Common Names

Please note that the common names may vary, the botanical names however are consistent. This list may not be complete and is just for your assistance.

Botanical name Common Name(s)
ABUTILON vitifolium Indian Mallow, Flowering Maple
ACAENA buchananii New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri
ACAENA caesiiglauca New Zealand Bur, Bidibidi, Piripiri
ACAENA fissistipula New Zealand Burr
ACAENA inermis New Zealand Burr, Sheep's Burr
ACAENA inermis 'Purpurea' Purple Sheep's Burr, Purple Goose-Leaf
ACAENA microphylla Bronze New Zealand Bur, Sheep Burr
ACAENA myriophylla Cadillo, Clubbed Sheep Burr
ACAENA novae-zelandiae New Zealand Burr
ACANTHUS hungaricus Hungarian Bear's Breeches
ACANTHUS mollis Bear's Breeches
ACANTHUS spinosus Spiny Bear's Breeches
ACHILLEA clypeolata Yarrow
ACHILLEA filipendulina 'Parkers Varietät' Fernleaf Yarrow
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cassis' Common Yarrow, Milfoil
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Cerise Queen' Common Yarrow, Milfoil
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Colorado' Common Yarrow, Milfoil
ACHILLEA millefolium 'Summer Pastels' Common Yarrow, Milfoil
ACHILLEA millefolium wild form Yarrow, Milfoil
ACHILLEA nana Dwarf Alpine Yarrow
ACHILLEA nobilis Noble Yarrow
ACHILLEA ptarmica Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy
ACHILLEA ptarmica 'Pearl-Group' Sneezewort, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy
ACHILLEA ptarmica fl. pl. 'Noblessa' Sneezewort, European Pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose Tongue, Wild Pellitory, White Tansy
ACHILLEA sibirica ssp. camtschatica 'Love Parade' Siberian Yarrow
ACHILLEA tomentosa 'Aurea' Fuzzy Yarrow, Wooly Yarrow
ACHLYS triphylla Vanilla Leaf, Deer Foot, Sweet-After-Life
ACHNATHERUM calamagrostis Silver Spike Grass
ACHNATHERUM hymenoides 'Rimrock' Indian Rice Grass
ACHNATHERUM splendens Chee Grass
ACIPHYLLA aurea Speargrass, Golden Spaniard, Kuri Kuri
ACIPHYLLA congesta Compact speargrass
ACIPHYLLA dieffenbachii Chatham Island Speargrass, Soft Speargrass, Coxella
ACIPHYLLA glaucescens Blue Speargrass
ACIPHYLLA monroi Little Speargrass
ACIS nicaeensis French Snowflake, Mentone
ACMELLA oleracea f. purpurea Purple leaved Paracress, Toothache Plant
ACMELLA oleracea f. purpurea dark leaved Purple leaved Paracress, Toothache Plant
ACMELLA oleracea f. viridis green leaved Green leaved Paracress, Eyeball Plant
ACONITUM anthora Yellow Monkshood, Hanging Wolfsbane
ACONITUM carmichaelii 'Spätlese' Chinese Aconite, Monkshood
ACONITUM carmichaelii Arendsii-Group Chinese Aconite, Monkshood
ACONITUM hemsleyanum 'Red Wine' Monkshood, Helmet Flower, Venus' Chariot, Wolfbane
ACONITUM lamarckii Northern Wolf's-bane, Yellow Monkshood
ACONITUM lycoctonum Northern Wolfsbane, Alpine Wolfsbane
ACONITUM napellus Monkshood
ACONITUM napellus 'Newry Blue' Monkshood
ACONITUM variegatum Manchurian Monkshood
ACORUS calamus Sweet Calamus, Sweetflag
ACTAEA pachypoda Baneberry
ACTAEA rubra Red Baneberry, Snakeberry
ACTAEA spicata Spike Baneberry
ADENOPHORA liliifolia Lily-leafed Lady Bells
ADLUMIA fungosa Allegheny Vine
ADONIS aestivalis Summer Pheasant's Eye, Summer-Adonis
ADONIS vernalis Spring Adonis
AETHIONEMA antitaurii Stone Cress
AETHIONEMA coridifolium Stone Cress
AETHIONEMA grandiflorum Persian Stonecress
AETHIONEMA kotschyi Lebanese Stone Cress
AETHIONEMA membranaceum Stone Cress
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'Getty White' African Lily, Lily of the Nile
AGAPANTHUS praecox 'Queen Anne' African Lily, Lily of the Nile
AGAPANTHUS praecox ssp. minimus 'Peter Pan' African Lily, Lily of the Nile
AGAPANTHUS umbellatus African Lily, Lily of the Nile
AGAPANTHUS umbellatus 'Albus' African Lily, Lily of the Nile
AGASTACHE aurantiaca Hummingbird Mint
AGASTACHE Aurantiaca-Hybr. 'Fragrant Carpet' Hummingbird Mint
AGASTACHE Aurantiaca-Hybr. 'Tango' Hummingbird Mint
AGASTACHE Cana-Hybr. 'Bolero' Mosquito-Hyssop
AGASTACHE foeniculum Anise-Hyssop
AGASTACHE foeniculum True Anise-Hyssop
AGASTACHE mexicana 'Sangria' Mexican Hyssop
AGASTACHE nepetoides Yellow Giant Hyssop
AGASTACHE Pallida-Hybr. (pallida x rugosa) 'Globetrotter' Globe Hyssop
AGASTACHE rugosa Blue Anis Hyssop, (Huo Xiang)
AGASTACHE rugosa 'Korean Zest' Korean Mint
AGASTACHE rugosa f. albiflora White Anis Hyssop
AGASTACHE rugosa f. albiflora White Anis Hyssop, White Korean Mint
AGASTACHE rupestris Sunset Hyssop, Rock Anise Hyssop
AGRIMONIA eupatoria Common Agrimony
AGRIMONIA eupatoria Common Agrimony, Cocklebur
AGRIMONIA eupatoria var. alba Agrimony
AGRIMONIA procera Fragrant Agrimony
AGROSTEMMA githago Corn Cockle
AJUGA genevensis Upright Bugle, Blue Bugle, Geneva Bugleweed
AJUGA reptans Creeping Bugle
ALCEA Ficifolia-Hybr. Hollyhock
ALCEA Ficifolia-Hybr. 'Las Vegas' Fig-leaf Hollyhock
ALCEA pallida Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters chamois' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters chestnut-brown' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters magnificent mixture' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters pink' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters purple' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters red (scarlet)' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters salmon pink' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters violet' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters white' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea plena 'Chaters yellow' Hollyhock
ALCEA rosea var. nigra Black Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Blacknight' Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Mars Magic' Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Polarstar' Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Radiant Rose' Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Simplex' Hollyhock
ALCEA Rosea-Hybr. 'Sunshine' Hollyhock
ALCEA rugosa Russian Hollyhock
ALCHEMILLA alpina Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA epipsila Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA erythropoda Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA mollis Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA mollis 'Select' Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA saxatilis Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA sericata 'Gold Strike' Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA xanthochlora Lady's Mantle
ALCHEMILLA xanthochlora Ladys Mantle
ALISMA parviflorum Water Plantain
ALISMA plantago-aquatica Water Plantain
ALKANNA orientalis Alkanet
ALLIUM acuminatum Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM aflatunense Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM angulosum Mouse Garlic
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum Keeled Garlic
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum f. album White Keeled Garlic
ALLIUM cernuum Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion
ALLIUM cernuum 'Hidcote' Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion
ALLIUM cernuum f. albiflorum Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion
ALLIUM christophii Star of Persia, Downy Onion
ALLIUM fistulosum Welsh Onion (Cong-Bai)
ALLIUM flavum Small Yellow Onion
ALLIUM hookeri var. muliense Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM jesdianum Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM karataviense Blue-tongue Leek
ALLIUM neapolitanum Naples Garlic, Daffodil Garlic, White Garlic
ALLIUM obliquum Twisted Leaf Garlic
ALLIUM ramosum Fragrant Flowered Garlic
ALLIUM rosenbachianum Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM schoenoprasum Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Mixed One' Ornamental Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Pink One' Ornamental Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Polyvert' Vegetable Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Polyvit' Vegetable Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'Purple One' Ornamental Chives
ALLIUM schoenoprasum 'White One' Crystal White Ornamental Chives
ALLIUM senescens ssp. montanum Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM sphaerocephalum Ornamental Onion
ALLIUM suaveolens Fragrant Leek
ALLIUM tricoccum Ramp, Wild Leek, Spring Onions, Chicagoua
ALLIUM triquetrum Three-cornered Leek
ALLIUM tuberosum Chinese Chives, Garlic Chives (Jiu-Zi)
ALLIUM ursinum Bear Leek, Wood Garlic, Ramsons
ALLIUM ursinum Wood Garlic, Bear Garlic, Ramsons
ALOINOPSIS spathulata Hardy Living Stone
ALSTROEMERIA aurea Peruvian lily
ALSTROEMERIA Ligtu-Hybr. 'Dandy Candy' Dwarf Peruvian Lily
ALSTROEMERIA psittacina 'Mona Lisa' Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily
ALTHAEA cannabina Hemp Marsh Mallow
ALTHAEA cannabina Hemp Marsh Mallow, Palm Leaf Marshmallow
ALTHAEA officinalis Marsh Mallow, White Mallow
ALYSSUM argenteum Alpine Madwort
ALYSSUM cuneifolium Madwort
ALYSSUM montanum 'Luna' Madwort
ALYSSUM montanum 'Mountain Gold' Madwort
ALYSSUM repens Creeping Madwort
ALYSSUM serpyllifolium Madwort
ALYSSUM tortuosum var. obovatum Madwort
ALYSSUM wulfenianum Madwort
AMMI visnaga Pick-Tooth
AMMOPHILA arenaria Marram Grass
AMORPHA canescens False Indigo, Lead Plant
AMPELODESMOS mauritanicus Mauritania Vine Reed
AMSONIA hubrichtii Hubricht's Bluestar
AMSONIA tabernaemontana Eastern Bluestar, Dogbane
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum Mount Atlas Daisy
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum var. depressus Mount Atlas Daisy
ANACYCLUS pyrethrum var. depressus f. compactum 'Silberkissen' Mount Atlas Daisy
ANAPHALIS alpicola Pearly Everlasting
ANAPHALIS margaritacea 'Neuschnee' Pearly Everlasting
ANAPHALIS triplinervis Pearly Everlasting
ANCHUSA azurea Bugloss, Alkanet
ANCHUSA azurea 'Feltham Pride Strain' Gentian-blue Bugloss
ANCHUSA officinalis Bugloss, Alkanet
ANDROPOGON gerardii Blue-Stem Grass
ANDROPOGON glomeratus Bushy Beardgrass
ANDROPOGON hallii Sand Bluestem
ANDROPOGON scoparius Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Aldous' Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Blaze' Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Camper' Little Bluestem, Blue-Stem Grass
ANDROPOGON scoparius 'Prairie Blues' Little Blue Stem
ANDROPOGON ternarius Split-beard Bluestem
ANDROSACE albana Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE alpina Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE carnea Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE carnea ssp. brigantiaca Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE chamaejasme Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE septentrionalis 'Star Dust' Rock Jasmine
ANDROSACE villosa Rock Jasmine
ANEMANTHELE lessoniana Pheasant's-tail Grass
ANEMONE baldensis Windflower
ANEMONE canadensis Windflower
ANEMONE fasciculata Windflower
ANEMONE hupehensis Japanese Anemone
ANEMONE leveillei Windflower
ANEMONE multifida 'Major' Windflower
ANEMONE multifida var. magellanica Windflower
ANEMONE narcissiflora Windflower
ANEMONE nemorosa Windflower, Wood Anemone
ANEMONE ranunculoides Windflower
ANEMONE rivularis Windflower
ANEMONE sylvestris Large Forest or Snowdrop Anemone
ANEMONE virginiana Tall Thimbleweed, Virginia Anemone
ANEMOPSIS californica Yerba Mansa
ANETHUM graveolens Dill
ANGELICA archangelica Archangel, Wild Parsnip, Holy Ghost
ANGELICA archangelica 'BLBP 01' Angelica, Holy Ghost
ANGELICA dahurica 'BLBP 01' Chinese Angelica (Bai Zhi)
ANGELICA gigas Korean Archangel
ANGELICA pachycarpa Glossy leaved Angelica
ANGELICA sylvestris 'Ebony' Purple Holy Ghost
ANGELICA sylvestris 'Vicar's Mead' Purple Holy Ghost
ANTENNARIA dioica Pussy Toes, Everlasting
ANTENNARIA dioica 'Rubra' Pussy Toes, Everlasting
ANTENNARIA plantaginifolia Woman’s Tobacco
ANTHEMIS cretica ssp. carpatica 'Karpatenschnee' Snowy Marguerite
ANTHEMIS sancti-johannis Roman Chamomile
ANTHEMIS tinctoria Dyer's Chamomile
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Alba' Marguerite, Dyers' Chamomile
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Dwarf Form' Dwarf Dyer's Chamomile
ANTHEMIS tinctoria 'Kelwayi' Dyer's Chamomile
ANTHERICUM liliago St. Bernard's Lily
ANTHOXANTHUM odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass
ANTHRISCUS cerefolium 'Typ Fine Curled' Chervil
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris Chervil
