUREA orientalis | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA phrygia | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA pulcherrima | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA ruthenica | Star Thristle |
CENTAUREA scabiosa | Greater Knapweed |
CENTAUREA stoebe | Spotted Knapweed |
CENTAUREA triumfettii | Woolly Perennial Cornflower |
CENTAURIUM erythraea | Centaury, Feverworth |
CENTAURIUM erythraea f. album | White Centaury, White Feverwort |
CENTRANTHUS ruber 'Albus' | Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush |
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus | Red Valerian |
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus | Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush |
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus 'Rosenrot' | Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush |
CEPHALARIA alpina | Yellow Cephalaria |
CEPHALARIA gigantea | Giant Pincushion Flower |
CEPHALARIA gigantea | Giant Pincushion Flower, Giant Scabious, Yellow Scabious |
CERASTIUM grandiflorum | Bering Chickweed |
CERASTIUM tomentosum var. columnae 'Silberteppich' | Snow in the Summer |
CERINTHE major 'Purpurascens' | Honeywort, Blue Shrimp Plant |
CHAENORHINUM origanifolium 'Blue Dreams' | Dwarf Snapdragon |
CHAENORHINUM villosum 'Little Dragons' | Dwarf Snapdragon |
CHAEROPHYLLUM hirsutum 'Roseum' | Hairy Chervil |
CHAMAEMELUM nobile | Roman Chamomile |
CHAMOMILLA recutita | German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary |
CHAMOMILLA recutita | German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile |
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Bodegold' | German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary |
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Bodegold' | German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile |
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Zloty Lan' | German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile |
CHASMANTHIUM latifolium | Northern Sea Oats, Spangle Grass, Spike Grass |
CHELIDONIUM majus | Greater Celandine (Bai-Qu-Cai) |
CHELIDONIUM majus 'Flore Pleno' | Greater Celandine (Bai-Qu-Cai) |
CHELONE glabra | Turtlehead, Snakehead |
CHELONE lyonii 'Pink Temptation' | Turtlehead, Shellflower |
CHELONE obliqua | Rose Turtle Head |
CHELONE obliqua var. alba | Turtlehead, Shellflower |
CHENOPODIUM bonus-henricus | Lincolnshire Spinach, Good King Henry |
CHENOPODIUM capitatum | Strawberry Blite |
CHENOPODIUM foliosum | True Strawberry Blite, Common Hound's Tongue |
CHIONOCHLOA conspicua | Snowgrass, Plumed Tussock Gras |
CHIONOCHLOA flavicans | Green Leaved Snow Tussock, Miniature Toe Toe |
CHIONOCHLOA rigida | Snowgrass, Snow Tussock |
CHIONOCHLOA rubra ssp. cuprea | Snowgrass, Red Tussock Grass |
CHONDROPETALUM tectorum | Cape Rush, Cape Thatching Reed |
CHRYSOPOGON gryllus | Gold-Beard Grass |
CICHORIUM intybus var. intybus | Chicory, Succory |
CIMICIFUGA foetida | Foetid Bugbane |
CIMICIFUGA racemosa | Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot |
CIMICIFUGA racemosa var. cordifolia | Snakeroot, Bugbane |
CIMICIFUGA ramosa 'Atropurpurea' | Snakeroot, Bugbane |
CIRSIUM acaule | Plumed Thistle |
CIRSIUM diacanthum | Ivory Thistle |
CIRSIUM echinocephalum | Plumed Thistle |
CIRSIUM japonicum 'Pink Beauty' | Plumed Thistl |
CISTUS incanus ssp. tauricus | Tauric Rock Rose |
CISTUS laurifolius | Rock Rose |
CISTUS monspeliensis | Montpelier Rock Rose |
CLADIUM mariscus | Great Fen Sedge |
CLAYTONIA perfoliata | Winter Purslane, Miner's Lettuce |
CLAYTONIA sibirica | Siberian Purslane |
CLEMATIS alpina | Alpine Clematis |
CLEMATIS integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons' | Old Man's Beard |
CLEMATIS stans | Japanese Clematis |
CLEMATIS tangutica | Golden Clematis, Old Man's Beard |
CLEMATIS texensis | Scarlet Clematis, Crimson Clematis |
CLEMATIS vitalba | Old Man's Beard |
CLEMATIS vitalba | Old Man's Beard, Traveller's Joy |
CLEMATIS viticella | Italian Leather Flower |
CLINOPODIUM vulgare | Cushion Calamint, Wild Basil |
CLINTONIA borealis | Bluebird |
CNICUS benedictus | St. Benedict Thistle, Blessed Thistle |
COCHLEARIA officinalis | Spoonwort, Scurvy Grass |
CODONOPSIS canescens | Bonnet Bellflower |
CODONOPSIS clematidea | Bonnet Bellflower, Asian Bellflower |
CODONOPSIS ovata | Bonnet Bellflower |
CODONOPSIS pilosula | Poor Man's Ginseng, Tang Shen (Dong-Sen) |
CODONOPSIS pilosula | Tang Shen (Dong-Sen),Poor Man's Ginseng |
COLCHICUM autumnale | Autumn Crocus |
COMMELINA coelestis | Widow's Tears, Day Flower |
COMMELINA dianthifolia | Widow's Tears, Day Flower |
COREOPSIS auriculata f. nana 'Elfin Gold' | Maysville Daisy |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Heliot®' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Presto' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Schnittgold' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Sonnenkind' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Sunfire' | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS lanceolata 'Sterntaler' | Tickseed, Lance-leaved Coreopsis |
COREOPSIS major | Greater Tickseed, Wood Tickseed |
COREOPSIS palmata | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS pubescens 'Sunshine Superman' | Star Tickseed |
COREOPSIS rosea | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS tripteris | Tickseed |
COREOPSIS verticillata | Whorled Tickseed, Thread-leaved Tickseed, Pot-of-Gold |
CORIANDRUM sativum | Coriander |
CORIANDRUM sativum | Coriander, Cilantro |
CORIANDRUM sativum 'Typ Dwarf Lemon' | Lemon Coriander |
CORIANDRUM sativum 'Typ Slow Bolt' | Foliage Coriander |
CORNUS canadensis | Bunchberry Dogwood |
CORTADERIA fulvida | Pampas Grass, Kakaho |
CORTADERIA richardii | Pampas Grass, Toe-Toe |
CORTADERIA selloana | Pampas Grass |
CORTADERIA selloana 'Rosea' | Pampas Grass |
CORYDALIS acaulis | Creamy white Fumewort |
CORYDALIS lutea | Yellow Corydalis |
CORYDALIS sempervirens 'Alba' | white with yellow |
CORYNEPHORUS canescens | Silver Grass |
COSMOS atrosanguineus 'Black Magic' | Chocolate Cosmos |
COTULA coronopifolia | Brass Buttons |
CRAMBE cordifolia | Colewort, Giant Kale and Greater Sea Kale |
CRAMBE maritima | Sea Kale |
CRAMBE tatarica | Tatarian Sea Kale |
CRASPEDIA lanata | Billy Buttons |
CREPIS pyrenaica | Hawk's Beard |
CRITHMUM maritimum | Sea Samphire, Sea Fennel |
CROCOSMIA Paniculata-Hybr. 'Orangerot' | Montbretia |
CROCUS tommasinianus | Woodland Crocus, Early Crocus |
CRYPTOTAENIA japonica f. atropurpurea | Purple-leaved Japanese Parsley |
CRYPTOTAENIA japonica f. viridis | Japanese Parsley |
CUCUBALUS baccifer | Berry Catchfly |
CUMINUM cyminum | Cumin |
CYCLAMEN cilicium | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum 'Album' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum 'Pattern Leaf Forms' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum 'Silver Leaf White' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum f. albissimum | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum ssp. caucasicum | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN coum x hederifolium x cilicium x purpurascens Hardy Species Mix | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium | Ivy Leaf or Neapolitan Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Perlenteppich' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Rosenteppich' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Silver Leaf Pink' | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Silver Leaf White' | Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. albiflorum | Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. rubriflorum | Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet |
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. sagittifolium | Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet |
CYCLAMEN libanoticum | Lebanon-Cylamen |
CYCLAMEN persicum var. persicum | Wild Persian Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN pseudibericum | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN purpurascens | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYCLAMEN repandum | Hardy Cyclamen |
CYMBALARIA muralis | Ivy Leafed Toadflax, Pennywort, Kenilsworth Ivy |
CYMBALARIA pallida 'Albiflora' | Italian Toadflax |
CYMBOPOGON flexuosus | East Indian Lemongrass |
CYNARA cardunculus f. scolymus Green Globe Typ | Vegetable Globe Artichoke |
CYNARA cardunculus ssp. flavescens | Cardoon |
CYNARA cardunculus ssp. flavescens | Cardoon, Artichoke |
CYNOGLOSSUM amabile | Chinese Forget-me-not |
CYNOGLOSSUM creticum | Cretan Blue Hound's Tongue |
CYNOGLOSSUM officinale | Dog's Tongue |
CYNOGLOSSUM officinale | Dog’s Tongue |
CYPERUS glaber | Papyrus |
CYPERUS papyrus | Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Reed, Nile Grass |
DALEA candidum | Prairie Clover |
DALEA purpureum | Prairie Clover |
DALEA purpureum 'Stephanie' | Prairie Clover |
DAPHNE mezereum | Daphne |
DAPHNE mezereum f. album | Daphne |
DARLINGTONIA californica | Cobra Lily |
DATISCA cannabina | False Hemp, Bastard Hemp |
DAUCUS carota ssp. carota | Wild Carrot, Queen Anne‘s Lace |
DEINANTHE bifida | Split-Leaf Deinanthe |
DELOSPERMA congestum | Congested Iceplant |
DELOSPERMA congestum f. album 'White Nugget' | Creamy White Iceplant |
DELOSPERMA cooperi | Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA dyeri | Dyer's Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA floribundum 'Album' | White Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA floribundum Starburst® | Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA hybridus Mixture | Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA sutherlandii | Hardy Ice Plant |
DELOSPERMA sutherlandii 'Peach Star' | Hardy Ice Plant |
DELPHINIUM barbeyi | Subalpine Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Bellamosum' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Casa Blanca' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Cliveden Beauty' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Connecticut Yankee' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM elatum | Candle Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM elatum 'New Zealand Hybrids Mix' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Black Eyed Angels' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Blue Buccaneers' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Blue Lace' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Cobalt Dreams' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Double Innocence' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Double Stars' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Dusky Maidens' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Green Twist' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Innocence' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Morning Lights' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pagan Purples' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Blush' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Princess' | Candle Larkspur, Common Bee Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Punch' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Purple Passion' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Royal Aspirations' | Candle Larkspur, Common Bee Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Sunny Skies' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Super Stars' formula mixture | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Sweethearts' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM exaltatum | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Blauer Zwerg' | Tiny Blue Delphinium |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Blues' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Cloud' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Colors' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Morning' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Nights' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Stars' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Blue Butterfly' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Light Blue Butterfly' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Rose Butterfly' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'White Butterfly' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM maackianum | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM nudicaule 'Fox' | Red Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM nudicaule 'Laurin' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Astolat Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Black Knight Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Blue Bird Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Blue Jay Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Galahad Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Guinevere Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'King Arthur Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Cherry blossom', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Dark blue', dark bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Dark blue', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Lavender', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Lilac-rose', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Mid blue', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Mixture' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Pure white' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Sky blue', white bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains White', dark bee | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Percival Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Premium Formula Mixture' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Summer Skies Premium' | Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM requienii | Requin's Larkspur |
DELPHINIUM semibarbatum | Larkspur |
DESCHAMPSIA cespitosa | Hair Grass |
DESCHAMPSIA cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain' | Tufted Hair Grass |
DESCHAMPSIA flexuosa | Crinkled Hair Grass |
DESMODIUM canadense | Tick Trefoil, Beggarweed |
DESMOSCHOENUS spiralis | Crinkled Hair Grass |
DIANTHUS Allwoodii-Hybr. | Allwoods Pink |
DIANTHUS alpinus | Alpine Pink |
DIANTHUS amurensis | Amur River Pink |
DIANTHUS arenarius | Sand Pink |
DIANTHUS arenarius f. nanus 'Little Maiden' | Sand Pink |
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Indianerteppich' | Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Nigrescens' | Black Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Oeschberg' | Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus Mixture | Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus fl. pl. 'Super Duplex Mix' | Double flowered Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus fl. pl. Nanus | Double flowered Sweet William |
DIANTHUS barbatus nanus 'Midget' | Dwarf Sweet William |
DIANTHUS carthusianorum | Clusterhead Pink |
DIANTHUS carthusianorum 'Rupert's Pink' | Dwarf Clusterhead Pink |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus 'Vienna Mixture' | Garden Carnation |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Mixture' | Garden Carnation |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Pink' | Garden Carnation |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Red' | Carnation |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin White' | Garden Carnation |
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Yellow' | Garden Carnation |
DIANTHUS cruentus | Blood Carnation |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Albus' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Arctic Fire' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Brilliant' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Erectus' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Flashing Light' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Roseus' | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS deltoides Maiden Pink, wild form | Maiden Pink |
DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Grandiflorus' | Cheddar Pink |
DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Rosafeder' | Cheddar Pink |
DIANTHUS knappii | Sulphur Pink |
DIANTHUS microlepis | Pink |
DIANTHUS nardiformis | Dobrogea Carnation |
DIANTHUS nitidus | Carpathian Glossy Pink |
DIANTHUS pavonius | Pink |
DIANTHUS petraeus | Pink |
DIANTHUS petraeus ssp. noeanus | Fragrant Snowflake Garden Pink |
DIANTHUS pinifolius | Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius Mixture | Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius Nanus 'Sweetness' | Cottage Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Albus' | Cottage Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Roseus' | Cottage Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Springcharme' | Cottage Pink |
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. Nanus 'Pink Tones' | Cottage Pinks, Grass Pinks |
DIANTHUS pontederae | Pink |
DIANTHUS spiculifolius | Pink |
DIANTHUS strictus var. bebius | Pink |
DIANTHUS subacaulis | Cheddar Pink, Border Pink |
DIANTHUS superbus | Fringed Pink |
DIANTHUS superbus 'Primadonna' | Pink |
DIANTHUS sylvestris | Sylvan Pink |
DIASCIA barbarae 'Pink Queen' | Twinspur |
DICENTRA cucullaria | Dutchman's Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches |
DICENTRA eximia | Fringed Bleeding Heart, Stagger Weed, Turkey Corn |
DICENTRA formosa | Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches |
DICENTRA scandens | Climbing Bleeding Heart |
DICENTRA spectabilis | Bleeding Heart, Lady-in-a-Bath, Lady's Locket, Venus' Car |
DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' | Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches |
DICHELACHNE crinita | Longhair Plume Grass |
DICHELOSTEMMA pulchellum | Wild Hyacinth |
DICTAMNUS albus var. albiflorus | Burning Bush, Gas Plant |
DICTAMNUS albus var. purpureus | Burning Bush, Gas Plant, Diptam (Bai-Xian-Pi) |
DICTAMNUS albus var. purpureus | Burning Bush, Gas Plant, Dittany, Diptam (Bai-Xian-Pi) |
DIERAMA igneum | Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell |
DIERAMA pulcherrimum | Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell |
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Album' | Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell |
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Dark Cerise' | Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell |
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Slieve Donard Hybr.' | Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell |
DIGITALIS ferruginea 'Gigantea Gelber Herold' | Rusty Foxglove |
DIGITALIS ferruginea 'Gigantea' | Rusty Foxglove |
DIGITALIS grandiflora | Large Yellow Foxglove |
DIGITALIS grandiflora 'Carillon' | Dwarf Yellow Foxglove |
DIGITALIS laevigata | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS lanata | Woolly Foxglove |
DIGITALIS lanata | Woolly Foxglove, Grecian Foxglove |
DIGITALIS lutea | Straw Foxglove |
DIGITALIS obscura Sunset® | Sunset Foxglove, Willow Leaf Foxglove |
DIGITALIS parviflora | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea | Common Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea | Red Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Apricot' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Berggold' | Red Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Cream' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Lavender' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Mix' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Rose' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot White' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Excelsior' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Foxy' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Gloxiniaeflora' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa Mix' | Monster-Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa Purple' | Monster-Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa White' | Monster-Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Pam's Choice' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Snow Thimble' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea f. albiflora | Common Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Apricot' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Cream' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Dark Pink' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Dark Red' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Pink' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee White' | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS purpurea ssp. heywoodii | Common Foxglove |
DIGITALIS thapsi Spanish Peaks® | Pink Foxglove |
DIGITALIS trojana | Foxglove |
DIGITALIS x mertonensis | Foxglove |
DIONYSIA involucrata f. alba | Dionysia |
DIONYSIA teucrioides | Dionysia |
DIPLOTAXIS tenuifolia | Italian Wild Arugula, Sylvetta |
DIPSACUS laciniatus | Cut Leaved Teasel |
DIPSACUS sativus | Card's Thistle, Fuller's Teasel |
DIPSACUS sylvestris | Common Teasel |
DODECATHEON clevelandii | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON meadia | Shooting Star, American Cowslip |
DODECATHEON meadia 'Goliath' | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON meadia 'Red Colors' | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON meadia Deluxe Mixture | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON meadia f. album | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON pulchellum | Shooting Star |
DODECATHEON tetrandrum 'Rotlicht' | Sierra Shooting Star |
DORONICUM austriacum | Leopard's Bane |
DORONICUM orientale 'Finesse' | Leopard's Bane |
DORONICUM orientale 'Little Leo' | Leopard's Bane |
DORONICUM orientale 'Magnificum' | Leopard's Bane |
DORONICUM pardalianches | Great Leopard's Bane |
DOROTHEANTHUS bellidiformis | Livingstone Daisy |
DORYCNIUM hirsutum | Owl Clover, Hairy Canary Clover |
DRABA aizoides | Yellow Whitlow Grass |
DRABA bruniifolia ssp. olympica | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA cretica | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA fladnizensis | Austrian Draba |
DRABA lasiocarpa | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA loiseleurii | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA oligosperma | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA ramosissima | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA rosularis | Whitlow Grass |
DRABA sakuraii | Whitlow Grass |
DRACOCEPHALUM argunense 'Fuji Blue' | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM argunense 'Fuji White' | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM austriacum | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM botryoides | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM moldavica | Moldavian Dragonhead, Moldavian Balm |
DRACOCEPHALUM nutans | Nodding Dragonshead |
DRACOCEPHALUM peregrinum 'Blue Dragon' | Blue Dragon Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM renati | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM rupestre | Dragonhead |
DRACOCEPHALUM ruyschiana | Indigo Blue Dragonhead |
DROSERA rotundifolia | Sundew |
DRYAS drummondii | Mountain Avens |
DRYAS octopetala | Mountain Avens |
DUCHESNEA indica | Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry |
ECHINACEA angustifolia | Coneflower |
ECHINACEA angustifolia | Narrow Coneflower |
ECHINACEA pallida | Pale Coneflower |
ECHINACEA pallida 'Hula Dancer' | Pale Coneflower |
ECHINACEA paradoxa var. paradoxa | Yellow Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea | Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Alba' | White Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Doubledecker' | Doubledecker Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Green Twister' | Green Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Happy Star' | Happy Star Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Lustre Hybr.' | Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus Superior' | Magnus Superior Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus' | Magnus' Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus' | Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Prairie Splendor' | Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Primadonna Deep Pink' | Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Primadonna White' | Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Rubinstern' | Ruby Star Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Verbesserte Leuchtstern' | Purple Coneflower |
ECHINACEA Purpurea-Hybr. 'Cheyenne Spirit' | Coneflower |
ECHINACEA simulata | Coneflower |
ECHINACEA tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' | Globe Thistle |
ECHINACEA tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' | Tennessee Coneflower |
ECHINOPS bannaticus 'Blue Glow' | Globe Thistle |
ECHINOPS bannaticus 'Star Frost' | White Globe Thistle |
ECHINOPS niveus 'Arctic Glow' | Globe Thistle |
ECHINOPS ritro | Globe Thistle |
ECHINOPS ritro ssp. ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue' | Globe Thistle |
ECHIUM russicum | Russian Bugloss |
ECHIUM russicum | Viper's Bugloss |
ECHIUM russicum f. nanum 'Red Feathers' | Globe Thistle |
ECHIUM vulgare | Viper's Bugloss |
EDRAIANTHUS graminifolius | Grassy Bells |
EDRAIANTHUS graminifolius 'Albus' | Grassy Bells |
EDRAIANTHUS pumilio | Grassy Bells |
EDRAIANTHUS serpyllifolius | Rock Bells |
EDRAIANTHUS tenuifolius | Grassy Bells |
ELEGIA capensis | Broom-Reed, Horsetail-Restio |
ELEGIA cuspidata | Golden Curls |
ELEGIA elephantina | Large Cape Rush |
ELEOCHARIS palustris | Common Spike Rush |
ELSHOLTZIA stauntonii | Mint Shrub |
ELYMUS arenarius | Wild Rye, Lyme Grass |
ELYMUS canadensis 'Icy Blue' | Canadian Wild Rye |
EMPETRUM nigrum | Crowberry |
ENGELMANNIA peristenia | Engelman's Daisy |
EPHEDRA distachya ssp. distachya | Sea Grape |
EPHEDRA distachya ssp. helvetica | Swiss Ephedra |
EPHEDRA monosperma | Russian Joint-Fir |
EPILOBIUM angustifolium | Rosebay Willowherb |
EPILOBIUM angustifolium 'Album' | White Rosebay Willowherb, White Fireweed |
EPILOBIUM dodonaei | Winterling |
EPILOBIUM fleischeri | Alpine Willowherb |
EPILOBIUM hirsutum | Fireweed, Codlins and Cream |
ERAGROSTIS curvula | Weeping Love Grass |
ERAGROSTIS elliottii | Elliott's Love Grass, Blue Love Grass |
ERAGROSTIS spectabilis | Purple Love Grass |
ERAGROSTIS trichodes | Love Grass |
ERANTHIS hyemalis | Winter Aconite |
EREMURUS aitchisonii | Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle |
EREMURUS robustus | Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle |
EREMURUS x isabellinus 'Erfo-Hybrids' | Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle |
ERIANTHUS contortus | Bend Feather Grass |
ERIANTHUS ravennae | Plume Grass |
ERIGERON aurantiacus | Orange Daisy |
ERIGERON compositus | Fleabane |
ERIGERON glaucus | Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster |
ERIGERON glaucus 'Albus' | Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster |
ERIGERON glaucus 'Beachboy Blue' | Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster |
ERIGERON glaucus 'Beachboy White' | Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster |
ERIGERON karvinskianus 'Blütenmeer' | Mexican Daisy, Mexican Fleabane |
ERIGERON linearis | Fleabane |
ERIGERON speciosus 'Azurfee' | Fleabane |
ERIGERON speciosus 'Grandiflorus' | Fleabane |
ERIGERON speciosus 'Rosa Juwel' | Fleabane |
ERINUS alpinus | Alpine Balsam |
ERINUS alpinus 'Doctor Hähnle' | Alpine Balsam |
ERINUS alpinus var. albus | Alpine Balsam |
ERIOGONUM allenii 'Little Rascal' | Shale Barrens Buckwheat |
ERIOGONUM fasciculatum | California Buckwheat |
ERIOGONUM umbellatum | Sulphur Flower |
ERIOPHORUM angustifolium | Cotton Grass |
ERIOPHORUM vaginatum | Cotton Grass |
ERIOPHYLLUM lanatum | Woolly Sunflower |
ERITRICHIUM Canum-Hybr. 'Baby Blues' | Alpine Forget-me-not |
ERODIUM manescavii | Heron's Bill |
ERUCA vesicaria ssp. sativa | Italian Cress, Rocket Salad, Arugula, Roquette |
ERYNGIUM agavifolium | Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM alpinum 'Blue Star®' | Alpine Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM alpinum 'Superbum' | Alpine Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM leavenworthii | Leavenworth Eryngo, False Purple Thistle |
ERYNGIUM maritimum | Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM planum 'Blaukappe' | Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM variifolium | Atlas Mountains Sea Holly |
ERYNGIUM yuccifolium | Rattlesnake Master |
ERYSIMUM allionii | Blister Cress, Wallflower |
ERYSIMUM helveticum | Swiss Wallflower, Blister Cress |
ERYSIMUM hybridum 'Canaries' | Blister Cress, Wallflower |
ERYTHRONIUM dens-canis | Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily |
ERYTHRONIUM grandiflorum | Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily, Dogtooth Fawn Lily |
ERYTHRONIUM montanum | Avalanche Lily |
ERYTHRONIUM oregonum | Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily |
ERYTHRONIUM revolutum | Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily |
ESCHSCHOLZIA californica | California Poppy |
ESCHSCHOLZIA californica mixed colours | California Poppy |
EUPATORIUM aromaticum | Lesser Snakeroot |
EUPATORIUM cannabinum | Hemp Agrimony |
EUPATORIUM coelestinum | Hemp Agrimony |
EUPATORIUM perfoliatum | Boneset, Thoroughwort |
EUPATORIUM purpureum | Trumpetweed, Joe-Pye Weed |
EUPATORIUM purpureum var. angustifolium f. albidum 'Ivory Towers' | Joe Pye, Queen of the Meadow |
EUPATORIUM purpureum var. atropurpureum | Queen of the Meadow, Joe Pye Weed |
EUPHORBIA amygdaloides 'Purpurea' | Purple Wood Spurge |
EUPHORBIA characias ssp. wulfenii | Mediterranean Euphorbia |
EUPHORBIA corallioides | Coral-Spurge |
EUPHORBIA corollata | Wild Spurge |
EUPHORBIA cyparissias | Cypress Spurge |
EUPHORBIA epithymoides | Cushion Spurge |
EUPHORBIA griffithii | Griffith's Spurge |
EUPHORBIA lathyris | Caper Spurge, Gopher Plant, Mole Plant |
EUPHORBIA mellifera | Spurge |