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris 'Golden Fleece' Golden Cow Parsley
ANTHRISCUS sylvestris 'Ravenswing' Purple leaved Cow Parsley
ANTHYLLIS vulneraria Kidney Vetch, Ladies’ Fingers
ANTHYLLIS vulneraria var. coccinea Kidney Vetch, Lady's Fingers
ANTIRRHINUM braun-blanquetii Snapdragon
ANTIRRHINUM majus ssp. majus Large Snapdragon
ANTIRRHINUM sempervirens Spanish Snapdragon
AQUILEGIA alpina hort. Mountain Columbine
AQUILEGIA atrata Columbine
AQUILEGIA buergeriana Columbine
AQUILEGIA buergeriana 'Calimero' Columbine
AQUILEGIA caerulea wild form Columbine, Colorado State Flower
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Biedermeier', Mixture Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Blue Star' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Dragon Fly', Mixture Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Blue-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Mix' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-Blue' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Purple-Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Red-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Red-Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Earlybird Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Heavenly Blue' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Koralle' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Kristall' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Maxi' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'McKana', Mixture Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Red Hobbit' Columbine
AQUILEGIA Caerulea-Hybr. 'Rotstern' Columbine
AQUILEGIA canadensis Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Corbett' Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Little Lanterns' Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine
AQUILEGIA canadensis 'Pink Lanterns' Canada Columbine, Honeysuckle Columbine
AQUILEGIA chrysantha 'Yellow Queen' Golden Columbine
AQUILEGIA chrysantha Denver Gold® Denver Gold Columbine
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Blue-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Lightred-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Mixture' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Pink-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo Softpink' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Cameo White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Blue-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Light-Red-Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Mix' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Pink-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata 'Spring Magic Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila 'Ministar' Columbine
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila 'Selection' Columbine
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila f. alba Columbine
AQUILEGIA flabellata var. pumila f. kurilensis 'Rosea' Columbine
AQUILEGIA flavescens Golden Columbine, Yellow Columbine
AQUILEGIA formosa Columbine
AQUILEGIA nevadensis Columbine
AQUILEGIA olympica Columbine
AQUILEGIA oxysepala Columbine
AQUILEGIA pyrenaica Pyrenean Columbine
AQUILEGIA rockii Columbine
AQUILEGIA sibirica Siberian Columbine
AQUILEGIA viridiflora Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Alba' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Blue' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Formula Mix' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Rose' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine Salmon Rose' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Clementine White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Grandmothers Garden' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Heidi' Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Leprechaun Gold' Columbine, Doves Round a Dish
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Mellow Yellow' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'William Guiness' Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Blue-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Double Red-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Double Rose-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Purple-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Red-White' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Rose-Rose' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Winky Single Formula Mix' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Woodside Strain' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Barlow Choice Mix' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Black Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Blue Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Bordeaux Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Christa Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Green Apples' Columbine, Double-flowered Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Nora Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Rose Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'Ruby Port' Columbine, Double-flowered Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA vulgaris var. stellata plena 'White Barlow' Double Columbine
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Alaska' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Colorado' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Florida' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Georgia' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Louisiana' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Montana' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Oregon' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'State-Series Mix' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Vermont' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
AQUILEGIA F1-Hybr. caerulea 'Virginia' Columbine, Granny's Bonnet
ARABIS blepharophylla 'Frühlingszauber' Coast Rock Cress
ARABIS blepharophylla 'Rote Sensation Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica 'Compinkie' Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica 'Little Treasure Deep Rose'(TM) Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica 'Little Treasure White'(TM) Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica 'Pixie Cream' Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Schneeball' Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Schneehaube' Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica Compacta 'Snowfix' Rock Cress
ARABIS caucasica Rosea 'La Fraicheur' Rock Cress
ARABIS procurrens 'Glacier' Running Rock Cress
ARALIA cordata f. aurea Japanese Spikenard, Mountain Asparagus, Udo
ARALIA racemosa American Spikenard
ARCTANTHEMUM arcticum Arctic Daisy
ARCTIUM lappa Great Burdock (Niu-Bang-Zi)
ARCTOSTAPHYLOS uva-ursi Bearberry, Sandberry, Kinnikinick, Mountain Box
ARENARIA ledebouriana Sandwort
ARENARIA montana Sandwort
ARENARIA serpyllifolia Thyme-Leaved Sandwort
ARGEMONE platyceras Prickly Poppy, Wide Horn Poppy
ARGEMONE polyanthemos Plains Prickly Poppy
ARISAEMA ciliatum Dragon Root, Jack In The Pulpit
ARISAEMA consanguineum Dragon Root, Jack In The Pulpit, Himalayan Cobra Lily
ARISAEMA flavum Yellow Jack In The Pulpit
ARISAEMA tortuosum Whipcord Cobra Lily
ARISAEMA triphyllum Jack In The Pulpit
ARISTEA ecklonii Blue Stars, Blue Corn Lily
ARISTOLOCHIA clematitis Osterluzei, Birthwort
ARMERIA maritima 'Alba' Common Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA maritima 'Morning Star Deep Pink' Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA maritima 'Morning Star White' Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA maritima 'Splendens' Common Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA Maritima-Hybr. Ornament®' Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA pseudarmeria Thrift, Sea Pink
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Lilac' Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red' Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift
ARMERIA pseudarmeria 'Ballerina White' Plantain Thrift, Pinkball Thrift
ARNEBIA pulchra Prophet Flower
ARNICA chamissonis Leafy Leopard's Bane
ARNICA montana Arnica, Mountain Tabacco
ARNICA montana 'Arbo' Mountain Arnica
ARTEMISIA absinthium Common Wormwood, Absinthe
ARTEMISIA absinthium 'Silverado' Common Wormwood, Absinthe
ARTEMISIA annua Sweet Annie (Qing Hao)
ARTEMISIA dracunculus Russian Tarragon
ARTEMISIA lactiflora White Mugwort
ARTEMISIA laxa Wormwood, Sage Brush Mugwort
ARTEMISIA ludoviciana Western Mugwort, White Prairie Sage
ARTEMISIA scoparia 'BLBP 01' Redstern Wormwood (Yin-Chen)
ARTEMISIA stelleriana 'Mori's Strain' Beach wormwood
ARTEMISIA vulgaris Mugwort, Chinese Moxa (Ai-Ye)
ARTHROPODIUM cirratum Rock Lily, Reinga Lily
ARUM maculatum Lords & Ladies
ARUNCUS aethusifolius Dwarf Goat's Beard
ARUNCUS dioicus Goat's Beard, Bride's Feathers
ARUNCUS dioicus Kneiffii-Hybr. 'Whirlwind' Goat's Beard
ARUNCUS dioicus var. kamtschaticus Goat's Beard
ARUNCUS sinensis Goat's Beard
ASARINA procumbens Creeping Snapdragon, Twining Snapdragon
ASARUM canadense Wild Ginger
ASARUM caudatum Western Wild Ginger, Long-Tailed Wild Ginger
ASARUM europaeum Asarabacca
ASCLEPIAS asperula Antelope Horns, Spider Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS curassavica Blood flower, Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS fruticosa Cotton Bush Milkweed, Tennis Ball Bush, Goose Plant
ASCLEPIAS hirtella Tall Green Milkweed, Prairie Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS incarnata Swamp Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS incarnata 'Iceballet' White Swamp Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS physocarpa Swan Plant Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS purpurascens Purple Butterfly Weed
ASCLEPIAS speciosa Showy Butterflyweed
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa Butterfly Weed
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa 'Gay Butterflies' Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa 'Hello Yellow' Butterfly Weed, Pleurisy Root, Silk Weed
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa ssp. interior Milkweed, Butterflyweed
ASCLEPIAS verticillata Whorled Milkweed
ASCLEPIAS viridis Green Antelopehorn, Spider Milkweed
ASPERULA cynanchica Woodruff, Squinancy Wort
ASPHODELINE liburnica Jacob's Rod
ASPHODELINE lutea Yellow Asphodel, King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod
ASPHODELINE taurica Jacob's Rod
ASPHODELUS albus White Asphodel
ASPHODELUS fistulosus Onion-leaved Asphodel
ASPHODELUS tenuifolius White Asphodel, Onion Weed
ASTELIA banksii Wharawhara
ASTELIA chathamica Chatham Island Astelia, Silver Spear
ASTELIA fragrans Kakahaha
ASTER alpinus Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus 'Albus' Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus 'Dunkle Schöne' Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus 'Goliath' Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus 'Happy End' Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus 'Pinkie' Alpine Aster
ASTER alpinus Formula Mix Alpine Aster
ASTER amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' Aster
ASTER azureus Sky Blue Aster
ASTER coloradoensis Colorado Tansy Aster
ASTER divaricatus Aster
ASTER ericoides Aster
ASTER laevis Aster
ASTER macrophyllus Bigleaf Aster
ASTER novae-angliae New England Aster
ASTER novi-belgii Michaelmas Daisy
ASTER oblongifolius Aromatic Aster
ASTER ptarmicoides Aster
ASTER spectabilis Eastern Showy Aster, Seaside Aster
ASTER tataricus Tatarian Aster (Zi Wan)
ASTER tongolensis 'Wartburgstern' Tongo Daisy
ASTER turbinellus Fall Aster
ASTILBE Arendsii-Hybr. 'Bunter Zauber' False Buck's Beard
ASTILBE Arendsii-Hybr. 'Showstar' False Goatsbeard
ASTILBE chinensis False Goatsbeard
ASTILBE chinensis var. pumila Dwarf False Goat's Beard
ASTILBE chinensis var. taquetii Hybr. False Goatsbeard
ASTILBE rivularis False Goatsbeard
ASTRAGALUS alpinus Alpine Milkvetch
ASTRAGALUS canadensis Canada Milkvetch
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus 'BLBP 04' Chinese Milkvetch (Huang Qi)
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus 'BLBP 04' Chinese Milkvetch, (Huang Qi)
ASTRAGALUS mongholicus var. dahuricus 'Weila®galus' Chinese Milkvetch (Huang Qi)
ASTRANTIA major Greater Masterwort