EUPHORBIA myrsinites | Myrtle Spurge |
EUPHORBIA palustris | Swamp Spurge |
EUPHORBIA seguieriana | Siberian Spurge |
EUPHORBIA stygiana | Azores Spurge |
FERULA communis | Giant Fennel |
FESTUCA amethystina | Tufted Fescue |
FESTUCA gautieri | Bear Skin Fescue |
FESTUCA glauca 'Blue Select' | Blue Fescue |
FESTUCA mairei | Atlas-Fescue |
FESTUCA ovina | Sheep Fescue |
FESTUCA punctoria | Prickly Fescue |
FESTUCA valesiaca var. glaucantha | Glaucous Wallis Fescue |
FILIPENDULA rubra | Queen of the Prairie |
FILIPENDULA ulmaria | Meadowsweet, Queen of the Meadow |
FILIPENDULA vulgaris | Dropwort |
FOENICULUM vulgare | Fennel (Hui-Xiang) |
FOENICULUM vulgare 'Purpureum' | Bronze Fennel, Bronze Leaved Fennel |
FOENICULUM vulgare 'Purpureum' | Bronze Leaved Fennel |
FRAGARIA moschata | Musk Strawberry, Haute Bois |
FRAGARIA vesca | Woodland Strawberry |
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alexandria' | Alpine Strawberry |
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alexandria' | Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois |
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alpine Yellow' | Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois |
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Golden Alexandria' | Golden Leaved Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois |
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Improved Rügen' | Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois |
FRAGARIA vesca var. vesca | Woodland Strawberry |
FRAGARIA virginiana | Virginia Strawberry, Scarlet Strawberry |
FRANCOA sonchifolia | Bridal Wreath |
FRASERA speciosa | Monument Plant, Green Gentian |
FRITILLARIA collina | Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA lanceolata | Rice-Grain Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA meleagris | Checkered Lily, Snakes Head Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA pallidiflora | Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA persica | Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA pontica | Fritillary |
FRITILLARIA pudica | Yellow Fritillary |
FUCHSIA magellanica | Fuchsia |
FUCHSIA procumbens | Creeping Fuchsia |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Amber Wheels' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Apricot' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Red Shades' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Sun' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Bremen' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Burgunder' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Fire Wheels' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Kobold' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Maxima Aurea' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Bright Bicolor' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Peach' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Red' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Yellow' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Monarch Mix' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Tokajer' | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA aristata wild form | Blanket Flower |
GAILLARDIA pinnatifida | Red Dome Blanketflower |
GALANTHUS nivalis | Snowdrop |
GALANTHUS plicatus | Pleated Snowdrop |
GALEGA officinalis | Goat's Rue |
GALEGA officinalis 'Alba' | Goat's Rue |
GALIUM album | White Bedstraw |
GALIUM odoratum | Sweet Woodruff |
GALIUM verum | Lady's Bedstraw |
GALTONIA candicans | Summer Hyacinth |
GAULTHERIA depressa | Mountain Snowberry |
GAULTHERIA miqueliana | Miquel's Spicy Wintergreen |
GAULTHERIA procumbens | Wintergreen, Checkerberry, Teaberry |
GAULTHERIA procumbens 'Redwood'(TM) | Wintergreen, Checkerberry, Teaberry |
GAULTHERIA shallon | Salal, Shallon |
GAURA lindheimeri | Beeblossom, Wandflower |
GAURA lindheimeri 'Cool Breeze' | Beeblossom, Wandflower |
GAURA lindheimeri 'Emmeline Pink Bouquet' | Beeblossom |
GAURA lindheimeri 'Sparkle White' | Beeblossom, Wandflower |
GAURA lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze' | Beeblossom, Wandflower |
GAZANIA linearis Colorado Gold® | Treasure Flower |
GENISTA sagittalis | Broom |
GENISTA tinctoria | Dyer's Broom |
GENTIANA acaulis | Gentian |
GENTIANA acaulis | Stemless Gentian, Trumpet Gentian |
GENTIANA algida | Whitish Gentian |
GENTIANA andrewsii | Closed Gentian, Bottle Gentian |
GENTIANA angustifolia | Gentian |
GENTIANA angustifolia 'Frei-Hybr.' | Gentian |
GENTIANA asclepiadea | Willow Gentian |
GENTIANA asclepiadea 'Pink Swallow' | Pink Willow Gentian |
GENTIANA asclepiadea var. alba | White Willow Gentian |
GENTIANA bavarica | Bavarian Gentian |
GENTIANA clusii | Gentian |
GENTIANA cruciata | Cross Gentian, Star Gentian |
GENTIANA cruciata 'Blue Cross' | Blue Cross Gentian |
GENTIANA dahurica | Xiaoquinjiao |
GENTIANA dinarica | Trumpet Gentian |
GENTIANA divisa | Gentian |
GENTIANA flavida | Cream Gentian |
GENTIANA gracilipes | Gentian |
GENTIANA lutea | Yellow Gentian, Bitterwort |
GENTIANA Makinoi-Hybr. 'Royal Blue' | Gentian |
GENTIANA oschtenica | Gentian |
GENTIANA pannonica | Hungarian Gentian |
GENTIANA Paradoxa-Hybr. 'Blue Herald' | Blue Herald Gentian |
GENTIANA Paradoxa-Hybr. 'Blue Herald' | Gentian |
GENTIANA pneumonanthe | Gentian |
GENTIANA pneumonanthe forma alba | White Marsh Gentian |
GENTIANA punctata | Spotted Gentian |
GENTIANA purpurea | Purple Gentian |
GENTIANA saxosa | Gentian |
GENTIANA septemfida var. lagodechiana | Summer Gentian |
GENTIANA septemfida var. lagodechiana 'Select' | Summer Gentian, Everyman's Gentian |
GENTIANA sino-ornata 'Blauer Diamant' | Autumn Gentian |
GENTIANA straminea | Gentian |
GENTIANA tibetica | Gentian |
GENTIANA triflora var. japonica | Gentian |
GENTIANA verna | Spring Gentian |
GENTIANA verna ssp. tergestina | Spring Gentian |
GENTIANA verna var. angulosa | Spring Gentian |
GENTIANA verna var. angulosa 'Alba' | Spring Gentian |
GERANIUM aristatum | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM asphodeloides | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM bohemicum | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM endressii | French Cranesbill |
GERANIUM ibericum | Iberian Cranesbill |
GERANIUM macrorrhizum 'White Ness' | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM macrorrhizum wild form | Big Root Cranesbill |
GERANIUM maculatum | Spotted Geranium, Wood Geranium, Wild Geranium |
GERANIUM maderense 'Guernsey White' | Madeira Cranesbill |
GERANIUM nodosum | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM palustre | Marsh Cranesbill |
GERANIUM phaeum | Dusky Cranesbill |
GERANIUM phaeum f. albiflorum | White Dusky Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense | Marsh Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense 'Dark Reiter' | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense 'Painter's Palette' | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense 'Rose Queen' | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense 'Striatum' | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM pratense f. albiflorum | Meadow Cranesbill |
GERANIUM psilostemon | Aremnian Cranesbill |
GERANIUM robertianum | Herb Robert |
GERANIUM sanguineum | Bloody Cranesbill |
GERANIUM sanguineum f. nanum | Dwarf Bloody Cranesbill |
GERANIUM sanguineum var. striatum | Bloody Cranesbill |
GERANIUM sessiliflorum f. nigricans | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM sylvaticum | Wood Cranesbill |
GERANIUM wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety' | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM yesoense var. nipponicum | Cranesbill |
GERANIUM yoshinoi | Cranesbill |
GEUM chiloense 'Blazing Sunset' | Avens |
GEUM chiloense 'Feuerball' | Avens |
GEUM chiloense 'Goldball' | Avens |
GEUM coccineum 'Koi' | Avens |
GEUM coccineum 'Koi' | Dwarf Orange Avens |
GEUM coccineum Borisii-Strain | Avens |
GEUM coccineum Borisii-Strain | Dwarf Orange Avens |
GEUM montanum | Alpine Avens |
GEUM rivale | Water Avens, Cure All and Indian Chocolate |
GEUM triflorum | Purple Avens, Old Man's Whiskers, Prairie Smoke |
GEUM urbanum | Common Avens, Herb Bennet, Cloverroot, Wood Avens |
GEUM urbanum | Wood Avens, St. Benedict's Herb |
GILLENIA stipulata | American Ipecacuanna, Indian Physic |
GILLENIA trifoliata | American Ipecacuanna, Bowman's Root, Mountain Indian Physic |
GINGIDIA montana | Mountain Carrot, Maori Aniseed |
GLADIOLUS communis | Sword Lily, Gladioli, Cornflag |
GLADIOLUS illyricus | Dwarf Gladiolus |
GLADIOLUS palustris | Marsh Gladiolus |
GLAUCIDIUM palmatum | Horned Poppy |
GLAUCIDIUM palmatum var. leucanthum | Horned Poppy |
GLAUCIUM flavum | Yellow Horned Poppy |
GLAUCIUM flavum var. aurantiacum | Horned Poppy |
GLECHOMA | Ground Ivy, Alehoof |
GLECHOMA hederacea | Ground Ivy, Alehoof |
GLOBULARIA cordifolia | Globe Daisy |
GLOBULARIA nudicaulis | Globe Daisy |
GLOBULARIA punctata | Globe Daisy |
GLOBULARIA trichosantha | Globe Daisy |
GLYCERIA maxima | Manna Grass, Sweet Grass |
GLYCYRRHIZA echinata | Roman Liquorice |
GLYCYRRHIZA glabra | Spanish Liquorice, Sweetwood |
GLYCYRRHIZA uralensis | Chinese Liquorice (Gan-Cao) |
GLYCYRRHIZA yunnanensis | Yunnan Liquorice |
GONIOLIMON collinum 'Sea Spray' | Sea Lavenders Statice |
GONIOLIMON speciosum | Statice |
GONIOLIMON tataricum | German Statice |
GRATIOLA officinalis | Hedge Hyssop |
GRINDELIA robusta | Gumplant, Gumweed |
GUNNERA manicata | Giant Rhubarb |
GUNNERA prorepens | Giant Rhubarb |
GYPSOPHILA cerastioides | Mouse Ear Gypsophila |
GYPSOPHILA pacifica | Pink Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA paniculata | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA paniculata fl. pl. 'Schneeflocke' | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA petraea | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA repens | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Filou Rose' | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Filou White' | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Rosea' | Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant |
HALORAGIS erecta f. purpurea 'Wellington Bronze' | Raspwort, Toatoa |
HARPOCHLOA falx | Caterpillar Grass |
HEBE raoulii | Hebe |
HEDYSARUM hedysaroides | Alpine French Honeysuckle |
HEDYSARUM tauricum | Sweet Vetch |
HELENIUM autumnale 'Helena Gold' | Autumn Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM autumnale 'Helena Red Shades' | Autumn Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM autumnale 'Rotgold-Hybr.' | Autumn Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM autumnale wild form | Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM bigelovii 'Tip Top' | Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM flexuosum | Purple-headed Sneezeweed |
HELENIUM hoopesii | Orange Sneezewed, Owl's Claws |
HELIANTHELLA quinquenervis | Aspen Sunflower, Little Sunflower |
HELIANTHEMUM apenninum | White Rock Rose |
HELIANTHEMUM croceum | Rock Rose |
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium | Common Rock Rose |
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium f. mutabile | Rock Rose |
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium ssp. grandiflorum | Common Rock Rose |
HELIANTHUS maximiliani | Maximilian Sunflower |
HELIANTHUS Microcephalus-Hybr. 'Lemon Queen Strain' | Small-Headed Sunflower |
HELIANTHUS mollis | Downy Sunflower |
HELICHRYSUM arenarium | Yellow Everlasting Daisy |
HELICHRYSUM italicum | Italian Everlasting, Curry Plant |
HELICHRYSUM plicatum | Everlasting Flower |
HELICHRYSUM thianschanicum | Everlasting Flower |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Bleeding Hearts' | Ox-Eye |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Burning Hearts' | Ox-Eye |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'New Hybrids' | Ox-Eye |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Prima Ballerina' | Ox-Eye |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Sommersonne' | Ox-Eye, Sunflower Heliopsis |
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Summer Nights' | Ox-Eye, False Sunflower |
HELLEBORUS argutifolius | Corsican Hellebore |
HELLEBORUS argutifolius 'Pacific Frost' | Corsican Hellebore |
HELLEBORUS foetidus | Hellebore |
HELLEBORUS niger | White Christmas Rose |
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr. 'Double Ladies Mixed' | Lenten Rose |
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr. Newest Hybrids | Lenten Rose |
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr.- Mixture | Lenten Rose |
HELLEBORUS purpurascens | Hellebore |
HELONIAS bullata | Swamp Pink |
HEMEROCALLIS minor | Day Lily |
HERACLEUM sphondylium 'Pink Cloud' | Pink Masterworth, Cow Parsnip |
HERNIARIA glabra | Burstwort, Rupture Wort |
HESPERALOE parviflora | Red Yucca |
HESPERANTHA coccinea | Kaffir Lily, Scarlet River Lily |
HESPERIS matronalis | Sweet Rocket, Dame's Rocket |
HESPERIS matronalis var. albiflora | Sweet Rocket, Dame's Rocket |
HEUCHERA (H.americana x villosa x H.micrantha) Newest Hybr. | Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA americana | American Alum Root, Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA americana 'Dale's Strain' | Dale's Alum Root |
HEUCHERA americana 'Melting Fire' | American Alum Root, Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA americana 'Palace Purple Select' | American Alum Root, Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA cylindrica | Round Leaf Alum Root, Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA maxima | Island Alum Root |
HEUCHERA micrantha | Crevice Alum Root |
HEUCHERA pulchella | Sandia Mountain Alum Root |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Bressingham Hybrids' | Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Leuchtkäfer' | Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'White Cloud' | Coral Bells |
HEUCHERA villosa var. macrorrhiza | Hairy Alum Root |
HIBISCUS coccineus | Scarlet Rosemallow, Texas Star Hibiscus |
HIBISCUS coccineus f. albiflorus | White Scarlet Rose Mallow |
HIBISCUS moscheutos | Swamp Rose Mallow, Common Rose Mallow |
HIBISCUS Moscheutos-Hybr. 'Disco Belle Mixed' | Rose Mallow |
HIBISCUS Moscheutos-Hybr. 'Galaxy' | Swamp Rose Mallow |
HIERACIUM aurantiacum | Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Fox and Cubs |
HIERACIUM lanatum | Hawkweed |
HIERACIUM maculatum 'Leopard' | Spotted Hawkweed |
HIERACIUM niveum | Hawkweed |
HIERACIUM pilosella | Hawkweed |
HIERACIUM villosum | Hawkweed |
HIEROCHLOE odorata | Vanilla Grass, Sweetgrass, Holy Grass |
HIPPOCREPIS comosa | Horseshoe Vetch |
HORMINUM pyrenaicum | Pyrenean Dead-Nettle |
HORMINUM pyrenaicum 'Rubrum' | Pyrenean Dead-Nettle |
HORMINUM pyrenaicum f. alboviolaceum | Pyrenean Dead-Nettle |
HOSTA (H.elata x H.fortunei x H.sieboldiana) New Hybrids | Plantain Lily |
HOSTA nigrescens | Plantain Lily |
HOSTA ventricosa | Plantain Lily |
HOUTTUYNIA cordata | Fishwort |
HUMULUS lupulus | Common Hops |
HYACINTHOIDES non-scripta | British Bluebell |
HYMENOXYS grandiflora | Old Man of the Mountain |
HYOSCYAMUS niger | Black Henbane |