ASTRANTIA Major-Hybr. 'Rosensinfonie' Greater Masterwort
ASTRANTIA maxima Masterwort
ASTRANTIA minor Lesser Masterwort
ATHAMANTA cretensis Candy Carrot
ATRIPLEX hortensis var. rubra Red leaved Garden Orache
ATROPA bella-donna Deadly Nightshade
ATROPA bella-donna Deadly Nightshade, Bella Donna
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Blue' Aubrieta
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Purple-Violet' Rock Cress
AUBRIETA x cultorum 'Royal Cascade Red' Aubrieta
AURINIA petraeum Madwort
AURINIA saxatile 'Compactum Goldkugel' Madwort
AURINIA saxatile 'Gold Kobold' Madwort, Basket-of-Gold
AURINIA saxatile 'Sulphureum' Madwort
AURINIA saxatile 'Summit' Madwort
BALSAMORHIZA sagittata Balsam Root
BAPTISIA alba Wild White Indigo
BAPTISIA australis False Blue Indigo
BAPTISIA australis 'Alba' False Indigo, Wild Indigo
BAPTISIA australis var. minor Blue Wild Indigo
BAPTISIA bracteata var. leucophaea Buffalo Pea
BAPTISIA perfoliata False Indigo, Wild Indigo
BAPTISIA sphaerocarpa Yellow Wild Indigo
BAPTISIA tinctoria Horsefly Weed, Wild Indigo
BARBAREA vulgaris Rock Cress, Yellow Rocket
BARBAREA vulgaris 'Variegata' Rock Cress, Yellow Rocket
BARTSIA alpina Velvet Bells
BELAMCANDA chinensis Blackberry Lily, Leopard Flower
BELAMCANDA chinensis Leopard Flower
BELAMCANDA flabellata 'Hello Orange' Orange Leopard Lily, Orange Blackberry Lily, Orange Leopard Flower
BELAMCANDA flabellata 'Hello Yellow' Dwarf Blackberry Lily
BELLIS perennis Common Daisy, English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Carmine-rose' Common Daisy, English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Mixture' Common Daisy, English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette Pink' Common Daisy, English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Rominette White' Common Daisy, English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon Pink' English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon Red' English Daisy
BELLIS perennis 'Super Pompon White' English Daisy
BERGENIA cordifolia Elephants Ears
BERGENIA cordifolia 'New Hybrids' Elephants Ears
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Rotblum' Elephant Ears, Pig Squeak
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Snowtime' Elephant Ears, Heartleaf
BERGENIA cordifolia 'Winterglut' Elephant Ears, Pig Squeak, Heartleaf
BERGENIA purpurascens Elephants Ears
BERGERANTHUS vespertinus Berger's Ice Plant
BERGERANTHUS vespertinus f. albiflora Berger's Ice Plant
BERKHEYA multijuga Golden Spikes
BERKHEYA purpurea Purple Berkheya
BERLANDIERA lyrata Chocolate Flower, Green Eyes
BERLANDIERA texana Texas Greeneyes
BIGELOWIA nuttallii Nuttall's Rayless Goldenrod
BISCUTELLA laevigata Buckler Mustard
BOEHMERIA sieboldiana Rami, False Nettle
BOLBOSCHOENUS maritimus Sea Club Rush
BOLTONIA asteroides var. latisquama 'Nana' False Chamomile
BOLTONIA decurrens Winged False Aster, Clasping Leaf Doll's Daisy
BORAGO officinalis Borage
BORAGO officinalis 'Alba' White Flowering Borage
BOUTELOUA curtipendula Side-Oats Grama Grass, Mosquito Grass
BOUTELOUA gracilis Side-Oats Grama Grass, Mosquito Grass
BOUTELOUA gracilis 'Bad River' Mosquito Grass
BRACHYPODIUM pinnatum Tor Grass
BRACHYPODIUM sylvaticum False Brome
BRIZA media pure seed Quaking Grass, Rattle Snake Grass, Doddering Dickies
BRIZA triloba Chilean Quaking Grass
BRUCKENTHALIA spiculifolia Spike Heath
BUCHLOE dactyloides Buffalo Grass
BULBINE frutescens Bulbine, Burn Jelly Plant
BULBINE frutescens Yellow Bulbine, Burn Jelly Plant
BULBINE frutescens 'Avera Sunrise Yellow' Stalked Bulbine
BULBINE frutescens 'Avera Sunset Orange' Stalked Bulbine
BULBINELLA angustifolia Maori Onion
BULBINELLA gibbsii var. balanifera Maori Onion
BULBINELLA hookeri Maori Onion
BUPHTHALMUM salicifolium Willowleaf Ox-Eye
BUPHTHALMUM salicifolium 'Alpengold' Willowleaf Ox-Eye
BUPLEURUM falcatum Sickle-leaved Hare's Ear, Chinese Thorowax (Chai-Hu)
BUPLEURUM fruticosum Shrubby Hare's Ear
BUPLEURUM ranunculoides Thorow-wax, Hare's Ear
BUTOMUS umbellatus Flowering Rush, Water Gladiolus, Grassy Rush
CALAMAGROSTIS brachytricha Diamond Grass, Korean Feather Reed Grass
CALAMAGROSTIS canadensis Bluejoint Reedgras
CALAMAGROSTIS epigejos Wood Small Reed
CALAMINTHA grandiflora Large flowering Calamint
CALAMINTHA grandiflora Large lowered Calamint
CALAMINTHA nepeta Nepitella, Calamint
CALAMINTHA nepeta 'Marvelette Blue' Nepitella, Lesser Calamint
CALAMINTHA nepeta 'Marvelette White' Nepitella, Lesser Calamint
CALAMINTHA nepeta ssp. nepeta 'Blue Cloud Strain' Calamint
CALAMINTHA nepeta ssp. nepeta 'White Cloud Strain' Calamint
CALANDRINIA umbellata Rock Purslane
CALCEOLARIA biflora 'Goldcap' Slipper Flower, Slipperwort
CALCEOLARIA fothergillii Slipper Flower, Slipperwort
CALCEOLARIA hybrida 'Sunset Red' Slipper Flower, Slipperwort
CALENDULA officinalis Pot Marigold, Scotch Marigold
CALLA palustris Water Arum, Wild Calla
CALLIRHOE bushii Bush's Poppy Mallow
CALLIRHOE involucrata Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups
CALLIRHOE involucrata var. tenuissima Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups
CALLUNA vulgaris Scots Heather, Ling
CALOPSIS paniculata Broom-Restio
CALTHA leptosepala Mountain or Elkslip Marsh Marigold
CALTHA palustris Kingcup, Marsh Marigold, May-Blob, Meadow Bright, Souci d'eau
CALTHA palustris var. alba King Cup, Marsh Marigold
CALYLOPHUS serrulatus Shrubby Evening Primrose
CALYPTRIDIUM umbellatum Pussy Paws
CAMASSIA leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii Quamash, White Camass
CAMASSIA leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii Quamash
CAMASSIA quamash Quamash
CAMPANULA alliariifolia Bellflower
CAMPANULA alpestris Bellflower
CAMPANULA americana Tall Bellflower
CAMPANULA aucherii Bellflower
CAMPANULA barbata Bearded Bellflower
CAMPANULA bellidifolia Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blue Clips' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blue Uniform' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Deep Blue Clips' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Pearl Deep Blue' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Pearl White' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'White Clips' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica 'White Uniform' Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA carpatica f. alba Tussock Bellflower
CAMPANULA cenisia Bellflower
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia Dwarf Bellflower, Earleaf Bellflower, Fairy Thimbles
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria Blue' Dwarf Bellflower, Fairies' Thimbles
CAMPANULA cochleariifolia 'Bavaria White' Dwarf Bellflower, Fairies' Thimbles
CAMPANULA collina Sage-leaved Bellflower
CAMPANULA fenestrellata Adriatic Bellflower
CAMPANULA garganica Bellflower
CAMPANULA glomerata var. acaulis Clustered Bellflower
CAMPANULA glomerata var. alba Clustered Bellflower
CAMPANULA glomerata var. dahurica Clustered Bellflower
CAMPANULA incurva Bellflower
CAMPANULA lactiflora Milky Bellflower
CAMPANULA lactiflora 'New Hybrids' Milky Bellflower
CAMPANULA latifolia var. macrantha Bellflower
CAMPANULA latifolia var. macrantha 'Alba' Bellflower
CAMPANULA linifolia Bellflower
CAMPANULA medium Blue single Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer
CAMPANULA medium Rosepink single Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer
CAMPANULA medium White single Canterbury Bells, Cup and Saucer
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Blue double' Double Canterbury Bells
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Double Mixture' Double Canterbury Bells
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'Pink double' Double Canterbury Bells
CAMPANULA medium flore plena 'White double' Double Canterbury Bells
CAMPANULA ochroleuca Bellflower
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Grandiflora Alba' Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Grandiflora Coerulea' Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf
CAMPANULA persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf
CAMPANULA persicifolia wild form Willow Bell, Peach Bells, Peach Leaf
CAMPANULA portenschlagiana Dalmatian Bellflower
CAMPANULA poscharskyana Serbian Bellflower
CAMPANULA punctata Bellflower
CAMPANULA punctata f. rubriflora Spotted Bellflower
CAMPANULA pyramidalis Chimney Bellflower
CAMPANULA pyramidalis 'Alba' Bellflower
CAMPANULA pyramidalis Mixture Bellflower
CAMPANULA rapunculoides Bellflower
CAMPANULA rapunculus Rampion
CAMPANULA rotundifolia Scottish Bluebells, Harebells
CAMPANULA sarmatica Bellflower
CAMPANULA saxifraga Bellflower
CAMPANULA speciosa Bellflower
CAMPANULA takesimana Bellflower
CAMPANULA takesimana 'Alba' Bellflower
CAMPANULA takesimana fl. pl. 'Flore Pleno Mix' Korean Bellflower
CAMPANULA thyrsoides Bellflower
CAMPANULA tommasiniana Bellflower
CAMPANULA trachelium Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort
CAMPANULA trachelium 'Flore Pleno Mix' Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort
CAMPANULA trachelium var. alba Nettle-Leaved Bellflower, Throatwort
CAMPANULA waldsteiniana Bellflower
CANNOMOIS virgata Bellreed
CAPPARIS spinosa Caper
CAPPARIS spinosa var. inermis Spineless Caper Plant
CARDAMINE pratensis Bittercress, Meadow Cress, Cuckoo Flower
CARDIOCRINUM giganteum Giant Lily
CARDIOSPERMUM halicacabum Balloon Vine, Heart Pea
CAREX acuta Sedge
CAREX acutiformis Swamp Sedge
CAREX albula 'Frosted Curls' Blonde Sedge
CAREX appalachica Appalachian Sedge
CAREX arenaria Sand-Sedge
CAREX aurea Golden Sedge
CAREX berggrenii Sedge
CAREX buchananii Leatherleaf Sedge
CAREX buchananii 'Firefox' Leatherleaf Sedge
CAREX buchananii f. viridis 'Green Twist' Leatherleaf Sedge
CAREX comans Sedge
CAREX comans bronze form New Zealand Hair Sedge
CAREX comosa Bristly Sedge
CAREX davalliana Davall's Sedge
CAREX divulsa Grassland Sedge, Berkeley Sedge,
CAREX flacca Blue-green Sedge
CAREX flagellifera 'Kiwi' Weeping Sedge
CAREX flagellifera bronze form Sedge
CAREX flava Sedge
CAREX folliculata Sedge
CAREX grayi Morning Star Sedge, Gray's Sedge
CAREX intumescens Star-Sedge, Greater Bladder Sedge
CAREX lurida Sedge
CAREX muricata Rough Sedge, Prickly Sedge
CAREX muskingumensis Palm Sedge, Muskrat Sedge
CAREX paniculata Greater Tussock Sedge
CAREX pendula Great Dropping Sedge
CAREX petriei Brown Sedge
CAREX plantaginea 'Blue Ridge' Plantain Leaved Sedge, Seersucker Sage
CAREX pseudocyperus Sedge
CAREX remota Sedge
CAREX riparia Great pond-sedge
CAREX rosea Rosy Sedge, Curly-styled Wood Sedge
CAREX secta Sedge
CAREX shortiana Short's Sedge
CAREX solandri New Zealand Woodland Sedge
CAREX sparganioides Bur-reed Sedge
CAREX species 'Majken' Sedge
CAREX sylvatica Forest Sedge
CAREX tenuiculmis Cinnamon Sedge, Hair Sedge, Red Grass
CAREX testacea Orange Tufted Sedge
CAREX trifida Sedge
CARLINA acanthifolia Carline Thistle
CARLINA acaulis ssp. caulescens Silver Thistle or Weather Thistle
CARLINA acaulis ssp. caulescens 'Bronze' Bronze Weather Thistle, Stemless Carline Thistle
CARLINA vulgaris Common Carline Thistle
CARLINA vulgaris 'Silver Star' Weather Thistle, Common Carline Thistle
CARPESIUM macrocephalum Collarflower (He Shi)
CARTHAMUS tinctorius Dyer’s Saffron (Hong-Hua)
CARUM carvi Caraway
CASSIA didymobotrya Wild Senna, Popcorn Bush
CASSIA hebecarpa Northern Wild Senna
CASSIA marilandica Wild Senna, Maryland Senna
CASTILLEJA integra Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush, Squawfeather
CASTILLEJA miniata Scarlet Paintbrush
CASTILLEJA rhexifolia Split Leaf Paintbrush
CASTILLEJA sulphurea Painted Cups, Indian Paintbrush, Yellow Paintbrush
CATANANCHE caerulea Cupid's Dart
CATANANCHE caerulea 'Alba' White Cupid's Dart
CELMISIA hookeri New Zealand Daisy
CELMISIA semicordata New Zealand Daisy
CELMISIA sessiliflora New Zealand Daisy
CELMISIA spectabilis ssp. magnifica New Zealand Daisy
CELMISIA spedenii New Zealand Daisy
CELMISIA walkeri New Zealand Daisy
CENTAUREA alpestris Star Thristle
CENTAUREA cineraria hort. Dusty Miller
CENTAUREA cyanus 'Blaue Gefüllte' Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets
CENTAUREA cyanus 'Double Mixture' Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets
CENTAUREA cyanus wild form Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bonnets
CENTAUREA dealbata Persian Cornflower
CENTAUREA dealbata 'Pink Passion' Persian Cornflower
CENTAUREA jacea Brown Knapweed, Star Thristle
CENTAUREA macrocephala Star Thristle
CENTAUREA montana Perennial Cornflower, Mountain Bluet
CENTAUREA nigra Lesser Knapweed
CENTAUREA orientalis Star Thristle
CENTAUREA phrygia Star Thristle
CENTAUREA pulcherrima Star Thristle
CENTAUREA ruthenica Star Thristle
CENTAUREA scabiosa Greater Knapweed
CENTAUREA stoebe Spotted Knapweed
CENTAUREA triumfettii Woolly Perennial Cornflower
CENTAURIUM erythraea Centaury, Feverworth
CENTAURIUM erythraea f. album White Centaury, White Feverwort
CENTRANTHUS ruber 'Albus' Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus Red Valerian
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush
CENTRANTHUS ruber var. coccineus 'Rosenrot' Red Valerian, Jupiter's Beard, Fox's Brush
CEPHALARIA alpina Yellow Cephalaria
CEPHALARIA gigantea Giant Pincushion Flower
CEPHALARIA gigantea Giant Pincushion Flower, Giant Scabious, Yellow Scabious
CERASTIUM grandiflorum Bering Chickweed
CERASTIUM tomentosum var. columnae 'Silberteppich' Snow in the Summer
CERINTHE major 'Purpurascens' Honeywort, Blue Shrimp Plant
CHAENORHINUM origanifolium 'Blue Dreams' Dwarf Snapdragon
CHAENORHINUM villosum 'Little Dragons' Dwarf Snapdragon
CHAEROPHYLLUM hirsutum 'Roseum' Hairy Chervil
CHAMAEMELUM nobile Roman Chamomile
CHAMOMILLA recutita German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary
CHAMOMILLA recutita German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Bodegold' German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Bodegold' German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile
CHAMOMILLA recutita 'Zloty Lan' German Chamomile, Scented Mayweek, Matricary, Sweet False Chamomile
CHASMANTHIUM latifolium Northern Sea Oats, Spangle Grass, Spike Grass
CHELIDONIUM majus Greater Celandine (Bai-Qu-Cai)
CHELIDONIUM majus 'Flore Pleno' Greater Celandine (Bai-Qu-Cai)
CHELONE glabra Turtlehead, Snakehead
CHELONE lyonii 'Pink Temptation' Turtlehead, Shellflower
CHELONE obliqua Rose Turtle Head
CHELONE obliqua var. alba Turtlehead, Shellflower
CHENOPODIUM bonus-henricus Lincolnshire Spinach, Good King Henry
CHENOPODIUM capitatum Strawberry Blite
CHENOPODIUM foliosum True Strawberry Blite, Common Hound's Tongue
CHIONOCHLOA conspicua Snowgrass, Plumed Tussock Gras
CHIONOCHLOA flavicans Green Leaved Snow Tussock, Miniature Toe Toe
CHIONOCHLOA rigida Snowgrass, Snow Tussock
CHIONOCHLOA rubra ssp. cuprea Snowgrass, Red Tussock Grass
CHONDROPETALUM tectorum Cape Rush, Cape Thatching Reed
CHRYSOPOGON gryllus Gold-Beard Grass
CICHORIUM intybus var. intybus Chicory, Succory
CIMICIFUGA foetida Foetid Bugbane
CIMICIFUGA racemosa Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot
CIMICIFUGA racemosa var. cordifolia Snakeroot, Bugbane
CIMICIFUGA ramosa 'Atropurpurea' Snakeroot, Bugbane
CIRSIUM acaule Plumed Thistle
CIRSIUM diacanthum Ivory Thistle
CIRSIUM echinocephalum Plumed Thistle
CIRSIUM japonicum 'Pink Beauty' Plumed Thistl
CISTUS incanus ssp. tauricus Tauric Rock Rose
CISTUS laurifolius Rock Rose
CISTUS monspeliensis Montpelier Rock Rose
CLADIUM mariscus Great Fen Sedge
CLAYTONIA perfoliata Winter Purslane, Miner's Lettuce
CLAYTONIA sibirica Siberian Purslane
CLEMATIS alpina Alpine Clematis
CLEMATIS integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons' Old Man's Beard
CLEMATIS stans Japanese Clematis
CLEMATIS tangutica Golden Clematis, Old Man's Beard
CLEMATIS texensis Scarlet Clematis, Crimson Clematis
CLEMATIS vitalba Old Man's Beard
CLEMATIS vitalba Old Man's Beard, Traveller's Joy
CLEMATIS viticella Italian Leather Flower
CLINOPODIUM vulgare Cushion Calamint, Wild Basil
CLINTONIA borealis Bluebird
CNICUS benedictus St. Benedict Thistle, Blessed Thistle
COCHLEARIA officinalis Spoonwort, Scurvy Grass
CODONOPSIS canescens Bonnet Bellflower
CODONOPSIS clematidea Bonnet Bellflower, Asian Bellflower
CODONOPSIS ovata Bonnet Bellflower
CODONOPSIS pilosula Poor Man's Ginseng, Tang Shen (Dong-Sen)
CODONOPSIS pilosula Tang Shen (Dong-Sen),Poor Man's Ginseng
COLCHICUM autumnale Autumn Crocus
COMMELINA coelestis Widow's Tears, Day Flower
COMMELINA dianthifolia Widow's Tears, Day Flower
COREOPSIS auriculata f. nana 'Elfin Gold' Maysville Daisy
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Tickseed
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Heliot®' Tickseed
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Presto' Tickseed
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Schnittgold' Tickseed
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Sonnenkind' Tickseed
COREOPSIS grandiflora 'Sunfire' Tickseed
COREOPSIS lanceolata 'Sterntaler' Tickseed, Lance-leaved Coreopsis
COREOPSIS major Greater Tickseed, Wood Tickseed
COREOPSIS palmata Tickseed
COREOPSIS pubescens 'Sunshine Superman' Star Tickseed
COREOPSIS rosea Tickseed
COREOPSIS tripteris Tickseed
COREOPSIS verticillata Whorled Tickseed, Thread-leaved Tickseed, Pot-of-Gold
CORIANDRUM sativum Coriander
CORIANDRUM sativum Coriander, Cilantro
CORIANDRUM sativum 'Typ Dwarf Lemon' Lemon Coriander
CORIANDRUM sativum 'Typ Slow Bolt' Foliage Coriander
CORNUS canadensis Bunchberry Dogwood
CORTADERIA fulvida Pampas Grass, Kakaho
CORTADERIA richardii Pampas Grass, Toe-Toe
CORTADERIA selloana Pampas Grass
CORTADERIA selloana 'Rosea' Pampas Grass
CORYDALIS acaulis Creamy white Fumewort
CORYDALIS lutea Yellow Corydalis
CORYDALIS sempervirens 'Alba' white with yellow
CORYNEPHORUS canescens Silver Grass
COSMOS atrosanguineus 'Black Magic' Chocolate Cosmos
COTULA coronopifolia Brass Buttons
CRAMBE cordifolia Colewort, Giant Kale and Greater Sea Kale
CRAMBE maritima Sea Kale
CRAMBE tatarica Tatarian Sea Kale
CRASPEDIA lanata Billy Buttons
CREPIS pyrenaica Hawk's Beard
CRITHMUM maritimum Sea Samphire, Sea Fennel
CROCOSMIA Paniculata-Hybr. 'Orangerot' Montbretia
CROCUS tommasinianus Woodland Crocus, Early Crocus
CRYPTOTAENIA japonica f. atropurpurea Purple-leaved Japanese Parsley
CRYPTOTAENIA japonica f. viridis Japanese Parsley
CUCUBALUS baccifer Berry Catchfly
CUMINUM cyminum Cumin
CYCLAMEN cilicium Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum 'Album' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum 'Pattern Leaf Forms' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum 'Silver Leaf White' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum f. albissimum Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum ssp. caucasicum Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN coum x hederifolium x cilicium x purpurascens Hardy Species Mix Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN hederifolium Ivy Leaf or Neapolitan Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Perlenteppich' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Rosenteppich' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Silver Leaf Pink' Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN hederifolium 'Silver Leaf White' Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. albiflorum Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. rubriflorum Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet
CYCLAMEN hederifolium f. sagittifolium Ivy Leaf Cyclamen, Neapolitan Cyclamen, Persian Violet
CYCLAMEN libanoticum Lebanon-Cylamen
CYCLAMEN persicum var. persicum Wild Persian Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN pseudibericum Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN purpurascens Hardy Cyclamen
CYCLAMEN repandum Hardy Cyclamen
CYMBALARIA muralis Ivy Leafed Toadflax, Pennywort, Kenilsworth Ivy
CYMBALARIA pallida 'Albiflora' Italian Toadflax
CYMBOPOGON flexuosus East Indian Lemongrass
CYNARA cardunculus f. scolymus Green Globe Typ Vegetable Globe Artichoke
CYNARA cardunculus ssp. flavescens Cardoon
CYNARA cardunculus ssp. flavescens Cardoon, Artichoke
CYNOGLOSSUM amabile Chinese Forget-me-not
CYNOGLOSSUM creticum Cretan Blue Hound's Tongue
CYNOGLOSSUM officinale Dog's Tongue
CYNOGLOSSUM officinale Dog’s Tongue
CYPERUS glaber Papyrus
CYPERUS papyrus Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Reed, Nile Grass
DALEA candidum Prairie Clover
DALEA purpureum Prairie Clover
DALEA purpureum 'Stephanie' Prairie Clover
DAPHNE mezereum Daphne
DAPHNE mezereum f. album Daphne
DARLINGTONIA californica Cobra Lily
DATISCA cannabina False Hemp, Bastard Hemp
DAUCUS carota ssp. carota Wild Carrot, Queen Anne‘s Lace
DEINANTHE bifida Split-Leaf Deinanthe
DELOSPERMA congestum Congested Iceplant
DELOSPERMA congestum f. album 'White Nugget' Creamy White Iceplant
DELOSPERMA cooperi Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA dyeri Dyer's Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA floribundum 'Album' White Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA floribundum Starburst® Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA hybridus Mixture Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA sutherlandii Hardy Ice Plant
DELOSPERMA sutherlandii 'Peach Star' Hardy Ice Plant
DELPHINIUM barbeyi Subalpine Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Bellamosum' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Casa Blanca' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Cliveden Beauty' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Belladonna 'Connecticut Yankee' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM elatum Candle Larkspur
DELPHINIUM elatum 'New Zealand Hybrids Mix' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Black Eyed Angels' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Blue Buccaneers' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Blue Lace' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Cobalt Dreams' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Double Innocence' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Double Stars' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Dusky Maidens' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Green Twist' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Innocence' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Morning Lights' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pagan Purples' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Blush' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Princess' Candle Larkspur, Common Bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Pink Punch' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Purple Passion' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Royal Aspirations' Candle Larkspur, Common Bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Sunny Skies' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Super Stars' formula mixture Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Elatum F1-Hybr. 'Sweethearts' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM exaltatum Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Blauer Zwerg' Tiny Blue Delphinium
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Blues' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Cloud' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Colors' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Morning' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Nights' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Stars' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Blue Butterfly' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Light Blue Butterfly' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'Rose Butterfly' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum f. compactum 'White Butterfly' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM maackianum Larkspur
DELPHINIUM nudicaule 'Fox' Red Larkspur
DELPHINIUM nudicaule 'Laurin' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Astolat Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Black Knight Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Blue Bird Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Blue Jay Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Galahad Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Guinevere Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'King Arthur Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Cherry blossom', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Dark blue', dark bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Dark blue', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Lavender', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Lilac-rose', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Mid blue', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Mixture' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Pure white' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains Sky blue', white bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Magic Fountains White', dark bee Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Percival Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Premium Formula Mixture' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM Pacific-Hybr. 'Summer Skies Premium' Larkspur