HYOSCYAMUS niger | Common Henbane |
HYOSCYAMUS niger var. pallidus | Black Henbane |
HYPERICUM androsaemum | Tutsan |
HYPERICUM ascyron | Great St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM calycinum | St. John's Wort, Aaron's Beard |
HYPERICUM cerastioides | Trailing St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM hircinum | Lemon St.John's Wort |
HYPERICUM olympicum 'Grandiflorum' | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM olympicum 'Moonlight' | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM patulum | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM perforatum | Common St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM perforatum 'Topaz' | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM prolificum | Shrubby St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM pulchrum | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM reptans | St. John's Wort |
HYPERICUM tetrapterum | European St. John's Wort |
HYPOCHAERIS uniflora | Cat's Ear |
HYSSOPUS officinalis | Hyssop |
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Albus' | Hyssop |
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Caeruleus' | Hyssop |
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Roseus' | Hyssop |
HYSSOPUS officinalis Mix | Hyssop |
HYSSOPUS officinalis ssp. aristatus | Hyssop |
HYSTRIX patula | Bottlebrush Grass |
IBERIS aurosica 'Sweetheart' | Pink Candytuft |
IBERIS gibraltarica | Gibralter Candytuft |
IBERIS saxatilis | Candytuft |
IBERIS sempervirens 'Schneeflocke' | Candytuft |
IBERIS sempervirens 'Snow Cushion' | Candytuft |
IBERIS sempervirens 'Tahoe' | Candytuft |
IBERIS spathulata | Candytuft |
ILIAMNA remota | Wild Hollyhock |
INCARVILLEA delavayi | Hardy Gloxinia |
INCARVILLEA delavayi 'Alba' | Hardy Gloxinia |
INCARVILLEA delavayi 'Bees Pink' | Hardy Gloxinia |
INCARVILLEA mairei | Hardy Gloxinia |
INCARVILLEA olgae | Hardy Gloxinia |
INCARVILLEA zhongdianensis | Hardy Gloxinia |
INULA ensifolia 'Compacta' | Swordleaf Inula |
INULA helenium | Elecampanae, Horseheal, Elf Dock |
IPOMOEA leptophylla | Bush Morning Glory, Bush Moon Flower |
IPOMOPSIS aggregata | Scarlet Gilia, Skyrocket, Scarlet Bugler |
IPOMOPSIS rubra | Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia, Flame Flower and Indian Spur |
IRIS bucharica | Iris |
IRIS bulleyana | Iris |
IRIS chrysographes | Iris |
IRIS ensata | Iris |
IRIS foetidissima | Gladdon Iris |
IRIS foetidissima 'Fructo-Alba' | Gladdon Iris |
IRIS foetidissima 'Fructo-Lutea' | Gladdon Iris |
IRIS foetidissima var. citrina | Gladdon Iris |
IRIS graminea | Grass-Leafed Flag, Plum Iris |
IRIS laevigata | Iris |
IRIS lutescens | Dwarf Iris, Crimean Iris |
IRIS orientalis | Iris |
IRIS pallida ssp. illyrica | Istrian Iris |
IRIS pallida ssp. pallida | Dalmatian Iris |
IRIS pseudacorus | Pale Yellow Iris |
IRIS pumila wild form | Dwarf Iris |
IRIS setosa | Beachhead Iris |
IRIS setosa ssp. canadensis | Iris |
IRIS sibirica 'New Hybrids' | Siberian Iris |
IRIS sibirica wild form | Siberian Iris |
IRIS sintenisii | Sintenisa Iris |
IRIS spuria | Seashore Iris |
IRIS spuria 'Hybrids' | Iris |
IRIS tectorum | Roof Iris |
IRIS tenax | Tough-Leaf Iris |
IRIS variegata | Hungarian Iris |
IRIS versicolor | Blue Flag Iris |
IRIS versicolor | Harlequin Flag Iris |
IRIS versicolor 'Kermesina' | Harlequin Flag Iris |
IRIS virginica var. shrevei | Southern Blue Flag |
ISATIS glauca | Woad |
ISATIS tinctoria | Dyer's Woad (Ban Lan Gen) |
ISCHYROLEPIS subverticillata | Dune-Restio |
ISOPLEXIS isabelliana | CanaryFoxglove |
ISOPYRUM thalictroides | False Blue Anemone |
JASIONE laevis 'Blaulicht' | Sheep's Bit |
JASIONE montana | Sheep's Bit |
JASIONE montana f. alba 'White Delight' | White Sheep's Bit |
JOVIBARBA heuffelii | House Leek, Beard of Jupiter, Hens and Chicks |
JUNCUS effusus | Rush |
JUNCUS effusus 'Spiralis' | Curly Soft Rush |
JUNCUS ensifolius | Dwarf Rush |
JUNCUS filiformis 'Spiralis' | Corkscrew Rush |
JUNCUS inflexus | Hard Rush, Blue-green Rush, European Meadow Rush |
JUNCUS pallidus | Giant-Rush |
KIRENGESHOMA palmata | Yellow Wax Bells |
KITAIBELIA vitifolia | Vine-leaved Kitaibelia |
KNAUTIA arvensis | Blue Buttons, Field Scabious |
KNAUTIA macedonica | Pincushion Plant |
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Mars Midget' | Pincushion Plant |
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Melton Pastels' | Pincushion Plant |
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Midget Mauves' | Macedorian Scabious |
KNIPHOFIA caulescens | Grey-leaved Poker, Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA caulescens | Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA citrina | Yellow flowering Cape Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA galpinii | Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA hirsuta 'Fire Dance' | Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA rooperi | Rooper's Red Hot Poker |
KNIPHOFIA triangularis | Mandarin Poker, Dwarf Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KNIPHOFIA uvaria 'Grandiflora Mixture' | Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily, Cape Poker |
KNIPHOFIA uvaria hybr. 'Flamenco' | Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
KOELERIA glauca | Blue Hair Grass |
KOELERIA macrantha | Slender June Grass |
KOELERIA pygmaea | Dwarf Blue Hair Grass |
KOELERIA vallesiana 'Mountain Breeze' | Sommerset Hair Grass |
LALLEMANTIA iberica | Iberian Dragon's Head |
LAMIUM maculatum | Spotted Dead Nettle |
LAMIUM orvala | Balm-Leaved Dead Nettle |
LAMIUM purpureum | Purple Dead Nettle, Purple Archangel |
LASER trilobum | Horse Caraway |
LASERPITIUM gallicum | French Sermountain |
LASERPITIUM halleri | Haller Sermountain |
LASERPITIUM siler | Laserwort |
LATHYRUS latifolius 'Pink Pearl' | Pulse, Wild Pea |
LATHYRUS latifolius 'Red Pearl' | Pulse, Wild Pea |
LATHYRUS latifolius 'White Pearl' | Pulse, Wild Pea |
LATHYRUS latifolius Mixture | Pulse, Wild Pea |
LATHYRUS maritimus | Beach Pea |
LATHYRUS rotundifolius | Persian Everlasting Pea |
LATHYRUS vernus | Spring Vetch |
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rainbow' | Rainbow Spring Vetch |
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rosenelfe' | Rose Spring Vetch |
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rosenelfe' | Rosenelfe Spring Vetch |
LAVANDULA angustifolia | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Purple' | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Sky' | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Snow' | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Hidcote Superior' | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Rosea' | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia Hidcote Blue-Strain | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA angustifolia Munstead-Strain | True Lavender, English Lavender |
LAVANDULA dentata | French Lavender |
LAVANDULA latifolia | Common Lavender |
LAVANDULA multifida | Fernleaf Lavender, Egyptian Lavender |
LAVANDULA pedunculata | Spanish Lavender |
LAVANDULA stoechas | Spanish Lavender |
LAVATERA arborea | Tree Mallow |
LAVATERA cachemiriana | Kashmir Tree Mallow |
LAVATERA thuringiaca | Tree Mallow |
LEONOTIS nepetifolia | Lion's Ear |
LEONTOPODIUM alpinum | Edelweiss |
LEONTOPODIUM souliei | Edelweiss |
LEONURUS cardiaca | True Motherwort, Lion’s Tail |
LEONURUS cardiaca 'Grobbebol' | Motherwort, Lion’s Tail |
LEONURUS japonicus 'Alba' | Chinese Motherwort |
LEONURUS japonicus 'BLBP 02' | Chinese Motherwort (Yi-Mu-Cao) |
LEONURUS japonicus 'Weila®nurus' | Chinese Motherwort (Yi-Mu-Cao) |
LEPECHINIA hastata | Baja Pitcher Sage, Cape Pitcher Sage |
LEPIDIUM latifolium | Perennial Pepperweed, Broadleaved Pepperweed |
LEPIDIUM sativum | Garden Cress |
LEPTOCARPUS similis | Jointed Wire Rush, Oioi |
LEUCANTHEMELLA serotina | Autumn Oxeye |
LEUCANTHEMUM graminifolium | Grass-Leaf Ox-Eye |
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare | Ox-eye Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare | Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite |
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare 'Filigran' | Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite |
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare 'Maikönigin' | Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Alaska' | Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Brightside' | Brightside Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Polaris' | Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Starburst' | Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum fl. pl. 'Snowdrift' | Double Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum Nanus 'Dwarf Snow Lady' | Dwarf Shasta Daisy |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum Nanus 'Silberprinzeßchen' | Dwarf Shasta Daisy |
LEUCOGENES grandiceps | New Zealand Edelweiss, South Island Edelweiss |
LEUCOJUM vernum | Snowflake |
LEUCOSCEPTRUM japonicum f. aureum | Japanese Shrub Mint |
LEVISTICUM officinale | Lovage, Love Parsley |
LEWISIA brachycalyx | Short-sepal Bitter-root, Lewisia |
LEWISIA columbiana | Lewisia |
LEWISIA cotyledon 'Heckneri-Strain' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Mixture' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Regenbogen' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset Rosy-Pink' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset Ruby-Red' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset-Strain' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Mango' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Peach' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Plum' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Raspberry' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Snowberry' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Tutti Frutti' | Lewisia |
LEWISIA nevadensis | Nevada lewisia |
LEWISIA pygmaea | Alpine lewisia, Pygmy bitterroot |
LEWISIA tweedyi 'Alba' | Tweedy's Lewisia |
LEWISIA tweedyi 'Lovedream' | Tweedy's Lewisia |
LEYCESTERIA formosa | Himalayan Honeysuckle, Elisha's Tears |
LIATRIS aspera | Tall Blazing Star |
LIATRIS elegans | Elegant Blazing Star |
LIATRIS ligulistylis | Blazing Star, Rocky Mtn Blazing Star |
LIATRIS microcephala | Smallhead gayfeather, Smallhead Blazing Star |
LIATRIS punctata | Snakeroot, Dotted Blazing Star |
LIATRIS pycnostachya | Prairie Blazing Star |
LIATRIS scariosa | Eastern Blazing Star, Large Gayfeather |
LIATRIS scariosa 'Alba' | Eastern Blazing Star |
LIATRIS spicata | Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather |
LIATRIS spicata 'Floristan Violet' | Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather |
LIATRIS spicata 'Floristan White' | Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather |
LIATRIS spicata 'Kobold Strain' | Dwarf Blazing Star, Dwarf Spike Gayfeather |
LIBERTIA formosa | Snowy Mermaid |
LIBERTIA grandiflora | New Zealand Satin Flower |
LIBERTIA ixioides | New Zealand Iris |
LIBERTIA peregrinans | New Zealand Iris |
LIGULARIA altaica | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGULARIA dentata | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGULARIA dentata 'Midnight Lady' | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGULARIA przewalskii | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGULARIA sibirica | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGULARIA Stenocephala-Hybr. | Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort |
LIGUSTICUM mutellinoides f. roseum | Small Alpine Lovage |
LIGUSTICUM scoticum | Scots Lovage, Scottish Licorice-root |
LILIUM bulbiferum ssp. croceum | Fire Lily |
LILIUM formosanum | Lily |
LILIUM formosanum var. pricei | Lily |
LILIUM kesselringianum | Lily |
LILIUM mackliniae Naga form | Manipur Lily |
LILIUM martagon | Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap |
LILIUM martagon var. album | White Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap |
LILIUM Martagon-Hybr. 'Painted Ladies' | Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap |
LILIUM nepalense | Lily |
LILIUM philippinense | Lily |
LILIUM pyrenaicum ssp. carniolicum var. bosniacum | Lily |
LILIUM szovitsianum | Lily |
LIMONIUM bellidifolium | Sea Lavender |
LIMONIUM gmelinii ssp. hungaricum | Sea Lavender |
LIMONIUM gougetianum | Sea Lavender |
LIMONIUM latifolium | Sea Lavender |
LIMONIUM perezii | Sea Lavender |
LIMONIUM species 'Blue Diamond' | Marsh Rosemary; Sea Lavender; Statice |
LIMONIUM vulgare | Sea Lavender |
LINARIA aeruginea 'Neon Lights' | Roadside Toadflax |
LINARIA alpina | Toadflax |
LINARIA dalmatica | Toadflax |
LINARIA purpurea | Toadflax |
LINARIA purpurea 'Canon Went' | Toadflax |
LINARIA purpurea 'Springside White' | Toadflax |
LINARIA triornithophora | Toadflax |
LINARIA vulgaris | Butter-and-Eggs, Common Toadflax |
LINUM alpinum | Alpine Flax |
LINUM capitatum | Flax |
LINUM dolomiticum | Flax |
LINUM flavum 'Compactum' | Golden Flax |
LINUM hybridum 'Gemmel's Strain' | Flax |
LINUM hypericifolium | Flax |
LINUM narbonense | Flax |
LINUM perenne | Perennial Flax |
LINUM perenne 'Album' | White Perennial Flax |
LINUM perenne Nanum 'Blue Sapphire' | Perennial Flax |
LINUM perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant' | Perennial Flax |
LINUM tenuifolium | Flax |
LIRIOPE muscari 'Big Blue' | Lily Turf |
LOBELIA cardinalis | Cardinal Flower |
LOBELIA cardinalis f. albiflora 'White Cardinal' | White Cardinal Flower |
LOBELIA fulgens 'Queen Victoria' | Bronze Leaf Cardinal Flower |
LOBELIA inflata | Indian Tobacco |
LOBELIA sessilifolia | Lobelia |
LOBELIA sessilifolia | Stauden-Lobelie |
LOBELIA siphilitica | Blue Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia |
LOBELIA siphilitica 'Alba' | Lobelia |
LOBELIA speciosa F1 'Starship Rose' | Lobelia |
LOBELIA speciosa F1 'Starship Scarlet' | Lobelia |
LOBELIA tupa | Chilean Cardinal Flower, Devil's Tobacco |
LOMATIUM columbianum | Columbia Desert Parsley |
LOMATIUM grayi | Gray's Desert Parsley |
LOTUS corniculatus | Bird's Foot Trefoil |
LUNARIA annua | Annual Honesty |
LUNARIA annua 'Chedglow' | Red Leaved Honesty |
LUNARIA annua var. albiflora | Annual Honesty |
LUNARIA rediviva | Perennial Honesty |
LUPINUS arboreus f. albiflorus | Tree Lupine |
LUPINUS arboreus f. luteus yellow | Tree Lupine |