DELPHINIUM requienii Requin's Larkspur
DELPHINIUM semibarbatum Larkspur
DESCHAMPSIA cespitosa Hair Grass
DESCHAMPSIA cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain' Tufted Hair Grass
DESCHAMPSIA flexuosa Crinkled Hair Grass
DESMODIUM canadense Tick Trefoil, Beggarweed
DESMOSCHOENUS spiralis Crinkled Hair Grass
DIANTHUS Allwoodii-Hybr. Allwoods Pink
DIANTHUS alpinus Alpine Pink
DIANTHUS amurensis Amur River Pink
DIANTHUS arenarius Sand Pink
DIANTHUS arenarius f. nanus 'Little Maiden' Sand Pink
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Indianerteppich' Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Nigrescens' Black Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus 'Oeschberg' Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus Mixture Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus fl. pl. 'Super Duplex Mix' Double flowered Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus fl. pl. Nanus Double flowered Sweet William
DIANTHUS barbatus nanus 'Midget' Dwarf Sweet William
DIANTHUS carthusianorum Clusterhead Pink
DIANTHUS carthusianorum 'Rupert's Pink' Dwarf Clusterhead Pink
DIANTHUS caryophyllus 'Vienna Mixture' Garden Carnation
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Mixture' Garden Carnation
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Pink' Garden Carnation
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Red' Carnation
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin White' Garden Carnation
DIANTHUS caryophyllus fl. pl. 'Grenadin Yellow' Garden Carnation
DIANTHUS cruentus Blood Carnation
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Albus' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Arctic Fire' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Brilliant' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Erectus' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Flashing Light' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides 'Roseus' Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS deltoides Maiden Pink, wild form Maiden Pink
DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Grandiflorus' Cheddar Pink
DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Rosafeder' Cheddar Pink
DIANTHUS knappii Sulphur Pink
DIANTHUS microlepis Pink
DIANTHUS nardiformis Dobrogea Carnation
DIANTHUS nitidus Carpathian Glossy Pink
DIANTHUS pavonius Pink
DIANTHUS petraeus Pink
DIANTHUS petraeus ssp. noeanus Fragrant Snowflake Garden Pink
DIANTHUS pinifolius Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius Mixture Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius Nanus 'Sweetness' Cottage Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Albus' Cottage Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Roseus' Cottage Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. 'Springcharme' Cottage Pink
DIANTHUS plumarius fl. pl. Nanus 'Pink Tones' Cottage Pinks, Grass Pinks
DIANTHUS pontederae Pink
DIANTHUS spiculifolius Pink
DIANTHUS strictus var. bebius Pink
DIANTHUS subacaulis Cheddar Pink, Border Pink
DIANTHUS superbus Fringed Pink
DIANTHUS superbus 'Primadonna' Pink
DIANTHUS sylvestris Sylvan Pink
DIASCIA barbarae 'Pink Queen' Twinspur
DICENTRA cucullaria Dutchman's Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches
DICENTRA eximia Fringed Bleeding Heart, Stagger Weed, Turkey Corn
DICENTRA formosa Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches
DICENTRA scandens Climbing Bleeding Heart
DICENTRA spectabilis Bleeding Heart, Lady-in-a-Bath, Lady's Locket, Venus' Car
DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches
DICHELACHNE crinita Longhair Plume Grass
DICHELOSTEMMA pulchellum Wild Hyacinth
DICTAMNUS albus var. albiflorus Burning Bush, Gas Plant
DICTAMNUS albus var. purpureus Burning Bush, Gas Plant, Diptam (Bai-Xian-Pi)
DICTAMNUS albus var. purpureus Burning Bush, Gas Plant, Dittany, Diptam (Bai-Xian-Pi)
DIERAMA igneum Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell
DIERAMA pulcherrimum Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Album' Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Dark Cerise' Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell
DIERAMA pulcherrimum 'Slieve Donard Hybr.' Angel's Fishing Rod, Wand Flower, African Hairbell
DIGITALIS ferruginea 'Gigantea Gelber Herold' Rusty Foxglove
DIGITALIS ferruginea 'Gigantea' Rusty Foxglove
DIGITALIS grandiflora Large Yellow Foxglove
DIGITALIS grandiflora 'Carillon' Dwarf Yellow Foxglove
DIGITALIS laevigata Foxglove
DIGITALIS lanata Woolly Foxglove
DIGITALIS lanata Woolly Foxglove, Grecian Foxglove
DIGITALIS lutea Straw Foxglove
DIGITALIS obscura Sunset® Sunset Foxglove, Willow Leaf Foxglove
DIGITALIS parviflora Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea Common Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea Red Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Apricot' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Berggold' Red Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Cream' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Lavender' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Mix' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot Rose' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Camelot White' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Excelsior' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Foxy' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Gloxiniaeflora' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa Mix' Monster-Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa Purple' Monster-Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Monstrosa White' Monster-Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Pam's Choice' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea 'Snow Thimble' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea f. albiflora Common Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Apricot' Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Cream' Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Dark Pink' Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Dark Red' Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee Pink' Foxglove
DIGITALIS Purpurea F1-Hybr. 'Foxybee White' Foxglove
DIGITALIS purpurea ssp. heywoodii Common Foxglove
DIGITALIS thapsi Spanish Peaks® Pink Foxglove
DIGITALIS trojana Foxglove
DIGITALIS x mertonensis Foxglove
DIONYSIA involucrata f. alba Dionysia
DIONYSIA teucrioides Dionysia
DIPLOTAXIS tenuifolia Italian Wild Arugula, Sylvetta
DIPSACUS laciniatus Cut Leaved Teasel
DIPSACUS sativus Card's Thistle, Fuller's Teasel
DIPSACUS sylvestris Common Teasel
DODECATHEON clevelandii Shooting Star
DODECATHEON meadia Shooting Star, American Cowslip
DODECATHEON meadia 'Goliath' Shooting Star
DODECATHEON meadia 'Red Colors' Shooting Star
DODECATHEON meadia Deluxe Mixture Shooting Star
DODECATHEON meadia f. album Shooting Star
DODECATHEON pulchellum Shooting Star
DODECATHEON tetrandrum 'Rotlicht' Sierra Shooting Star
DORONICUM austriacum Leopard's Bane
DORONICUM orientale 'Finesse' Leopard's Bane
DORONICUM orientale 'Little Leo' Leopard's Bane
DORONICUM orientale 'Magnificum' Leopard's Bane
DORONICUM pardalianches Great Leopard's Bane
DOROTHEANTHUS bellidiformis Livingstone Daisy
DORYCNIUM hirsutum Owl Clover, Hairy Canary Clover
DRABA aizoides Yellow Whitlow Grass
DRABA bruniifolia ssp. olympica Whitlow Grass
DRABA cretica Whitlow Grass
DRABA fladnizensis Austrian Draba
DRABA lasiocarpa Whitlow Grass
DRABA loiseleurii Whitlow Grass
DRABA oligosperma Whitlow Grass
DRABA ramosissima Whitlow Grass
DRABA rosularis Whitlow Grass
DRABA sakuraii Whitlow Grass
DRACOCEPHALUM argunense 'Fuji Blue' Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM argunense 'Fuji White' Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM austriacum Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM botryoides Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM moldavica Moldavian Dragonhead, Moldavian Balm
DRACOCEPHALUM nutans Nodding Dragonshead
DRACOCEPHALUM peregrinum 'Blue Dragon' Blue Dragon Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM renati Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM rupestre Dragonhead
DRACOCEPHALUM ruyschiana Indigo Blue Dragonhead
DROSERA rotundifolia Sundew
DRYAS drummondii Mountain Avens
DRYAS octopetala Mountain Avens
DUCHESNEA indica Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry
ECHINACEA angustifolia Coneflower
ECHINACEA angustifolia Narrow Coneflower
ECHINACEA pallida Pale Coneflower
ECHINACEA pallida 'Hula Dancer' Pale Coneflower
ECHINACEA paradoxa var. paradoxa Yellow Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Alba' White Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Doubledecker' Doubledecker Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Green Twister' Green Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Happy Star' Happy Star Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Lustre Hybr.' Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus Superior' Magnus Superior Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus' Magnus' Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus' Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Prairie Splendor' Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Primadonna Deep Pink' Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Primadonna White' Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Rubinstern' Ruby Star Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Verbesserte Leuchtstern' Purple Coneflower
ECHINACEA Purpurea-Hybr. 'Cheyenne Spirit' Coneflower
ECHINACEA simulata Coneflower
ECHINACEA tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' Globe Thistle
ECHINACEA tennesseensis 'Rocky Top' Tennessee Coneflower
ECHINOPS bannaticus 'Blue Glow' Globe Thistle
ECHINOPS bannaticus 'Star Frost' White Globe Thistle
ECHINOPS niveus 'Arctic Glow' Globe Thistle
ECHINOPS ritro Globe Thistle
ECHINOPS ritro ssp. ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue' Globe Thistle
ECHIUM russicum Russian Bugloss
ECHIUM russicum Viper's Bugloss
ECHIUM russicum f. nanum 'Red Feathers' Globe Thistle
ECHIUM vulgare Viper's Bugloss
EDRAIANTHUS graminifolius Grassy Bells
EDRAIANTHUS graminifolius 'Albus' Grassy Bells
EDRAIANTHUS pumilio Grassy Bells
EDRAIANTHUS serpyllifolius Rock Bells
EDRAIANTHUS tenuifolius Grassy Bells
ELEGIA capensis Broom-Reed, Horsetail-Restio
ELEGIA cuspidata Golden Curls
ELEGIA elephantina Large Cape Rush
ELEOCHARIS palustris Common Spike Rush
ELSHOLTZIA stauntonii Mint Shrub
ELYMUS arenarius Wild Rye, Lyme Grass
ELYMUS canadensis 'Icy Blue' Canadian Wild Rye
EMPETRUM nigrum Crowberry
ENGELMANNIA peristenia Engelman's Daisy
EPHEDRA distachya ssp. distachya Sea Grape
EPHEDRA distachya ssp. helvetica Swiss Ephedra
EPHEDRA monosperma Russian Joint-Fir
EPILOBIUM angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb
EPILOBIUM angustifolium 'Album' White Rosebay Willowherb, White Fireweed
EPILOBIUM dodonaei Winterling
EPILOBIUM fleischeri Alpine Willowherb
EPILOBIUM hirsutum Fireweed, Codlins and Cream
ERAGROSTIS curvula Weeping Love Grass
ERAGROSTIS elliottii Elliott's Love Grass, Blue Love Grass
ERAGROSTIS spectabilis Purple Love Grass
ERAGROSTIS trichodes Love Grass
ERANTHIS hyemalis Winter Aconite
EREMURUS aitchisonii Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle
EREMURUS robustus Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle
EREMURUS x isabellinus 'Erfo-Hybrids' Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle
ERIANTHUS contortus Bend Feather Grass
ERIANTHUS ravennae Plume Grass
ERIGERON aurantiacus Orange Daisy
ERIGERON compositus Fleabane
ERIGERON glaucus Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster
ERIGERON glaucus 'Albus' Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster
ERIGERON glaucus 'Beachboy Blue' Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster
ERIGERON glaucus 'Beachboy White' Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster
ERIGERON karvinskianus 'Blütenmeer' Mexican Daisy, Mexican Fleabane
ERIGERON linearis Fleabane
ERIGERON speciosus 'Azurfee' Fleabane
ERIGERON speciosus 'Grandiflorus' Fleabane
ERIGERON speciosus 'Rosa Juwel' Fleabane
ERINUS alpinus Alpine Balsam
ERINUS alpinus 'Doctor Hähnle' Alpine Balsam
ERINUS alpinus var. albus Alpine Balsam
ERIOGONUM allenii 'Little Rascal' Shale Barrens Buckwheat
ERIOGONUM fasciculatum California Buckwheat
ERIOGONUM umbellatum Sulphur Flower
ERIOPHORUM angustifolium Cotton Grass
ERIOPHORUM vaginatum Cotton Grass
ERIOPHYLLUM lanatum Woolly Sunflower
ERITRICHIUM Canum-Hybr. 'Baby Blues' Alpine Forget-me-not
ERODIUM manescavii Heron's Bill
ERUCA vesicaria ssp. sativa Italian Cress, Rocket Salad, Arugula, Roquette
ERYNGIUM agavifolium Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM alpinum 'Blue Star®' Alpine Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM alpinum 'Superbum' Alpine Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM leavenworthii Leavenworth Eryngo, False Purple Thistle
ERYNGIUM maritimum Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM planum 'Blaukappe' Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM variifolium Atlas Mountains Sea Holly
ERYNGIUM yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master
ERYSIMUM allionii Blister Cress, Wallflower
ERYSIMUM helveticum Swiss Wallflower, Blister Cress
ERYSIMUM hybridum 'Canaries' Blister Cress, Wallflower
ERYTHRONIUM dens-canis Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily
ERYTHRONIUM grandiflorum Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily, Dogtooth Fawn Lily
ERYTHRONIUM montanum Avalanche Lily
ERYTHRONIUM oregonum Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily
ERYTHRONIUM revolutum Dog's Tooth Violet, Trout Lily
ESCHSCHOLZIA californica California Poppy
ESCHSCHOLZIA californica mixed colours California Poppy
EUPATORIUM aromaticum Lesser Snakeroot
EUPATORIUM cannabinum Hemp Agrimony
EUPATORIUM coelestinum Hemp Agrimony
EUPATORIUM perfoliatum Boneset, Thoroughwort
EUPATORIUM purpureum Trumpetweed, Joe-Pye Weed
EUPATORIUM purpureum var. angustifolium f. albidum 'Ivory Towers' Joe Pye, Queen of the Meadow
EUPATORIUM purpureum var. atropurpureum Queen of the Meadow, Joe Pye Weed
EUPHORBIA amygdaloides 'Purpurea' Purple Wood Spurge
EUPHORBIA characias ssp. wulfenii Mediterranean Euphorbia
EUPHORBIA corallioides Coral-Spurge
EUPHORBIA corollata Wild Spurge
EUPHORBIA cyparissias Cypress Spurge
EUPHORBIA epithymoides Cushion Spurge
EUPHORBIA griffithii Griffith's Spurge
EUPHORBIA lathyris Caper Spurge, Gopher Plant, Mole Plant
EUPHORBIA mellifera Spurge
EUPHORBIA myrsinites Myrtle Spurge
EUPHORBIA palustris Swamp Spurge
EUPHORBIA seguieriana Siberian Spurge
EUPHORBIA stygiana Azores Spurge
FERULA communis Giant Fennel
FESTUCA amethystina Tufted Fescue
FESTUCA gautieri Bear Skin Fescue
FESTUCA glauca 'Blue Select' Blue Fescue
FESTUCA mairei Atlas-Fescue
FESTUCA ovina Sheep Fescue
FESTUCA punctoria Prickly Fescue
FESTUCA valesiaca var. glaucantha Glaucous Wallis Fescue
FILIPENDULA rubra Queen of the Prairie
FILIPENDULA ulmaria Meadowsweet, Queen of the Meadow
FILIPENDULA vulgaris Dropwort
FOENICULUM vulgare Fennel (Hui-Xiang)
FOENICULUM vulgare 'Purpureum' Bronze Fennel, Bronze Leaved Fennel
FOENICULUM vulgare 'Purpureum' Bronze Leaved Fennel
FRAGARIA moschata Musk Strawberry, Haute Bois
FRAGARIA vesca Woodland Strawberry
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alexandria' Alpine Strawberry
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alexandria' Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Alpine Yellow' Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Golden Alexandria' Golden Leaved Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois
FRAGARIA vesca var. semperflorens 'Improved Rügen' Alpine Strawberry, Fraise du Bois
FRAGARIA vesca var. vesca Woodland Strawberry
FRAGARIA virginiana Virginia Strawberry, Scarlet Strawberry
FRANCOA sonchifolia Bridal Wreath
FRASERA speciosa Monument Plant, Green Gentian
FRITILLARIA collina Fritillary
FRITILLARIA lanceolata Rice-Grain Fritillary
FRITILLARIA meleagris Checkered Lily, Snakes Head Fritillary
FRITILLARIA pallidiflora Fritillary
FRITILLARIA persica Fritillary
FRITILLARIA pontica Fritillary
FRITILLARIA pudica ‎Yellow Fritillary
FUCHSIA magellanica Fuchsia
FUCHSIA procumbens Creeping Fuchsia
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Amber Wheels' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Apricot' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Red Shades' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Arizona Sun' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Bremen' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Burgunder' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Fire Wheels' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Kobold' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Maxima Aurea' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Bright Bicolor' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Peach' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Red' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Mesa Yellow' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Monarch Mix' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata 'Tokajer' Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA aristata wild form Blanket Flower
GAILLARDIA pinnatifida Red Dome Blanketflower
GALANTHUS nivalis Snowdrop
GALANTHUS plicatus Pleated Snowdrop
GALEGA officinalis Goat's Rue
GALEGA officinalis 'Alba' Goat's Rue
GALIUM album White Bedstraw
GALIUM odoratum Sweet Woodruff
GALIUM verum Lady's Bedstraw
GALTONIA candicans Summer Hyacinth
GAULTHERIA depressa Mountain Snowberry
GAULTHERIA miqueliana Miquel's Spicy Wintergreen
GAULTHERIA procumbens Wintergreen, Checkerberry, Teaberry
GAULTHERIA procumbens 'Redwood'(TM) Wintergreen, Checkerberry, Teaberry
GAULTHERIA shallon Salal, Shallon
GAURA lindheimeri Beeblossom, Wandflower
GAURA lindheimeri 'Cool Breeze' Beeblossom, Wandflower
GAURA lindheimeri 'Emmeline Pink Bouquet' Beeblossom
GAURA lindheimeri 'Sparkle White' Beeblossom, Wandflower
GAURA lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze' Beeblossom, Wandflower
GAZANIA linearis Colorado Gold® Treasure Flower
GENISTA sagittalis Broom
GENISTA tinctoria Dyer's Broom
GENTIANA acaulis Gentian
GENTIANA acaulis Stemless Gentian, Trumpet Gentian
GENTIANA algida Whitish Gentian
GENTIANA andrewsii Closed Gentian, Bottle Gentian
GENTIANA angustifolia Gentian
GENTIANA angustifolia 'Frei-Hybr.' Gentian
GENTIANA asclepiadea Willow Gentian
GENTIANA asclepiadea 'Pink Swallow' Pink Willow Gentian
GENTIANA asclepiadea var. alba White Willow Gentian
GENTIANA bavarica Bavarian Gentian
GENTIANA clusii Gentian
GENTIANA cruciata Cross Gentian, Star Gentian
GENTIANA cruciata 'Blue Cross' Blue Cross Gentian
GENTIANA dahurica Xiaoquinjiao
GENTIANA dinarica Trumpet Gentian
GENTIANA divisa Gentian
GENTIANA flavida Cream Gentian
GENTIANA gracilipes Gentian
GENTIANA lutea Yellow Gentian, Bitterwort
GENTIANA Makinoi-Hybr. 'Royal Blue' Gentian
GENTIANA oschtenica Gentian
GENTIANA pannonica Hungarian Gentian
GENTIANA Paradoxa-Hybr. 'Blue Herald' Blue Herald Gentian
GENTIANA Paradoxa-Hybr. 'Blue Herald' Gentian
GENTIANA pneumonanthe Gentian
GENTIANA pneumonanthe forma alba White Marsh Gentian
GENTIANA punctata Spotted Gentian
GENTIANA purpurea Purple Gentian
GENTIANA saxosa Gentian
GENTIANA septemfida var. lagodechiana Summer Gentian
GENTIANA septemfida var. lagodechiana 'Select' Summer Gentian, Everyman's Gentian
GENTIANA sino-ornata 'Blauer Diamant' Autumn Gentian
GENTIANA straminea Gentian
GENTIANA tibetica Gentian
GENTIANA triflora var. japonica Gentian
GENTIANA verna Spring Gentian
GENTIANA verna ssp. tergestina Spring Gentian
GENTIANA verna var. angulosa Spring Gentian
GENTIANA verna var. angulosa 'Alba' Spring Gentian
GERANIUM aristatum Cranesbill
GERANIUM asphodeloides Cranesbill
GERANIUM bohemicum Cranesbill
GERANIUM endressii French Cranesbill
GERANIUM ibericum Iberian Cranesbill
GERANIUM macrorrhizum 'White Ness' Cranesbill
GERANIUM macrorrhizum wild form Big Root Cranesbill
GERANIUM maculatum Spotted Geranium, Wood Geranium, Wild Geranium
GERANIUM maderense 'Guernsey White' Madeira Cranesbill
GERANIUM nodosum Cranesbill
GERANIUM palustre Marsh Cranesbill
GERANIUM phaeum Dusky Cranesbill
GERANIUM phaeum f. albiflorum White Dusky Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense Marsh Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense 'Dark Reiter' Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense 'Painter's Palette' Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense 'Rose Queen' Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense 'Striatum' Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM pratense f. albiflorum Meadow Cranesbill
GERANIUM psilostemon Aremnian Cranesbill
GERANIUM robertianum Herb Robert
GERANIUM sanguineum Bloody Cranesbill
GERANIUM sanguineum f. nanum Dwarf Bloody Cranesbill
GERANIUM sanguineum var. striatum Bloody Cranesbill
GERANIUM sessiliflorum f. nigricans Cranesbill
GERANIUM sylvaticum Wood Cranesbill
GERANIUM wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety' Cranesbill
GERANIUM yesoense var. nipponicum Cranesbill
GERANIUM yoshinoi Cranesbill
GEUM chiloense 'Blazing Sunset' Avens
GEUM chiloense 'Feuerball' Avens
GEUM chiloense 'Goldball' Avens
GEUM coccineum 'Koi' Avens
GEUM coccineum 'Koi' Dwarf Orange Avens
GEUM coccineum Borisii-Strain Avens
GEUM coccineum Borisii-Strain Dwarf Orange Avens
GEUM montanum Alpine Avens
GEUM rivale Water Avens, Cure All and Indian Chocolate
GEUM triflorum Purple Avens, Old Man's Whiskers, Prairie Smoke
GEUM urbanum Common Avens, Herb Bennet, Cloverroot, Wood Avens
GEUM urbanum Wood Avens, St. Benedict's Herb
GILLENIA stipulata American Ipecacuanna, Indian Physic
GILLENIA trifoliata American Ipecacuanna, Bowman's Root, Mountain Indian Physic
GINGIDIA montana Mountain Carrot, Maori Aniseed
GLADIOLUS communis Sword Lily, Gladioli, Cornflag
GLADIOLUS illyricus Dwarf Gladiolus
GLADIOLUS palustris Marsh Gladiolus
GLAUCIDIUM palmatum Horned Poppy
GLAUCIDIUM palmatum var. leucanthum Horned Poppy
GLAUCIUM flavum Yellow Horned Poppy
GLAUCIUM flavum var. aurantiacum Horned Poppy
GLECHOMA Ground Ivy, Alehoof
GLECHOMA hederacea Ground Ivy, Alehoof
GLOBULARIA cordifolia Globe Daisy
GLOBULARIA nudicaulis Globe Daisy
GLOBULARIA punctata Globe Daisy
GLOBULARIA trichosantha Globe Daisy
GLYCERIA maxima Manna Grass, Sweet Grass
GLYCYRRHIZA echinata Roman Liquorice
GLYCYRRHIZA glabra Spanish Liquorice, Sweetwood
GLYCYRRHIZA uralensis Chinese Liquorice (Gan-Cao)
GLYCYRRHIZA yunnanensis Yunnan Liquorice
GONIOLIMON collinum 'Sea Spray' Sea Lavenders Statice
GONIOLIMON speciosum Statice
GONIOLIMON tataricum German Statice
GRATIOLA officinalis Hedge Hyssop
GRINDELIA robusta Gumplant, Gumweed
GUNNERA manicata Giant Rhubarb
GUNNERA prorepens Giant Rhubarb
GYPSOPHILA cerastioides Mouse Ear Gypsophila
GYPSOPHILA pacifica Pink Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA paniculata Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA paniculata fl. pl. 'Schneeflocke' Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA petraea Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA repens Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Filou Rose' Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Filou White' Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Rosea' Baby's Breath, Chalk Plant
HALORAGIS erecta f. purpurea 'Wellington Bronze' Raspwort, Toatoa
HARPOCHLOA falx Caterpillar Grass
HEBE raoulii Hebe
HEDYSARUM hedysaroides Alpine French Honeysuckle
HEDYSARUM tauricum Sweet Vetch
HELENIUM autumnale 'Helena Gold' Autumn Sneezeweed
HELENIUM autumnale 'Helena Red Shades' Autumn Sneezeweed
HELENIUM autumnale 'Rotgold-Hybr.' Autumn Sneezeweed
HELENIUM autumnale wild form Sneezeweed
HELENIUM bigelovii 'Tip Top' Sneezeweed
HELENIUM flexuosum Purple-headed Sneezeweed
HELENIUM hoopesii Orange Sneezewed, Owl's Claws
HELIANTHELLA quinquenervis Aspen Sunflower, Little Sunflower
HELIANTHEMUM apenninum White Rock Rose