LUPINUS perennis | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Edelknaben' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Fräulein' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Blue' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Mix' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Pink' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Red' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery White' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Yellow' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Kastellan' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Kronleuchter' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Lulu Mix' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mein Schloß' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Minarette' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Blue' | Garden Lupine, large-leaved Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Blue-White' | garden lupine, large-leaved lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Pink' | Garden Lupine, large-leaved Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Pink-White' | garden lupine, large-leaved lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Red' | garden lupine, large-leaved lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) White' | garden lupine, large-leaved lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Yellow' | garden lupine, large-leaved lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Russellmixture' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Schloßfrau' | Lupine |
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Woodfield Hybrids' | Lupine |
LUZULA luzuloides | Woodrush |
LUZULA nivea | Snow Wood Rush |
LUZULA pedemontana | Woodrush |
LUZULA sylvatica 'Select' | Great Woodrush |
LUZULA sylvatica 'Solar Flair' | Woodrush |
LUZULA ulophylla | Woodrush |
LYCHNIS alpina | Alpine Catchfly |
LYCHNIS alpina 'Snow Flurry' | Alpine Catchfly |
LYCHNIS chalcedonica | Maltese Cross |
LYCHNIS chalcedonica 'Carnea' | Pink Maltese Cross |
LYCHNIS chalcedonica 'Rauhreif' | Maltese Cross |
LYCHNIS coronaria | Rose Campion |
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Alba' | Rose Campion |
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Oculata' | Rose Campion |
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi | Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower |
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi 'Nana' | Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower |
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi 'White Robin' | Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower |
LYCHNIS flos-jovis nana 'Peggy' | Joe's Flower; Carnation of Jove |
LYCHNIS viscaria wild form | Sticky Catchfly |
LYCHNIS viscaria Alba 'Schnee' | Sticky Catchfly |
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Feuer' | Sticky Catchfly |
LYCHNIS viscaria ssp. atropurpurea | Sticky Catchfly |
LYCHNIS x arkwrightii 'Orange Zwerg' | Arkwright's Catchfly |
LYCHNIS x arkwrightii 'Vesuvius' | Arkwright's Catchfly |
LYCHNIS x haageana | Haages Catchfly |
LYCHNIS x haageana 'Molten Lava' | Haages Catchfly |
LYCIUM barbarum | Goji-Berry, Chinese Wolfberry (Gou-Qi-Zi, Di-Gu-Pi) |
LYCOPUS europaeus | Gypsywort, Bugleweed |
LYSIMACHIA atropurpurea | Burgundy Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA ciliata | Fringed Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA clethroides | Gooseneck Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA ephemerum | Silver Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA minoricensis | Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA punctata | Large Yellow Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris | Garden Loosestrife |
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris | Yellow Loosestrife |
LYTHRUM alatum | Winged Lythrum |
LYTHRUM salicaria | Purple Loosestrife |
MACLEAYA cordata (Willd.) | White Plume Poppy (Boluohui) |
MACLEAYA microcarpa | (Xiaoguoboluohui) |
MALVA alcea var. fastigiata | Hollyhock Mallow |
MALVA moschata | Mallow |
MALVA moschata | Musk-Mallow |
MALVA moschata 'Appleblossum' | Mallow |
MALVA moschata f. alba | Musk Mallow |
MALVA sylvestris | Common Mallow, High Mallow |
MALVA sylvestris 'Zebrina' | Zebra Mallow |
MALVA sylvestris ssp. mauritiana | Blue Mallow |
MANDRAGORA autumnalis | Autumn Mandrake |
MANDRAGORA officinarum | Mandrake |
MARRUBIUM incanum | Horehound |
MARRUBIUM supinum | Horehound |
MARRUBIUM vulgare | Horehound |
MARRUBIUM vulgare | White Horehound |
MATTHIOLA incana 'Pillow Talk' | Night Violet, Brompton Stocks |
MECONOPSIS balangensis | Balang Blue Poppy |
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia | Himalayan Blue Poppy |
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia 'Hensol Violet' | Himalayan Blue Poppy |
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia var. alba | Himalayan Blue Poppy |
MECONOPSIS cambrica | Welsh Poppy |
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Aurantiaca' | Welsh Poppy |
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Frances Perry' | Welsh Poppy |
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Plena' | Welsh Poppy |
MECONOPSIS horridula | Poppy |
MECONOPSIS integrifolia | Lampshade Poppy |
MECONOPSIS napaulensis hort. | Satin Poppy, Nepal Poppy |
MECONOPSIS paniculata | Panicled Yellow Poppy |
MECONOPSIS punicea | Poppy |
MECONOPSIS superba | Poppy |
MECONOPSIS villosa | Poppy |
MECONOPSIS x sheldonii 'Lingholm' (Fertile Blue Group) | Poppy |
MELIANTHUS major | Honey Bush |
MELICA altissima var. atropurpurea | Siberian Melic |
MELICA ciliata | Silky-Spike-Melic |
MELICA uniflora | Melic Grass |
MELICA uniflora f. albida | White Melic Grass |
MELILOTUS officinalis | Yellow Melilot, Sweet Clover |
MELINIS nerviglumis | Ruby Grass, Bristle Leaved Red Top |
MELISSA officinalis | Lemon Balm |
MELISSA officinalis 'Gold Leaf' | Golden Leaved Lemon Balm |
MELISSA officinalis 'Gold Leaf' | Golden Lemon Balm |
MELISSA officinalis 'Lemona' | Lemon Balm |
MELISSA officinalis 'Quedlinburger Niederliegende' | Lemon Balm |
MELISSA officinalis ssp. altissima | Crete Balm, Lime Balm |
MENTHA aquatica | Water Mint |
MENTHA cervina | Water Spearmint, Hart's Pennyroyal |
MENTHA cervina 'Alba' | White Water Spearmint, White Hart's Pennyroyal |
MENTHA longifolia | Horsemint |
MENTHA pulegium | Pennyroyal |
MENTHA Spicata-Hybr. | Spearmint, Lamb Mint |
MENTHA suaveolens | Applemint, Round-leaved Mint |
MERTENSIA maritima ssp. asiatica | Oyster-Leaf, Oysterplant, Sea Bluebells |
MERTENSIA virginica | Virginia Bluebells |
MESEMBRYANTHEMUM crystallinum | Common Iceplant |
MEUM athamanticum | Bearwort, Spignel |
MICHAUXIA campanuloides | Rough-leaved Michauxia |
MICROMERIA thymifolia | Mountain Mint |
MILIUM effusum 'Aureum' | Golden Millet Grass |
MIMULUS cardinalis | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS cupreus 'Red Emperor' | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS guttatus | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS lewisii | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS luteus | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS luteus 'Tigrinus Grandiflorus Mixture' | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS minimus | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS ringens | Monkey Flower |
MIMULUS tilingii | Monkey Flower |
MINUARTIA capillacea | Sandwort |
MINUARTIA laricifolia | Larch Leaf Sandwort |
MIRABILIS jalapa Mixture | Four O'Clock Plant |
MIRABILIS multiflora | Colorado Four O'Clock Plant |
MISCANTHUS oligostachyus | Chinese Silver Grass |
MISCANTHUS sinensis | Chinese Silver Grass |
MISCANTHUS sinensis 'Early Hybrids' | Chinese Silver Grass |
MISCANTHUS sinensis 'New Hybrids' | Chinese Silver Grass |
MITCHELLA repens | Partridge Berry |
MITELLA breweri | Feathery Bishop's Cap |
MOLINIA caerulea ssp. arundinacea | Moor Grass |
MOLINIA caerulea ssp. caerulea | Moor Grass |
MOLOPOSPERMUM peloponnesiacum | Striped Hemlock |
MONARDA bradburiana | Wild Bergamot, Beebalm |
MONARDA citriodora | Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Horsemint, Purple Horsemint |
MONARDA Citriodora-Hybr. 'Bergamo' | Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Horsemint, Purple Horsemint |
MONARDA Citriodora-Hybr. 'Bergamo' | Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Mint, Purple Horsemint |
MONARDA didyma | Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea |
MONARDA didyma 'Panorama Mixture' | Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea |
MONARDA didyma 'Red Colors' | Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea |
MONARDA fistulosa | Horsemint, Wild Bergamo |
MONARDA fistulosa | Horsemint, Wild Bergamot |
MONARDA punctata | Spotted Bee Balm |
MONARDELLA odoratissima | Mountain Coyote Mint |
MORINA longifolia | Whorl Flower |
MUEHLENBECKIA axillaris | Wire Vine |
MUHLENBERGIA capillaris | Pink Muhly, Gulf Muhly |
MUHLENBERGIA dumosa | Bamboo Muhly |
MUHLENBERGIA lindheimeri | Lindheimer's Muhly, Big Muhly |
MUHLENBERGIA reverchonii Undaunted® | Ruby Muhly, Seep Muhly |
MUHLENBERGIA rigens | Deergrass |
MUSCARI comosum | Grape Hyacinth |
MYOSOTIDIUM hortensia | Chatham Islands Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS pulvinaris | Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS scorpioides | Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Indigo-blue' | Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Light-blue' | Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Pink' | Forget-Me-Not |
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria White' | Forget-Me-Not |
MYRRHIS odorata | Sweet Cicely, Myrrth, Sweet Chervil |
NARDUS stricta | Mat Grass |
NARTHECIUM ossifragum | Bog Asphodel |
NASTURTIUM officinale | Watercress |
NEPETA cataria | Common Catmint, Catnip |
NEPETA cataria ssp. citriodora | Lemon Catmint |
NEPETA clarkei | Himalayan Catmint |
NEPETA govaniana | Catmint |
NEPETA nervosa | Kashmir Catmint |
NEPETA nervosa 'Pink Cat' | Kashmir Catmint |
NEPETA nuda | Catmint |
NEPETA racemosa | Catmint |
NEPETA racemosa 'Alba' | Catmint |
NEPETA racemosa 'Select' | Catmint |
NEPETA stewartiana | Catmint |
NEPETA subsessilis 'Blue Dreams' | Japanese Catmint |
NEPETA subsessilis 'Pink Dreams' | Japanese Catmint |
NEPETA subsessilis 'White Dreams' | Japanese Catmint |
NEPETA tuberosa | Spanish Catmint |
NERIUM oleander | Oleander |
NICOTIANA glauca | Wild Tobacco |
NIGELLA sativa | Black Cumin, Fennel Flower |
NIPPONANTHEMUM nipponicum | Nippon Daisy |
OCIMUM africanum 'Temperate Tulsi' (Rama Tulsi misap.) | Wild Basil |
OCIMUM americanum 'Typ Lime' | Lemon Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Ararat' | Red Spotted Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Purple Ruffles' | Red Ruffled Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Cinnamon' | Cinnamon Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Dark Opal' | Purple-leaved Basil, Red-leaved Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Fino Verde' | Small Leaved Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Genoveser' | Large Sweet Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Red Rubin' | Purple-leaved Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Genoveser-Hybr. 'Adi' | Pot-Plant Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Genoveser-Hybr. 'Aroma 2' | Large Sweet Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Hybr. 'Adi' | Pot-Plant Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum var. minutum 'Typ Greek' | Greek Bush Basil |
OCIMUM basilicum var. thyrsiflorum 'Typ Thai' | Thai Basil |
OCIMUM tenuiflorum | Sacred Basil, Kapoor Tulsi |
OENOTHERA acaulis var. aurea | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA biennis | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA caespitosa ssp. eximia | Desert Evening Primrose, Tufted Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA glazioviana | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA harringtonii | Colorado Springs Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA kunthiana | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA macrocarpa | Ozark Sundrops |
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. fremontii 'Silver Wings' | Evening Primrose, Sundrops |
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. incana Silver Blade® | The Hoary Evening primrose |
OENOTHERA odorata 'Sulphurea' | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA pallida | Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA perennis | Narrowleaf Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA pilosella 'Yella Fella' | Meadow Sundrops |
OENOTHERA speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose |
OENOTHERA tetragona | Sundrops |
OENOTHERA versicolor | Evening Primrose |
ONONIS natrix | Yellow Restharrow |
ONONIS spinosa | Restharrow |
ONOPORDUM acanthium | Scotch Cotton Thistle |
ONOSMA polyphyllum | Golden Drops |
OPOPANAX chironium | Hercules All Heal |
OPUNTIA ficus-indica | Prickly Pear |
OPUNTIA humifusa | Prickly Pear |
OPUNTIA imbricata | Tree Cholla, Cane Cactus |
OPUNTIA polyacantha | Prickly Pear |
ORIGANUM majorana | Sweet Marjoram, Garden Marjoram |
ORIGANUM virens | Spanish Marjoram |
ORIGANUM vulgare wild form | Wild Marjoram |
ORIGANUM vulgare hort. | Perennial Marjoram |
ORIGANUM vulgare ssp. hirtum | Greek Oregano, Pizza Oregano |
ORIGANUM vulgare ssp. hirtum | Pizza Oregano, Greek Oregano |
ORIGANUM vulgare var. albiflorum | White Marjoram |
ORLAYA grandiflora | White Lace Flower |
ORNITHOGALUM pyrenaicum | Spiked Star of Bethlehem |
ORNITHOGALUM umbellatum | Star of Bethlehem |
OROSTACHYS fimbriata | Dunce Cap |
OXYRIA digyna | Mountain Sorrel |
PAEONIA anomala | Peony |
PAEONIA officinalis ssp. banatica | Common Peony |
PAEONIA peregrina | Peony |
PAEONIA Rockii-Hybr. | Peony |
PAEONIA tenuifolia | Peony |
PANAX ginseng | Ginseng (Ren-Shen) |
PANCRATIUM maritimum | Sand Lily |
PANICUM amarum | Coastal Switchgrass, Bitter Beachgras |
PANICUM clandestinum | Deer-Tongue-Grass |
PANICUM virgatum | Switch Grass |
PANICUM virgatum 'Emerald Chief' | Switch Grass |
PAPAVER Alpinum-Hybr. | Alpine Poppy |
PAPAVER dubium | Longhead Poppy |
PAPAVER miyabeanum 'Pacino' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles Classic Mix' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Orange' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Pink' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Scarlet' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 White' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Yellow' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Gartenzwerg' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. Deluxe Mixture | Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Beauty of Livermere' | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Brilliant' | Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Pizzicato' | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Prinzessin Victoria Louise' | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Royal Wedding' | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. Deluxe Mixture | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. plena 'May Queen' | Oriental Poppy |
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. Nana 'Allegro' | Poppy |
PAPAVER pilosum ssp. spicatum | Poppy |
PAPAVER rhaeticum | Poppy |
PAPAVER rhoeas | Corn Poppy |
PAPAVER rupifragum | Poppy |
PAPAVER rupifragum 'Flore Pleno' | Poppy |
PAPAVER triniifolium | Armenian Poppy |
PARADISEA liliastrum 'Major' | Paradise Lily |
PARADISEA lusitanica | Paradise Lily |
PARAQUILEGIA microphylla | Himalayan Spurless Columbine |
PARDANCANDA norrisii | Candy Lily |
PARDANCANDA norrisii 'Dazzler' | Candy Lily, Orchid Lily |
PARIS quadrifolia | Herb Paris |
PARNASSIA palustris | Grass of Parnassus |
PARTHENIUM integrifolium | Wild Quinine |
PASSIFLORA caerulea | Passion Flower |
PASTINACA sativa | Parsnip |
PEGANUM harmala | African-Rue, Harmal |
PELTIPHYLLUM peltatum | Umbrella-Plant |
PENNISETUM alopecuroides | Fountain Grass |
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Jester' | Purple-leafed Pear Millet |
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Purple Baron' | Purple-leafed Pear Millet |
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Purple Majesty' | Purple-leafed Pear Millet |
PENNISETUM macrourum | Riverbank Fountain Grass |
PENNISETUM thunbergii | Red Bunny Tails |
PENNISETUM villosum | Feathertop |
PENSTEMON ambiguus var. ambiguus | Sand Beardtongue, Pink Plains Beardtongue, Gilia Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON angustifolius | Narrowleaf Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON auriberbis | Colorado Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Dark Rose Shades' | Dwarf Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Rosy Red Shades' | Dwarf Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Violet Shades' | Dwarf Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada White Shades' | Dwarf Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON barbatus var. praecox f. nanus 'Rondo' | Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON confertus | Yellow Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON digitalis 'Husker Red Superior Strain' | Beard Tongue, Firecracker |
PENSTEMON eatonii | Eaton‘s Firecracker, Firecracker Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON grandiflorus | Large Flowered Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON grandiflorus Prairie Jewel® | Large Flowered Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON mensarum | Grand Mesa Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON pseudospectabilis | Desert Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON smallii | Small's Penstemon |
PENSTEMON speciosus | Royal Penstemon |
PENSTEMON spectabilis | Royal Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON superbus | Superb Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON virens | Blue Mist Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON virgatus 'Blue Buckle' | Stiff Beard-Tongue, Wand Bloom |
PENSTEMON watsonii | Watson’s Beard Tongue |
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Amethyst' | Mexican Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Colours' | Mexican Beardtongue |
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Ruby' | Sunburst Beard Tongue |
PERILLA frutescens var. crispa 'Green Shiso' | Green Leaved Beefsteak Plant (Zi-Su-Ye) |
PERILLA frutescens var. crispa 'Red Shiso' | Beefsteak Plant, Red Shiso Zi-Su-Ye |
PEROVSKIA atriplicifolia | Russian Sage |
PETASITES albus | Butterbar |
PETASITES hybridus | Butterbur, Umbrella Plant |
PETASITES hybridus | Umbrella Plant |
PETROPHYTUM caespitosum | Rock Spirea |
PETRORHAGIA saxifraga | Coat-Flower |
PETROSELINUM crispum var. crispum | Double Curled Parsley |
PETROSELINUM crispum var. neapolitanum | Italian Parsley, Plain Parsley |
PEUCEDANUM officinale | Masterwort |
PEUCEDANUM oreoselinum | Mountain Hog's Fennel |
PEUCEDANUM ostruthium | Masterwort |
PEUCEDANUM rablense | Hog's Fennel |
PHACELIA tanacetifolia | Fiddleneck |
PHAENOSPERMA globosa | Waterfall Millet |
PHALARIS arundinacea | Ribbon Grass |
PHLOMIS fruticosa | Jerusalem Sage |
PHLOMIS russeliana | Jerusalem Sage |
PHLOMIS samia (true) | Son of Samia |
PHLOMIS tuberosa | Jerusalem Sage |
PHLOX paniculata 'New Hybrids' | Phlox |
PHLOX pilosa | Prairie Phlox |
PHORMIUM cookianum | New Zealand Flax |
PHORMIUM cookianum 'Purpureum' | New Zealand Flax |
PHORMIUM tenax | New Zealand Flax |
PHORMIUM tenax 'New Hybrids' | New Zealand Flax |
PHORMIUM tenax 'Purpureum' | New Zealand Flax |
PHRAGMITES australis | Common Reed |
PHYGELIUS aequalis | Cape Fuchsia |
PHYGELIUS capensis | Cape Fuchsia |
PHYSALIS alkekengi var. franchetii 'Gigantea' | Chinese Lantern, Bladder Cherry |
PHYSALIS alkekengi var. franchetii 'Zwerg' | Dwarf Chinese Lantern |
PHYSOPLEXIS comosa | Devil's Claw |
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Alba' | White Obedient Plant |
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Rosea' | Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead |
PHYTEUMA betonicifolium | Betonian Rampion |
PHYTEUMA hemisphaericum | Rampion |
PHYTEUMA scheuchzeri | Rampion |
PHYTEUMA spicatum | Rampion |
PHYTEUMA spicatum ssp. coeruleum | Rampion |
PHYTOLACCA acinosa | Pokeweed |
PHYTOLACCA americana | Pokeweed |
PHYTOLACCA americana f. variegata 'Silberstein' | Pokeweed |
PIMPINELLA anisum | Anise |
PIMPINELLA major | Greater Burnet |
PIMPINELLA major 'Rosea' | Pink Burnet Saxifrage, Greater Burnet |
PIMPINELLA saxifraga | Burnet Saxifrage, Small Pimpernel |
PLANTAGO asiatica | Asian Plantain (Che-Qian-Cao) |
PLANTAGO coronopus 'Minutina' | Buck's Horn Plantain |
PLANTAGO lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain |
PLANTAGO lanceolata 'Libor' | Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain |
PLANTAGO major | Common Plantain |
PLANTAGO major 'Purple Perversion' | Fringed Purple Plantain |
PLANTAGO major 'Purpurea' | Red-leaved Plantain |
PLANTAGO major 'Rosularis' | Rose Plantain |
PLANTAGO major 'Variegata' | Variegated plantain |
PLANTAGO media | Hoary Plantain |
PLANTAGO nivalis | Plantain |
PLANTAGO sempervirens | Plantain |
PLANTAGO subulata | Awl leaved Plantain |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Blue' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Light Pink' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Pink' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra White' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra White-semi-double' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji White' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone Blue' | Balloon Flower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone White' | Balloon flower, Chinese Bellflower |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Mariesii' | Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower (Jie-Geng) |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Mixed Hybrids' | Balloon Flower |
POA alpina | Blue Grass, Meadow Grass |
POA chaixii | Blue Grass, Meadow Grass |
POA cita | Silver Tussock, Snow Grass |
POA glauca 'Blue Hills' | Glaucous Meadow Grass |
POLEMONIUM boreale 'Heavenly Habit' | Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian, Charity |
POLEMONIUM caeruleum | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. album | Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian, Charity |
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. dissectum 'Filigree Clouds' | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. dissectum 'Filigree Skies' | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM carneum | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM cashmerianum | Kashmir Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM foliosissimum | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM pauciflorum | Fewflower, Jacob's Ladder, Pine Trumpets |
POLEMONIUM pulcherrimum | Jacob's Ladder |
POLEMONIUM reptans | Creeping Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian |
POLEMONIUM yezoense 'Purple Rain Strain' | Jacob's Ladder |
POLYGALA chamaebuxus | Shrubby Milkwort |
POLYGONATUM latifolium | Solomon's Seal |
POLYGONATUM multiflorum | Solomon's Seal |
POLYGONATUM odoratum | Solomon's Seal |
POLYGONUM bistorta | Bistort, Snakeweed |
POLYGONUM capitatum | Knotweed |
POLYGONUM virginianum | Knotweed |
POLYGONUM virginianum 'Variegatum' | Virginia Knotweed |
POTENTILLA anserina | Goose Grass |
POTENTILLA argentea | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA argentea | Silver leaved Conquefoil |
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea 'Red' | Himalaya Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla | Himalayan cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla 'Golden Starlit' | Himalayan Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla 'Scarlet Starlit' | Himalayan Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA aurea | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA crantzii | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA erecta | Bloodroot |
POTENTILLA glandulosa ssp. nevadensis | Nevada Cinquefoil, Sticky Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA gracilis | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA hyparctica | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA megalantha | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Helen Jane' | Cinquefoil, Five Fingers |
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Miss Willmott' | Nepal Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Ron McBeath' | Cinquefoil, Five Finger |
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Roxana' | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Shogran' | Nepal Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA neumanniana | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA palustris | Blood Eye |
POTENTILLA pensylvanica | Prairie Cinquefoil, Pennsylvania Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA pyrenaica | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA recta | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA rupestris | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA speciosa | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA thurberi | Cinquefoil |
POTENTILLA thurberi 'Monarch's Velvet' | Thurber's Cinquefoil |
PRIMULA auricula | Auricula Primrose |
PRIMULA auricula ssp. bauhinii | Alpine Auricula |
PRIMULA beesiana | Bees Primrose, Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA bulleyana | Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA Candelabra-Hybr. | Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA Candelabra-Hybr. 'Harlow Carr Hybr.' | Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA capitata 'Salvana'(TM) | Asiatic Primrose |
PRIMULA chungensis | Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA cockburniana yellow form | bright yellow with golden eye |
PRIMULA denticulata 'Blue Selection' | Drumstick Primrose |
PRIMULA denticulata 'Rubin Selection' | Drumstick Primrose |
PRIMULA elatior wild form | Oxlip |
PRIMULA Elatior-Hybr. 'Jessica' | Red leaved Primrose, Oxlip |
PRIMULA Elatior-Hybr. 'Silver Lace Purple' | Primrose |
PRIMULA florindae | Tibetan Primrose, Himalayan Cowslip |
PRIMULA frondosa | Leafy Primrose, Bulgarian Primrose |
PRIMULA parryi | Parry's Primrose, Bog Primrose, Brookside Primrose |
PRIMULA rosea 'Gigas' | Primrose |
PRIMULA sieboldii | Woodland Primula |
PRIMULA veris | Cowslip |
PRIMULA veris | Cowslipn |
PRIMULA veris 'Sunset Shades' | Cowslip |
PRIMULA veris ssp. macrocalyx | Tall Meadow Cowslip |
PRIMULA vulgaris ssp. sibthorpii | Carnival Primrose |
PRIMULA x bulleesiana | Candelabra Primrose |
PRIMULA x pruhoniciana 'Bergfrühling® Mixture' | Mountain Spring Primrose |
PRIMULA x pubescens | Garden Auricula |
PRIMULA x pubescens 'Kaleidoscope' | Garden Auricula |
PRITZELAGO alpina | Chamois Cress |
PRUNELLA grandiflora | Self Heal |
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Alba' | Self Heal |
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Freelander Mixed' | Self Heal |
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Rubra' | Self Heal |
PRUNELLA laciniata | Split-leaved Self Heal |
PRUNELLA vulgaris | Self Heal |
PRUNELLA vulgaris 'BLBP 01' | Allheal, Selfheal (Xia-Ku-Cao) |
PTEROCEPHALUS perennis | Moroccan pincushion |
PULMONARIA officinalis | Jerusalem Cowslip, Lungwort |
PULMONARIA officinalis | Jerusalem Cowslipn |
PULSATILLA alpina | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA alpina ssp. sulphurea | Sulphur Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA halleri | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA halleri ssp. taurica | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA montana | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA occidentalis | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA patens | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA pratensis ssp. nigricans | Meadow Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA pratensis ssp. nigricans | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vernalis | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Alba' | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Blaue Glocke' | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Heiler-Hybrids' | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Perlen Glocke' | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Prima Papagena' | Pasque Flower |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Rote Glocke' | Pasque Flower |
PUNICA granatum var. nana | Dwarf Pomegranite |
PYCNANTHEMUM muticum | Blunt Mountain Mint |
PYCNANTHEMUM pilosum | American Mountain Mint |
PYCNANTHEMUM tenuifolium | American Mountain Mint |
PYCNANTHEMUM virginianum | Virginia Mountain Mint |
RANUNCULUS acris | Meadow Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS buchananii | White New Zealand Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS cortusifolius | Canaries-Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS flammula | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS glacialis | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS gramineus | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS haastii ssp. piliferus | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS insignis | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS lyallii | Buttercup |
RANUNCULUS thora | Buttercup |
RAOULIA australis | Sheepcarpet |
RATIBIDA columnifera | Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat |
RATIBIDA columnifera f. pulcherrima | Long-Head Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower |
RATIBIDA columnifera f. pulcherrima 'Red Midget' | Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat |
RATIBIDA pinnata | Prairie Coneflower |
REHMANNIA elata | Chinese Foxglove |
RESEDA lutea | Cutleaf Mignonette |
RHEUM alexandrae | Alexander's Rhubarb |
RHEUM australe | Himalayan Rhubarb |
RHEUM officinale 'BLBP 01' | Chinese Rhubarb (Da-Huang) |
RHEUM palmatum f. atrosanguineum | Ornamental Rhubarb |
RHEUM palmatum var. tanguticum | Chinese Rhubarb, Turkey Rhubarb, Ornamental Rhubarb (Da-Huang) |
RHEUM rhabarbarum 'Glaskins Perpetual' | Garden Rhubarb |
RHEUM rhabarbarum 'Victoria' | Garden Rhubarb |
RHEUM rhabarbarum (x hybridum) | Rhubarb |
RHEUM rhabarbarum (x hybridum) | Rhubarbn |
RHEUM rhaponticum | Rhapontic-Rhubarb |
RHEXIA virginica | Dear Grass, Meadow Beauty |
RHINANTHUS alecterolophus | Yellow Rattle |
RHODIOLA integrifolia ssp. atropurpurea | King's Crown, Ledge Stonecrop, Roseroot |
RHODIOLA rhodantha | Queen's Crown, Redpod Stonecrop |
RHODIOLA rosea | Rose Root |
RHODIOLA rosea | Rose Root, Golden Root |
RHODOCOMA capensis | Cape Restio |