HELIANTHEMUM croceum Rock Rose
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium Common Rock Rose
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium f. mutabile Rock Rose
HELIANTHEMUM nummularium ssp. grandiflorum Common Rock Rose
HELIANTHUS maximiliani Maximilian Sunflower
HELIANTHUS Microcephalus-Hybr. 'Lemon Queen Strain' Small-Headed Sunflower
HELIANTHUS mollis Downy Sunflower
HELICHRYSUM arenarium Yellow Everlasting Daisy
HELICHRYSUM italicum Italian Everlasting, Curry Plant
HELICHRYSUM plicatum Everlasting Flower
HELICHRYSUM thianschanicum Everlasting Flower
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Bleeding Hearts' Ox-Eye
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Burning Hearts' Ox-Eye
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'New Hybrids' Ox-Eye
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Prima Ballerina' Ox-Eye
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Sommersonne' Ox-Eye, Sunflower Heliopsis
HELIOPSIS helianthoides var. scabra 'Summer Nights' Ox-Eye, False Sunflower
HELLEBORUS argutifolius Corsican Hellebore
HELLEBORUS argutifolius 'Pacific Frost' Corsican Hellebore
HELLEBORUS foetidus Hellebore
HELLEBORUS niger White Christmas Rose
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr. 'Double Ladies Mixed' Lenten Rose
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr. Newest Hybrids Lenten Rose
HELLEBORUS Orientalis-Hybr.- Mixture Lenten Rose
HELLEBORUS purpurascens Hellebore
HELONIAS bullata Swamp Pink
HERACLEUM sphondylium 'Pink Cloud' Pink Masterworth, Cow Parsnip
HERNIARIA glabra Burstwort, Rupture Wort
HESPERALOE parviflora Red Yucca
HESPERANTHA coccinea Kaffir Lily, Scarlet River Lily
HESPERIS matronalis Sweet Rocket, Dame's Rocket
HESPERIS matronalis var. albiflora Sweet Rocket, Dame's Rocket
HEUCHERA (H.americana x villosa x H.micrantha) Newest Hybr. Coral Bells
HEUCHERA americana American Alum Root, Coral Bells
HEUCHERA americana 'Dale's Strain' Dale's Alum Root
HEUCHERA americana 'Melting Fire' American Alum Root, Coral Bells
HEUCHERA americana 'Palace Purple Select' American Alum Root, Coral Bells
HEUCHERA cylindrica Round Leaf Alum Root, Coral Bells
HEUCHERA maxima Island Alum Root
HEUCHERA micrantha Crevice Alum Root
HEUCHERA pulchella Sandia Mountain Alum Root
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Bressingham Hybrids' Coral Bells
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Leuchtkäfer' Coral Bells
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'White Cloud' Coral Bells
HEUCHERA villosa var. macrorrhiza Hairy Alum Root
HIBISCUS coccineus Scarlet Rosemallow, Texas Star Hibiscus
HIBISCUS coccineus f. albiflorus White Scarlet Rose Mallow
HIBISCUS moscheutos Swamp Rose Mallow, Common Rose Mallow
HIBISCUS Moscheutos-Hybr. 'Disco Belle Mixed' Rose Mallow
HIBISCUS Moscheutos-Hybr. 'Galaxy' Swamp Rose Mallow
HIERACIUM aurantiacum Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Fox and Cubs
HIERACIUM lanatum Hawkweed
HIERACIUM maculatum 'Leopard' Spotted Hawkweed
HIERACIUM niveum Hawkweed
HIERACIUM pilosella Hawkweed
HIERACIUM villosum Hawkweed
HIEROCHLOE odorata Vanilla Grass, Sweetgrass, Holy Grass
HIPPOCREPIS comosa Horseshoe Vetch
HORMINUM pyrenaicum Pyrenean Dead-Nettle
HORMINUM pyrenaicum 'Rubrum' Pyrenean Dead-Nettle
HORMINUM pyrenaicum f. alboviolaceum Pyrenean Dead-Nettle
HOSTA (H.elata x H.fortunei x H.sieboldiana) New Hybrids Plantain Lily
HOSTA nigrescens Plantain Lily
HOSTA ventricosa Plantain Lily
HOUTTUYNIA cordata Fishwort
HUMULUS lupulus Common Hops
HYACINTHOIDES non-scripta British Bluebell
HYMENOXYS grandiflora Old Man of the Mountain
HYOSCYAMUS niger Black Henbane
HYOSCYAMUS niger Common Henbane
HYOSCYAMUS niger var. pallidus Black Henbane
HYPERICUM androsaemum Tutsan
HYPERICUM ascyron Great St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM calycinum St. John's Wort, Aaron's Beard
HYPERICUM cerastioides Trailing St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM hircinum Lemon St.John's Wort
HYPERICUM olympicum 'Grandiflorum' St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM olympicum 'Moonlight' St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM patulum St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM perforatum Common St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM perforatum 'Topaz' St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM prolificum Shrubby St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM pulchrum St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM reptans St. John's Wort
HYPERICUM tetrapterum European St. John's Wort
HYPOCHAERIS uniflora Cat's Ear
HYSSOPUS officinalis Hyssop
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Albus' Hyssop
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Caeruleus' Hyssop
HYSSOPUS officinalis 'Roseus' Hyssop
HYSSOPUS officinalis Mix Hyssop
HYSSOPUS officinalis ssp. aristatus Hyssop
HYSTRIX patula Bottlebrush Grass
IBERIS aurosica 'Sweetheart' Pink Candytuft
IBERIS gibraltarica Gibralter Candytuft
IBERIS saxatilis Candytuft
IBERIS sempervirens 'Schneeflocke' Candytuft
IBERIS sempervirens 'Snow Cushion' Candytuft
IBERIS sempervirens 'Tahoe' Candytuft
IBERIS spathulata Candytuft
ILIAMNA remota Wild Hollyhock
INCARVILLEA delavayi Hardy Gloxinia
INCARVILLEA delavayi 'Alba' Hardy Gloxinia
INCARVILLEA delavayi 'Bees Pink' Hardy Gloxinia
INCARVILLEA mairei Hardy Gloxinia
INCARVILLEA olgae Hardy Gloxinia
INCARVILLEA zhongdianensis Hardy Gloxinia
INULA ensifolia 'Compacta' Swordleaf Inula
INULA helenium Elecampanae, Horseheal, Elf Dock
IPOMOEA leptophylla Bush Morning Glory, Bush Moon Flower
IPOMOPSIS aggregata Scarlet Gilia, Skyrocket, Scarlet Bugler
IPOMOPSIS rubra Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia, Flame Flower and Indian Spur
IRIS bucharica Iris
IRIS bulleyana Iris
IRIS chrysographes Iris
IRIS ensata Iris
IRIS foetidissima Gladdon Iris
IRIS foetidissima 'Fructo-Alba' Gladdon Iris
IRIS foetidissima 'Fructo-Lutea' Gladdon Iris
IRIS foetidissima var. citrina Gladdon Iris
IRIS graminea Grass-Leafed Flag, Plum Iris
IRIS laevigata Iris
IRIS lutescens Dwarf Iris, Crimean Iris
IRIS orientalis Iris
IRIS pallida ssp. illyrica Istrian Iris
IRIS pallida ssp. pallida Dalmatian Iris
IRIS pseudacorus Pale Yellow Iris
IRIS pumila wild form Dwarf Iris
IRIS setosa Beachhead Iris
IRIS setosa ssp. canadensis Iris
IRIS sibirica 'New Hybrids' Siberian Iris
IRIS sibirica wild form Siberian Iris
IRIS sintenisii Sintenisa Iris
IRIS spuria Seashore Iris
IRIS spuria 'Hybrids' Iris
IRIS tectorum Roof Iris
IRIS tenax Tough-Leaf Iris
IRIS variegata Hungarian Iris
IRIS versicolor Blue Flag Iris
IRIS versicolor Harlequin Flag Iris
IRIS versicolor 'Kermesina' Harlequin Flag Iris
IRIS virginica var. shrevei Southern Blue Flag
ISATIS glauca Woad
ISATIS tinctoria Dyer's Woad (Ban Lan Gen)
ISCHYROLEPIS subverticillata Dune-Restio
ISOPLEXIS isabelliana CanaryFoxglove
ISOPYRUM thalictroides False Blue Anemone
JASIONE laevis 'Blaulicht' Sheep's Bit
JASIONE montana Sheep's Bit
JASIONE montana f. alba 'White Delight' White Sheep's Bit
JOVIBARBA heuffelii House Leek, Beard of Jupiter, Hens and Chicks
JUNCUS effusus Rush
JUNCUS effusus 'Spiralis' Curly Soft Rush
JUNCUS ensifolius Dwarf Rush
JUNCUS filiformis 'Spiralis' Corkscrew Rush
JUNCUS inflexus Hard Rush, Blue-green Rush, European Meadow Rush
JUNCUS pallidus Giant-Rush
KIRENGESHOMA palmata Yellow Wax Bells
KITAIBELIA vitifolia Vine-leaved Kitaibelia
KNAUTIA arvensis Blue Buttons, Field Scabious
KNAUTIA macedonica Pincushion Plant
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Mars Midget' Pincushion Plant
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Melton Pastels' Pincushion Plant
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Midget Mauves' Macedorian Scabious
KNIPHOFIA caulescens Grey-leaved Poker, Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA caulescens Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA citrina Yellow flowering Cape Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA galpinii Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA hirsuta 'Fire Dance' Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA rooperi Rooper's Red Hot Poker
KNIPHOFIA triangularis Mandarin Poker, Dwarf Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KNIPHOFIA uvaria 'Grandiflora Mixture' Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily, Cape Poker
KNIPHOFIA uvaria hybr. 'Flamenco' Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily
KOELERIA glauca Blue Hair Grass
KOELERIA macrantha Slender June Grass
KOELERIA pygmaea Dwarf Blue Hair Grass
KOELERIA vallesiana 'Mountain Breeze' Sommerset Hair Grass
LALLEMANTIA iberica Iberian Dragon's Head
LAMIUM maculatum Spotted Dead Nettle
LAMIUM orvala Balm-Leaved Dead Nettle
LAMIUM purpureum Purple Dead Nettle, Purple Archangel
LASER trilobum Horse Caraway
LASERPITIUM gallicum French Sermountain
LASERPITIUM halleri Haller Sermountain
LASERPITIUM siler Laserwort
LATHYRUS latifolius 'Pink Pearl' Pulse, Wild Pea
LATHYRUS latifolius 'Red Pearl' Pulse, Wild Pea
LATHYRUS latifolius 'White Pearl' Pulse, Wild Pea
LATHYRUS latifolius Mixture Pulse, Wild Pea
LATHYRUS maritimus Beach Pea
LATHYRUS rotundifolius Persian Everlasting Pea
LATHYRUS vernus Spring Vetch
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rainbow' Rainbow Spring Vetch
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rosenelfe' Rose Spring Vetch
LATHYRUS vernus 'Rosenelfe' Rosenelfe Spring Vetch
LAVANDULA angustifolia True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Purple' True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Sky' True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Ellagance Snow' True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Hidcote Superior' True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Rosea' True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia Hidcote Blue-Strain True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA angustifolia Munstead-Strain True Lavender, English Lavender
LAVANDULA dentata French Lavender
LAVANDULA latifolia Common Lavender
LAVANDULA multifida Fernleaf Lavender, Egyptian Lavender
LAVANDULA pedunculata Spanish Lavender
LAVANDULA stoechas Spanish Lavender
LAVATERA arborea Tree Mallow
LAVATERA cachemiriana Kashmir Tree Mallow
LAVATERA thuringiaca Tree Mallow
LEONOTIS nepetifolia Lion's Ear
LEONTOPODIUM alpinum Edelweiss
LEONTOPODIUM souliei Edelweiss
LEONURUS cardiaca True Motherwort, Lion’s Tail
LEONURUS cardiaca 'Grobbebol' Motherwort, Lion’s Tail
LEONURUS japonicus 'Alba' Chinese Motherwort
LEONURUS japonicus 'BLBP 02' Chinese Motherwort (Yi-Mu-Cao)
LEONURUS japonicus 'Weila®nurus' Chinese Motherwort (Yi-Mu-Cao)
LEPECHINIA hastata Baja Pitcher Sage, Cape Pitcher Sage
LEPIDIUM latifolium Perennial Pepperweed, Broadleaved Pepperweed
LEPIDIUM sativum Garden Cress
LEPTOCARPUS similis Jointed Wire Rush, Oioi
LEUCANTHEMELLA serotina Autumn Oxeye
LEUCANTHEMUM graminifolium Grass-Leaf Ox-Eye
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare Ox-eye Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare 'Filigran' Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite
LEUCANTHEMUM vulgare 'Maikönigin' Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy, Marguerite
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Brightside' Brightside Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Polaris' Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Starburst' Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum fl. pl. 'Snowdrift' Double Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum Nanus 'Dwarf Snow Lady' Dwarf Shasta Daisy
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum Nanus 'Silberprinzeßchen' Dwarf Shasta Daisy
LEUCOGENES grandiceps New Zealand Edelweiss, South Island Edelweiss
LEUCOJUM vernum Snowflake
LEUCOSCEPTRUM japonicum f. aureum Japanese Shrub Mint
LEVISTICUM officinale Lovage, Love Parsley
LEWISIA brachycalyx Short-sepal Bitter-root, Lewisia
LEWISIA columbiana Lewisia
LEWISIA cotyledon 'Heckneri-Strain' Lewisia
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Mixture' Lewisia
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Regenbogen' Lewisia
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset Rosy-Pink' Lewisia
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset Ruby-Red' Lewisia