RHODODENDRON ferrugineum | Alpine Rose |
RICINUS communis | Castor Bean, Castor Oil Plant |
RICINUS communis 'New Zealand Purple' | Red-leaved Castor Bean |
ROHDEA japonica | Japanese Sacred Lily, Nippon Lily |
ROMNEYA coulteri | Californian Tree Poppy |
ROSMARINUS officinalis | Rosemary |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. deamii | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. fulgida | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. speciosa | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA grandiflora 'Sundance' | Rough Coneflower, Tall Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Autumn Colors' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Cappuccino' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Denver Daisy' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Goldilocks' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Indian Summer' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Marmelade' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Maya' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Prairie Sun' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Sonora' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Toto Gold' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Toto Rustic' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA laciniata | Green-Headed Coneflower, Wild Golden Glow |
RUDBECKIA maxima | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA missouriensis | Missouri Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA occidentalis | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA subtomentosa | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA triloba | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUDBECKIA triloba 'Prairie Glow' | Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan |
RUELLIA humilis | Wild Petunia |
RUMEX acetosa | Garden Sorrel |
RUMEX acetosa 'De Belleville' | Green Sorrel |
RUMEX acetosella | Sheep's Sorrel |
RUMEX flexuosus | Sorrel |
RUMEX hydrolapathum | Sorrel |
RUMEX sanguineus var. sanguineus | Bloody Sorrel |
RUMEX scutatus | French Sorrel |
RUMEX scutatus | French Sorrel, Buckler-leaved Sorrel |
RUMEX scutatus ssp. glaucus 'Silver Leaf' | Silver French Sorrel |
RUSCUS aculeatus | Butcher's Broom |
RUSCUS hypoglossum | Spineless Butcher's Broom |
RUTA corsica | Corsican Rue |
RUTA graveolens | Rue, Herb of Grace |
RUTA graveolens 'Jackman's Blue Strain' | Rue |
SAGINA subulata | Irish Moss, Pearlwort |
SALVIA aethiopis | African Sage |
SALVIA amplexicaulis | Sage |
SALVIA apiana | Sacred Sage |
SALVIA argentea | Silver Sage |
SALVIA austriaca | Pannonian Sage, Austrian Sage |
SALVIA azurea | Prairie Sage, 120 cm, bright azure blue |
SALVIA bulleyana hort. | Sage |
SALVIA candidissima | Woolly White Sage |
SALVIA canescens var. daghestanica | Sage |
SALVIA columbariae | Desert Chia, Golden Chia |
SALVIA cyanescens | Sage |
SALVIA farinacea 'Victoria Blue' | Sage |
SALVIA farinacea 'Victoria White' | Sage |
SALVIA glutinosa | Sticky Sage, Jupiter's Sage |
SALVIA greggii | Autumn Sage |
SALVIA hians | Sage |
SALVIA hispanica | Mexican Chia |
SALVIA jurisicii | Cutt Leaved Sage, Feathered Salvia, Jurisic's Lavander Sage |
SALVIA lavandulifolia | Spanish Sage |
SALVIA lyrata 'Purple Knockout' | Lyre-leaved sage |
SALVIA miltiorrhiza 'BLBP 01' | Chinese Sage, Red Sage (Dan-Shen) |
SALVIA miltiorrhiza 'Weila®rhiza' | Chinese Sage, Red Sage (Dan-Shen) |
SALVIA moorcroftiana x indica 'Shangri-La' | Shangri-La Sage |
SALVIA napifolia | Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Blaukönigin' | Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Merleau Blue' | Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Merleau Rose' | Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Rosakönigin' | Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Violettkönigin' | Steppe Sage |
SALVIA nemorosa 'Violettkönigin' | Steppe-Sage |
SALVIA nutans | Nodding Sage |
SALVIA officinalis | Common Sage |
SALVIA officinalis 'Extrakta' | Extract Sage |
SALVIA officinalis f. albiflora | Common Sage |
SALVIA pachyphylla | Blue Sage, Mojave Sage |
SALVIA patens 'Blue Angel' | Clary, Muscatel Sage |
SALVIA pratensis | Meadow Sage |
SALVIA pratensis | Sage |
SALVIA pratensis 'Meadow Ballet Blend' | Meadow Clary Sage |
SALVIA pratensis 'Rose Rhapsody' | Meadow Clary Sage |
SALVIA pratensis 'Swan Lake' | Meadow Clary Sage |
SALVIA pratensis 'Sweet Esmeralda' | Meadow Clary Sage |
SALVIA pratensis 'Twilight Serenade' | Meadow Clary Sage |
SALVIA przewalskii | Tibetan Sage, Ganzi Sage, Red Sage |
SALVIA recognita | Sage |
SALVIA ringens | Sage |
SALVIA scabra 'Good Hope' | Sage |
SALVIA sclarea | Clary Sage, Muscatel Sage |
SALVIA sclarea | Clary, Muscatel Sage |
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican Pink' | Clary Sage |
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican Pink' | Clary Sage, Muscatel Sage |
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' | White Clary Sage, Clear Eye, Muscatel Sage |
SALVIA tomentosa | Balsamic Sage |
SALVIA transsylvanica | Sage |
SALVIA verticillata | Sage |
SALVIA verticillata 'Alba' | Sage |
SANGUINARIA canadensis | Blood Root |
SANGUISORBA menziesii | Burnet |
SANGUISORBA minor hort. | Salad Burnet, Small Burnet |
SANGUISORBA officinalis | Great Burnet (Di-Yu) |
SANGUISORBA tenuifolia var. tenuifolia f. alba | Burnet |
SANICULA europaea | Sanicle |
SANTOLINA chamaecyparissus ssp. tomentosa | Cotton Lavender |
SANTOLINA etrusca | Etruscian Santolina |
SANTOLINA rosmarinifolia | Cotton Lavender |
SAPONARIA caespitosa | Soapwort |
SAPONARIA lutea | Soapwort |
SAPONARIA ocymoides | Rock Soapwort |
SAPONARIA ocymoides 'Snow Tip' | White Rock Soapwort |
SAPONARIA officinalis | Soapwort |
SAPOSHNIKOVIA divaricata 'BLBP 03' | Chinese Laserwort, (Fang Feng) |
SAPOSHNIKOVIA divaricata 'Weila®kovia' | Chinese Laserwort (Fang Feng) |
SARRACENIA flava | Yellow Pitcher Plant |
SARRACENIA purpurea | Common Pitcher Plant |
SARRACENIA species (alata x flava x leucophylla x purpurea) 'New Hybrids' | Pitcher Plants |
SARUMA henryi | brilliant sulphur yellow |
SATUREJA hortensis | Summer Savory |
SATUREJA montana | Winter Savory |
SATUREJA montana ssp. illyrica | Purple Winter Savory |
SATUREJA montana var. citriodora | Lemon Savory |
SATUREJA spicigera | Creeping Savory |
SAXIFRAGA aizoides | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA aspera | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA biflora | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA cochlearis | Spoon-Leaved Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA cotyledon 'Pyramidalis' | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA cymbalaria | Celandine Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA exarata | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA granulata | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA hostii | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA longifolia | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA manschuriensis | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA marginata | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA oppositifolia | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA paniculata | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA paniculata ssp. brevifolia | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA rotundifolia | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA umbrosa 'Elliott's Variety' | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Blütenteppich' | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Purpurteppich' | Saxifrage |
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Schneeteppich' | Saxifrage |
SCABIOSA canescens | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Fama Deep Blue' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Fama White' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Isaac House Hybr.' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Perfecta Alba' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Perfecta' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA columbaria | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Misty Butterflies' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Pincushion Blue' | Little Pincushion, Small Scabious, |
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Pincushion Pink' | Little Pincushion, Scabious |
SCABIOSA graminifolia | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA japonica var. alpina 'Ritz Blue' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA japonica var. alpina 'Ritz Rose' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA lachnophylla 'Blue Horizon' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA ochroleuca | Cream Pincushion |
SCABIOSA ochroleuca | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCABIOSA ochroleuca 'Moon Dance' | Pincushion Flower, Scabious |
SCILLA bifolia | Alpine Squil |
SCILLA hyacinthoides | Squil |
SCILLA mischtschenkoana | Early Squill |
SCIRPUS holoschoenus | Head Rush |
SCIRPUS lacustris | Bull Rush |
SCIRPUS mucronatus | Rush |
SCIRPUS sylvaticus | Forest Rush |
SCIRPUS tabernaemontani | Rush |
SCLERANTHUS biflorus var. uniflorus | Knawel Cushion |
SCROPHULARIA macrantha | Figwort |
SCROPHULARIA nodosa | Woodland Figwort |
SCUTELLARIA alpina | Helmet Flower, Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA alpina 'Arcobaleno' | Helmet Flower, Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA alpina 'Moonbeam' | Helmet Flower, Alpine Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA altissima | Helmet Flower, Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis | Baicalein Scullcap (Huang-Qin) |
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis 'BLBP 02' | Baical Scullcap (Huang-Qin) |
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis 'BLBP 02' | Baicalein Scullcap (Huang-Qin) |
SCUTELLARIA galericulata | Swamp Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA incana | Helmet Flower, Downy Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA integrifolia | Hyssop leaved Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA orientalis | Oriental Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA orientalis var. pinnatifida | Oriental Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA pontica | Helmet Flower, Skullcap |
SCUTELLARIA resinosa 'Smokey Hills' | Prairie Scullcap |
SECURIGERA varia | Crown Vetch |
SEDUM acre | Wallpepper |
SEDUM acre 'Oktoberfest' | Stone Crop, Wall Pepper |
SEDUM aizoon | Stonecrop |
SEDUM album | White Stonecrop |
SEDUM ellacombianum | Orange Stonecrop |
SEDUM floriferum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM forsterianum ssp. elegans 'Silver Stone' | Stonecrop |
SEDUM glaucophyllum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM hispanicum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM hybridum 'Czar's Gold' | Stonecrop |
SEDUM kamtschaticum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM lanceolatum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM middendorffianum var. middendorffianum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM montanum | Stonecrop, Mountain Sedum |
SEDUM montanum ssp. orientale | Stonecrop |
SEDUM obtusifolium var. listoniae | Stonecrop |
SEDUM ochroleucum | European Stonecrop |
SEDUM oreganum | Oregon Stonecrop |
SEDUM populifolium | Stonecrop |
SEDUM pulchellum | Stonecrop, Widow's Cross |
SEDUM reflexum | Stone Orpine |
SEDUM rubens 'Lizard' | Stonecrop |
SEDUM sediforme | Pale Stonecrop |
SEDUM selskianum 'Goldilocks' | Stonecrop |
SEDUM sexangulare | Tasteless Stonecrop |
SEDUM species Mixture | Stonecrop |
SEDUM spurium 'Summer Glory' | Two-row stonecrop |
SEDUM spurium 'Voodoo' | Stonecrop |
SEDUM spurium var. coccineum | Two-Row Stonecrop |
SEDUM stenopetalum | Wormleaf or Yellow Stonecrop |
SEDUM stoloniferum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM takesimense | Ullungdo Island Stonecrop |
SEDUM telephium 'Emperor's Waves' | Emperor's Stonecrop |
SEDUM telephium ssp. maximum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM ternatum | Stonecrop |
SEDUM ussuriense | Stonecrop |
SELINUM carvifolium | Cambridge Milk Parsley |
SELINUM wallichianum | Milk Parsley |
SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum | House Leek |
SEMPERVIVUM hybridum winter hardy varieties | House Leek |
SEMPERVIVUM montanum | Hens and Chicks, House Leek |
SEMPERVIVUM tectorum | House Leek |
SERRATULA tinctoria | Sawwort |
SESELI elatum ssp. osseum | Mountain Fennel |
SESELI gummiferum | Moon Carrot |
SESELI petraeum | Rock Mountain Fennel |
SESLERIA albicans | Blue Moor Grass |
SESLERIA argentea | Silver Moor Grass |
SESLERIA caerulea | Blue Moor Grass |
SESLERIA heufleriana | Green Moor Grass |
SESLERIA nitida | Blaugras |
SETARIA palmifolia | Palm Grass |
SIBBALDIA procumbens | Creeping Glow Wort Sibbaldia |
SIDA hermaphrodita | Virginia Mallow |
SIDALCEA candida 'Bianca' | White Prairie Mallow |
SIDALCEA malviflora 'Starks Hybrids' | Prairie Mallow |
SIDALCEA Malviflora-Hybr. 'Partygirl' | Prairie Mallow |
SIDERITIS hyssopifolia | Spanish Mountain Tea, Hyssop-leaved Ironwort |
SIDERITIS scardica | Greek Mountain Tea |
SIDERITIS syriaca | South Greek Mountain Tea |
SIGESBECKIA pubescens 'BLBP 01' | St. Pauls Wort (Xi-Xiang-Cao) |
SILENE acaulis | Campion |
SILENE alba | Campion |
SILENE alba | White Campion |
SILENE alpestris | Campion |
SILENE caroliniana ssp. wherryi | Campion |
SILENE dioica | Red Campion, Red Catchfly |
SILENE nutans | Nottingham Catchfly |
SILENE orientalis | Campion |
SILENE regia | Campion |
SILENE saxifraga | Campion |
SILENE schafta 'Shell Pink' | Schafta Campion |
SILENE schafta 'Splendens' | Campion |
SILENE schafta f. albiflora 'Wishing Wheels' | White Schafta Campion |
SILENE tatarica | Campion |
SILENE uniflora 'Compacta' | Campion, The Compact Maiden's Tears |
SILENE uniflora 'Weißkehlchen' | Campion |
SILENE vulgaris | Campion |
SILENE zawadskii | Campion |
SILPHIUM albiflorum | White Rosinweed |
SILPHIUM integrifolium | Prairie Dock |
SILPHIUM laciniatum | Compass Plant |
SILPHIUM mohrii | Shaggy Rosinweed |
SILPHIUM perfoliatum | Prairie Dock |
SILPHIUM terebinthinaceum | Prairie Dock |
SILYBUM marianum | St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle |
SILYBUM marianum | St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle |
SILYBUM marianum var. albiflorum | St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle |
SISYRINCHIUM angustifolium | Blue Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM angustifolium f. album | Blue Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM bellum | Blue Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM californicum | Blue Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM idahoense var. macounii 'Moody Blues' | Blue-Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM palmifolium | Palm-leaf Yellow-Eyed Grass |
SISYRINCHIUM striatum | Blue Eyed Grass |
SMILACINA racemosa | False Solomon's Seal |
SMILACINA stellata | Star Flower, False Solomon's Seal, Strarry False Solomon's Seal |
SMYRNIUM olusatrum | Black Lovage, Alexanders |
SOLANUM dulcamara | Bittersweet |
SOLDANELLA alpina | Snowbell |
SOLDANELLA montana | Snowbell |
SOLDANELLA pusilla | Snowbell |
SOLIDAGO canadensis 'Golden Baby' | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO cutleri | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO glomerata | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO riddellii | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO rigida | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO rigida ssp. humilis 'Golden Rockets' | Prarie Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO roanensis | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO speciosa | Golden Rod |
SOLIDAGO virgaurea | European Goldenrod |
SOLIDAGO virgaurea ssp. minuta | Dwarf European Goldenrod |
SORGHASTRUM nutans | Indian Grass |
SORGHASTRUM nutans 'Indian Steel' | Indian Grass |
SPARGANIUM erectum | Bur-Reed |
SPERGULARIA rubra | Sandspurry |
SPHAERALCEA ambigua | Desert Globemallow, Apricot Mallow |
SPHAERALCEA coccinea | Globe Mallow |
SPHAERALCEA rivularis | Wild Hollyhock |
SPODIOPOGON sibiricus | Greybeard Grass |
SPOROBOLUS airoides | Alkali Dropseed |
SPOROBOLUS heterolepis | Prairie Dropseed |
SPOROBOLUS wrightii | Giant Sacaton Dropseed |
STACHYS byzantina | Lamb's Ears |
STACHYS byzantina 'Silky Fleece' | Dwarf Lambs' Ears |
STACHYS macrantha | Big Betony |
STACHYS macrantha 'Morning Blush' | Big Betony |
STACHYS officinalis | Betony, Bishopswort |
STACHYS recta | Yellow Woundworth |
STELLERA chamaejasme | Himalayan Stellera |
STEVIA rebaudiana | Sugar Leaf, Sweet Herb |
STIPA barbata | Silver Feather Grass |
STIPA capillata | Feather Grass, Needle Grass |
STIPA extremiorientalis | Feather Grass |
STIPA gigantea | Giant Feather Grass, Giant-Oat |
STIPA ichu | Peruvian Feather Grass |
STIPA joannis | Grey-Sheathed Feather Grass |
STIPA pennata | European Feather Grass |
STIPA pulcherrima | Feather Grass |
STIPA tenuissima | Mexican Feather Grass, Angel Hair |
STIPA tirsa | Horsetail Feather Grass |
STIPA trichotoma 'Palomino' | Chilean Needle Grass, Serrated Tussock, |
STOKESIA laevis | Stoke's Aster |
STOKESIA laevis 'Omega Skyrocket' | Stoke's Aster |
STOKESIA laevis f. alba 'Träumerei' | Stoke's Aster |
STYLOPHORUM diphyllum | Wood Poppy |
STYLOPHORUM lasiocarpum | Wood Poppy |
SUCCISA pratensis | Devil's Bit Scabious |
SUCCISELLA inflexa 'Frosted Pearls' | Devil's Bit |
SYMPHYANDRA hofmannii | Ring Bellflower |
SYMPHYANDRA pendula | Bellflower |
SYMPHYANDRA wanneri | Ring Bellflower |
SYMPHYANDRA zanzegura | Ring Bellflower |
SYMPHYTUM officinale | Comfrey |
TAGETES lucida | Sweet Mace, Mexican Tarragon, Yauhtli |
TAGETES patula/erecta Mix | French Marigold |
TALINUM calycinum | Flameflower, Rock Pink |
TALINUM paniculatum | Jewels of Opar (Tu-Ren-Shen) |
TALINUM teretifolium | Appalachian Flameflower, Rock Pink |
TANACETUM balsamita | Costmary |
TANACETUM cinerariifolium | Dalmatian Pellitory |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Giant Mixture' | Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Pink' | Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Red' | Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Super Duplex' | Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy |
TANACETUM macrophyllum | Wolfie's Choice |
TANACETUM niveum 'Jackpot' | White Tansy |
TANACETUM parthenifolium | Feverfew |
TANACETUM parthenium | Feverfew |
TANACETUM parthenium 'Golden Moss' | Feverfew |
TANACETUM vulgare | Tansy |
TARAXACUM albidum | White Dandelion |
TARAXACUM albidum f. citrinum | Lemon flowering Dandelion |
TARAXACUM officinale | Dandelion (Pu-Gong-Ying) |
TARAXACUM pseudoroseum | Pink Dandelion |
TECOMA stans | Trumpet Bush |
TELLIMA grandiflora | Alaska Fringecup |
TEUCRIUM chamaedrys | Wall Germander, Wood Sage |
TEUCRIUM hircanicum | Germander, Wood Sage |
TEUCRIUM montanum | Germander, Wood Sage |
TEUCRIUM orientale | Oriental Germander |
TEUCRIUM polium | Felty Germander, Wood Sage |
TEUCRIUM polium | Felty Germander, Wood Sage, |
TEUCRIUM scorodonia | Germander, Wood Sage |
THALICTRUM alpinum | Alpine Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM aquilegiifolium | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM delavayi | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM delavayi 'Album' | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM flavum ssp. glaucum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM foetidum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM lucidum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM minus 'Adiantifolium' | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM minus ssp. minus | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM petaloideum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM polygamum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM rochebruneanum | Meadow Rue |
THALICTRUM rochebruneanum var. grandisepalum | Meadow Rue |
THAMNOCHORTUS cinereus | Silver-Reed |
THAMNOCHORTUS spicigerus | Thatching-Reed |
THERMOPSIS chinensis | Chinese Bush Pea |
THYMUS comosus | Tufted Thyme |
THYMUS fragrantissimus | Orange Thyme |
THYMUS longiflorus | Long Flower Fhyme |
THYMUS mastichina | Mastic Thyme, Spanish Wood Marjoram |
THYMUS praecox | Creeping Thyme, Early Thyme |
THYMUS pulegioides | Greater Wild Thyme, Field Thyme |
THYMUS serpyllum 'Magic Carpet' | Shepherd's Thyme |
THYMUS serpyllum hort. | Shepherd's Thyme |
THYMUS vulgaris 'French Summer' | French Thyme |
THYMUS vulgaris 'German Winter' | Common Thyme |
THYMUS zygis | Spanish Thyme |
TIARELLA polyphylla 'Filigran' | Foam Flower |
TIARELLA wherryi | Foamflower |
TOLMIEA menziesii | Piggyback Plant, Pickaback Plant |
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Blanca' | Spiderwort |
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Blue' | Spiderwort |
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Carmine-Red' | Spiderwort |
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Mix' | Spiderwort |
TRAGOPOGON pratensis | Meadow Goat's Beard |
TRICYRTIS formosa | Formosa Toad Lily |
TRICYRTIS hirta | Toad Lily |
TRICYRTIS hirta 'Alba' | Toad Lily |
TRICYRTIS Hirta-Hybr. 'Miyazaki' | Toad Lily |
TRICYRTIS latifolia | Toad Lily |
TRICYRTIS macrantha ssp. macranthopsis | Toad Lily |
TRIFOLIUM alpinum | Clover |
TRIFOLIUM badium | Brown Trefoil |
TRIFOLIUM ochroleucum | Clover |
TRIFOLIUM rubens | Feather Clover |
TRIFOLIUM trichocephalum | Clover |
TRIGLOCHIN maritimum | Arrow Grass |
TRIGONELLA caerulea | Sweet Trifoil, Blue Fenugreek |
TRIGONELLA foenum-graecum | Fenugreek, Greek Clover (Hu-Lu-Ba) |
TRIOSTEUM himalayanum | Feverwort |
TRITELEIA laxa | Grass Nut, Triplet Lily, Ithuriel's Spear |
TROLLIUS asiaticus | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Golden Queen' | Chinese Globeflower |
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Morning Sun' | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS chinensis ssp. macropetalus | Chinese Globeflower |
TROLLIUS europaeus | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS europaeus f. compactus 'Lemon Supreme' | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS laxus var. albiflorus | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS pumilus | Dwarf Globeflower |
TROLLIUS x cultorum 'New Hybrids' | Globe Flower |
TROLLIUS x cultorum 'New Moon' | Globe Flower |
TROPAEOLUM majus 'Mix' | Indian Cress |
TULIPA sylvestris | Florentine Tulip |
TULIPA tarda | Tulip |
TUSSILAGO farfara | Coltsfoot (Kuan-Dong-Hua) |
TWEEDIA coerulea | Blue Star Milkweed, Southern Blue Star |
TWEEDIA coerulea 'Alba' | White Star Milkweed, Southern White Star |
TYPHA angustifolia | Slender Reed Mace |
TYPHA latifolia | Common Reed Mace |
URTICA dioica | Stinging Nettle |
URTICA urens | Small Nettle, Dog Nettle |
VACCINIUM corymbosum | American Blueberry, Highbush Blueberry, Huckleberry |
VACCINIUM macrocarpon | Cranberry |
VACCINIUM myrtillus | Blueberry |
VACCINIUM vitis-idaea | Mountain Cranberry |
VALERIANA montana | Mountain Valerian |
VALERIANA officinalis | Common Valerian |
VALERIANA officinalis 'BLBP 19' | Valerian |
VANCOUVERIA hexandra | Barrenwort, Inside-Out Flower |
VERATRUM album | White Hellebore, White false hellebore |
VERATRUM californicum | Verafrum |
VERATRUM maackii | Verafrum |
VERATRUM nigrum | Verafrum |
VERBASCUM blattaria f. albiflorum | Mullein |
VERBASCUM bombyciferum | Silver Mullein |
VERBASCUM bombyciferum | Silver Mullein, Giant Silver Mullein |
VERBASCUM chaixii | Mullein |
VERBASCUM chaixii 'Sixteen Candles' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM chaixii f. album 'Wedding Candles' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM densiflorum | Large-flowered Mullein |
VERBASCUM hybridum 'Southern Charm' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM nigrum wild form | Dark Mullein |
VERBASCUM nigrum var. album | Mullein |
VERBASCUM olympicum | Mullein |
VERBASCUM olympicum f. album | White Mullein |
VERBASCUM phlomoides 'Spica' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM phlomoides 'Wega' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Flush of White' | Mullein |
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Rosetta' | Rosetta Purple Mullein |
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Violetta' | Purple Mullein |
VERBASCUM phoeniceum Mixed Colours | Mullein |
VERBASCUM phoeniceum wild form | Purple Mullein |
VERBASCUM roripifolium | Mullein |
VERBASCUM thapsus | Aaron's Rod, Great Mullein |
VERBENA bonariensis | Purpletop Vervain |
VERBENA bonariensis | Verbena On A Stick |
VERBENA hastata | Blue Vervain, American vervain, Swamp Verbena |
VERBENA hastata 'Blue Spires' | Verbena |
VERBENA hastata 'Pink Spires' | Verbena |
VERBENA hastata 'White Spires' | Verbena |
VERBENA officinalis | Common Vervain (Ma-Bian-Cao) |
VERBENA officinalis var. grandiflora 'Bampton' | Common Vervain |
VERBENA rigida | Verbena |
VERBENA stricta | Verbena |
VERBENA tenuisecta | Moss Verbena |
VERBESINA alternifolia | Yellow Iron Weed, Wingstem |
VERBESINA helianthoides | Yellow Crownbeard |
VERNONIA arkansana | Ironweed |
VERNONIA fasciculata | Ironweed |
VERNONIA lettermannii | Narrow-leaf Ironweed |
VERNONIA noveboracensis | Ironweed |
VERONICA armena | Armenian Speedwell |
VERONICA beccabunga | European Speedwell, Brooklime, Water Pimpernel |
VERONICA fruticans | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA fruticulosa | Speedwell, Bird's Eyen |
VERONICA gentianoides | Gentian Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA incana | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA incana 'Silbersee' | Silver Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA longifolia | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA longifolia 'Alba' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA longifolia 'Blue Shades' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA longifolia 'Pink Shades' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA officinalis | Common Speedwell |
VERONICA orchidea 'Blue Fingers' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA pinnata 'Blue Feathers' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA porphyriana | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA prostrata | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA repens | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA schmidtiana | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA spicata | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA spicata 'Alba' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA spicata 'Pink Goblin' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA spicata 'Sightseeing' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA spicata f. nana 'Blauteppich' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA Subsessilis-Hybr. 'Blue Pyramid' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICA teucrium 'Royal Blue' | Speedwell, Bird's Eye |
VERONICASTRUM sibiricum | Culver's Root |
VERONICASTRUM sibiricum | Culver's Root, Black Root, Physic Root |
VERONICASTRUM virginicum f. albiflorum | Culver's Root, Physic Root |
VERONICASTRUM virginicum f. caeruleum | Culver's Root, Physic Root |
VICIA cracca | Bird Vetch, Tufted Vetch |
VIGUIERA multiflora | Goldeneye |
VINCETOXICUM hirundinaria | White Swallowwort |
VIOLA arvensis | European Field Pansy |
VIOLA bertolonii | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA calcarata | Spurred Violet |
VIOLA cornuta 'Admiration' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Aprikosenfarbe' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Blue Perfection' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Bowles Black' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Helen Mount' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'King Henry' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Lutea Splendens' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Minor' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Rubin' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'White Perfection' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA cornuta 'Yellow Perfection' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA corsica | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA elatior | Tall Violet |
VIOLA labradorica hort. 'Purpurea' | Labrador Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA mandshurica | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA mandshurica 'Fuji Dawn' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA odorata 'Königin Charlotte' | Sweet Violet |
VIOLA odorata 'Reine de Neiges' | Sweet Violet |
VIOLA odorata 'Royal Wedding' | Wood Violet, Sweet Violet |
VIOLA odorata var. sulfurea (Sulphurea) | Sweet Violet |
VIOLA palmata | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA pedatifida | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA pumila | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA reichenbachiana | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA rupestris 'Rosea' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA sororia | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA sororia 'Albiflora' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA sororia 'Dark Freckles' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA sororia 'Freckles' | Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA sororia 'Sorority Sisters' | Confederate Violet , Pansy |
VIOLA sororia 'Sorority Sisters' | Confederate Violet, Pansy |
VIOLA tricolor | Wild Pansy |
VITEX agnus-castus | Chaste Tree, Abraham's balm, Monk's pepper, |
WAHLENBERGIA akaroa | Rock Bell |
WAHLENBERGIA albomarginata | Rock Bell |
WYETHIA amplexicaulis | Mule Ears |
XEROPHYLLUM tenax | Bear Grass |
YUCCA baccata | Broad Leaf Yucca, Banana Yucca |
YUCCA filamentosa | Adam's Needle |
YUCCA glauca | Adam's Needle |
ZIGADENUS elegans | Zigadene |
ZINNIA grandiflora | Rocky Mountain Zinnia |
ZIZIA aptera | Golden Alexander's, Meadow Zizia, Meadow Parsnip |
ZIZIA aurea | Golden Alexander's |