LEWISIA Cotyledon-Hybr. 'Sunset-Strain' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Mango' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Peach' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Plum' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Raspberry' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Snowberry' Lewisia
LEWISIA Longipetala-Hybr. 'Little Tutti Frutti' Lewisia
LEWISIA nevadensis Nevada lewisia
LEWISIA pygmaea Alpine lewisia, Pygmy bitterroot
LEWISIA tweedyi 'Alba' Tweedy's Lewisia
LEWISIA tweedyi 'Lovedream' Tweedy's Lewisia
LEYCESTERIA formosa Himalayan Honeysuckle, Elisha's Tears
LIATRIS aspera Tall Blazing Star
LIATRIS elegans Elegant Blazing Star
LIATRIS ligulistylis Blazing Star, Rocky Mtn Blazing Star
LIATRIS microcephala Smallhead gayfeather, Smallhead Blazing Star
LIATRIS punctata Snakeroot, Dotted Blazing Star
LIATRIS pycnostachya Prairie Blazing Star
LIATRIS scariosa Eastern Blazing Star, Large Gayfeather
LIATRIS scariosa 'Alba' Eastern Blazing Star
LIATRIS spicata Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather
LIATRIS spicata 'Floristan Violet' Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather
LIATRIS spicata 'Floristan White' Dense Blazing Star, Spike Gayfeather
LIATRIS spicata 'Kobold Strain' Dwarf Blazing Star, Dwarf Spike Gayfeather
LIBERTIA formosa Snowy Mermaid
LIBERTIA grandiflora New Zealand Satin Flower
LIBERTIA ixioides New Zealand Iris
LIBERTIA peregrinans New Zealand Iris
LIGULARIA altaica Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGULARIA dentata Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGULARIA dentata 'Midnight Lady' Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGULARIA przewalskii Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGULARIA sibirica Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGULARIA Stenocephala-Hybr. Big Leaf Ligularia, Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort
LIGUSTICUM mutellinoides f. roseum Small Alpine Lovage
LIGUSTICUM scoticum Scots Lovage, Scottish Licorice-root
LILIUM bulbiferum ssp. croceum Fire Lily
LILIUM formosanum Lily
LILIUM formosanum var. pricei Lily
LILIUM kesselringianum Lily
LILIUM mackliniae Naga form Manipur Lily
LILIUM martagon Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap
LILIUM martagon var. album White Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap
LILIUM Martagon-Hybr. 'Painted Ladies' Martagon Lily, Turk's Cap
LILIUM nepalense Lily
LILIUM philippinense Lily
LILIUM pyrenaicum ssp. carniolicum var. bosniacum Lily
LILIUM szovitsianum Lily
LIMONIUM bellidifolium Sea Lavender
LIMONIUM gmelinii ssp. hungaricum Sea Lavender
LIMONIUM gougetianum Sea Lavender
LIMONIUM latifolium Sea Lavender
LIMONIUM perezii Sea Lavender
LIMONIUM species 'Blue Diamond' Marsh Rosemary; Sea Lavender; Statice
LIMONIUM vulgare Sea Lavender
LINARIA aeruginea 'Neon Lights' Roadside Toadflax
LINARIA alpina Toadflax
LINARIA dalmatica Toadflax
LINARIA purpurea Toadflax
LINARIA purpurea 'Canon Went' Toadflax
LINARIA purpurea 'Springside White' Toadflax
LINARIA triornithophora Toadflax
LINARIA vulgaris Butter-and-Eggs, Common Toadflax
LINUM alpinum Alpine Flax
LINUM capitatum Flax
LINUM dolomiticum Flax
LINUM flavum 'Compactum' Golden Flax
LINUM hybridum 'Gemmel's Strain' Flax
LINUM hypericifolium Flax
LINUM narbonense Flax
LINUM perenne Perennial Flax
LINUM perenne 'Album' White Perennial Flax
LINUM perenne Nanum 'Blue Sapphire' Perennial Flax
LINUM perenne Nanum Album 'Diamant' Perennial Flax
LINUM tenuifolium Flax
LIRIOPE muscari 'Big Blue' Lily Turf
LOBELIA cardinalis Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA cardinalis f. albiflora 'White Cardinal' White Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA fulgens 'Queen Victoria' Bronze Leaf Cardinal Flower
LOBELIA inflata Indian Tobacco
LOBELIA sessilifolia Lobelia
LOBELIA sessilifolia Stauden-Lobelie
LOBELIA siphilitica Blue Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia
LOBELIA siphilitica 'Alba' Lobelia
LOBELIA speciosa F1 'Starship Rose' Lobelia
LOBELIA speciosa F1 'Starship Scarlet' Lobelia
LOBELIA tupa Chilean Cardinal Flower, Devil's Tobacco
LOMATIUM columbianum Columbia Desert Parsley
LOMATIUM grayi Gray's Desert Parsley
LOTUS corniculatus Bird's Foot Trefoil
LUNARIA annua Annual Honesty
LUNARIA annua 'Chedglow' Red Leaved Honesty
LUNARIA annua var. albiflora Annual Honesty
LUNARIA rediviva Perennial Honesty
LUPINUS arboreus f. albiflorus Tree Lupine
LUPINUS arboreus f. luteus yellow Tree Lupine
LUPINUS perennis Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Edelknaben' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Fräulein' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Blue' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Mix' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Pink' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Red' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery White' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Gallery Yellow' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Kastellan' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Kronleuchter' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Lulu Mix' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mein Schloß' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Minarette' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Blue' Garden Lupine, large-leaved Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Blue-White' garden lupine, large-leaved lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Pink' Garden Lupine, large-leaved Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Pink-White' garden lupine, large-leaved lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Red' garden lupine, large-leaved lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) White' garden lupine, large-leaved lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Mini-Gallery(R) Yellow' garden lupine, large-leaved lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Russellmixture' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Schloßfrau' Lupine
LUPINUS Perennis-Hybr. 'Woodfield Hybrids' Lupine
LUZULA luzuloides Woodrush
LUZULA nivea Snow Wood Rush
LUZULA pedemontana Woodrush
LUZULA sylvatica 'Select' Great Woodrush
LUZULA sylvatica 'Solar Flair' Woodrush
LUZULA ulophylla Woodrush
LYCHNIS alpina Alpine Catchfly
LYCHNIS alpina 'Snow Flurry' Alpine Catchfly
LYCHNIS chalcedonica Maltese Cross
LYCHNIS chalcedonica 'Carnea' Pink Maltese Cross
LYCHNIS chalcedonica 'Rauhreif' Maltese Cross
LYCHNIS coronaria Rose Campion
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Alba' Rose Campion
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Oculata' Rose Campion
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi 'Nana' Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower
LYCHNIS flos-cuculi 'White Robin' Ragged Robin, Cuckoo Flower
LYCHNIS flos-jovis nana 'Peggy' Joe's Flower; Carnation of Jove
LYCHNIS viscaria wild form Sticky Catchfly
LYCHNIS viscaria Alba 'Schnee' Sticky Catchfly
LYCHNIS viscaria splendens 'Feuer' Sticky Catchfly
LYCHNIS viscaria ssp. atropurpurea Sticky Catchfly
LYCHNIS x arkwrightii 'Orange Zwerg' Arkwright's Catchfly
LYCHNIS x arkwrightii 'Vesuvius' Arkwright's Catchfly
LYCHNIS x haageana Haages Catchfly
LYCHNIS x haageana 'Molten Lava' Haages Catchfly
LYCIUM barbarum Goji-Berry, Chinese Wolfberry (Gou-Qi-Zi, Di-Gu-Pi)
LYCOPUS europaeus Gypsywort, Bugleweed
LYSIMACHIA atropurpurea Burgundy Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA ciliata Fringed Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA clethroides Gooseneck Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA ephemerum Silver Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA minoricensis Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA punctata Large Yellow Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris Garden Loosestrife
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife
LYTHRUM alatum Winged Lythrum
LYTHRUM salicaria Purple Loosestrife
MACLEAYA cordata (Willd.) White Plume Poppy (Boluohui)
MACLEAYA microcarpa (Xiaoguoboluohui)
MALVA alcea var. fastigiata Hollyhock Mallow
MALVA moschata Mallow
MALVA moschata Musk-Mallow
MALVA moschata 'Appleblossum' Mallow
MALVA moschata f. alba Musk Mallow
MALVA sylvestris Common Mallow, High Mallow
MALVA sylvestris 'Zebrina' Zebra Mallow
MALVA sylvestris ssp. mauritiana Blue Mallow
MANDRAGORA autumnalis Autumn Mandrake
MANDRAGORA officinarum Mandrake
MARRUBIUM incanum Horehound
MARRUBIUM supinum Horehound
MARRUBIUM vulgare Horehound
MARRUBIUM vulgare White Horehound
MATTHIOLA incana 'Pillow Talk' Night Violet, Brompton Stocks
MECONOPSIS balangensis Balang Blue Poppy
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia Himalayan Blue Poppy
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia 'Hensol Violet' Himalayan Blue Poppy
MECONOPSIS betonicifolia var. alba Himalayan Blue Poppy
MECONOPSIS cambrica Welsh Poppy
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Aurantiaca' Welsh Poppy
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Frances Perry' Welsh Poppy
MECONOPSIS cambrica 'Plena' Welsh Poppy
MECONOPSIS horridula Poppy
MECONOPSIS integrifolia Lampshade Poppy
MECONOPSIS napaulensis hort. Satin Poppy, Nepal Poppy
MECONOPSIS paniculata Panicled Yellow Poppy
MECONOPSIS punicea Poppy
MECONOPSIS superba Poppy
MECONOPSIS villosa Poppy
MECONOPSIS x sheldonii 'Lingholm' (Fertile Blue Group) Poppy
MELIANTHUS major Honey Bush
MELICA altissima var. atropurpurea Siberian Melic
MELICA ciliata Silky-Spike-Melic
MELICA uniflora Melic Grass
MELICA uniflora f. albida White Melic Grass
MELILOTUS officinalis Yellow Melilot, Sweet Clover
MELINIS nerviglumis Ruby Grass, Bristle Leaved Red Top
MELISSA officinalis Lemon Balm
MELISSA officinalis 'Gold Leaf' Golden Leaved Lemon Balm
MELISSA officinalis 'Gold Leaf' Golden Lemon Balm
MELISSA officinalis 'Lemona' Lemon Balm
MELISSA officinalis 'Quedlinburger Niederliegende' Lemon Balm
MELISSA officinalis ssp. altissima Crete Balm, Lime Balm
MENTHA aquatica Water Mint
MENTHA cervina Water Spearmint, Hart's Pennyroyal
MENTHA cervina 'Alba' White Water Spearmint, White Hart's Pennyroyal
MENTHA longifolia Horsemint
MENTHA pulegium Pennyroyal
MENTHA Spicata-Hybr. Spearmint, Lamb Mint
MENTHA suaveolens Applemint, Round-leaved Mint
MERTENSIA maritima ssp. asiatica Oyster-Leaf, Oysterplant, Sea Bluebells
MERTENSIA virginica Virginia Bluebells
MESEMBRYANTHEMUM crystallinum Common Iceplant
MEUM athamanticum Bearwort, Spignel
MICHAUXIA campanuloides Rough-leaved Michauxia
MICROMERIA thymifolia Mountain Mint
MILIUM effusum 'Aureum' Golden Millet Grass
MIMULUS cardinalis Monkey Flower
MIMULUS cupreus 'Red Emperor' Monkey Flower
MIMULUS guttatus Monkey Flower
MIMULUS lewisii Monkey Flower
MIMULUS luteus Monkey Flower
MIMULUS luteus 'Tigrinus Grandiflorus Mixture' Monkey Flower
MIMULUS minimus Monkey Flower
MIMULUS ringens Monkey Flower
MIMULUS tilingii Monkey Flower
MINUARTIA capillacea Sandwort
MINUARTIA laricifolia Larch Leaf Sandwort
MIRABILIS jalapa Mixture Four O'Clock Plant
MIRABILIS multiflora Colorado Four O'Clock Plant
MISCANTHUS oligostachyus Chinese Silver Grass
MISCANTHUS sinensis Chinese Silver Grass
MISCANTHUS sinensis 'Early Hybrids' Chinese Silver Grass
MISCANTHUS sinensis 'New Hybrids' Chinese Silver Grass
MITCHELLA repens Partridge Berry
MITELLA breweri Feathery Bishop's Cap
MOLINIA caerulea ssp. arundinacea Moor Grass
MOLINIA caerulea ssp. caerulea Moor Grass
MOLOPOSPERMUM peloponnesiacum Striped Hemlock
MONARDA bradburiana Wild Bergamot, Beebalm
MONARDA citriodora Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Horsemint, Purple Horsemint
MONARDA Citriodora-Hybr. 'Bergamo' Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Horsemint, Purple Horsemint
MONARDA Citriodora-Hybr. 'Bergamo' Lemon Beebalm, Lemon Mint, Purple Horsemint
MONARDA didyma Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea
MONARDA didyma 'Panorama Mixture' Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea
MONARDA didyma 'Red Colors' Bee-Balm, Bergamot, Oswego Tea
MONARDA fistulosa Horsemint, Wild Bergamo
MONARDA fistulosa Horsemint, Wild Bergamot
MONARDA punctata Spotted Bee Balm
MONARDELLA odoratissima Mountain Coyote Mint
MORINA longifolia Whorl Flower
MUEHLENBECKIA axillaris Wire Vine
MUHLENBERGIA capillaris Pink Muhly, Gulf Muhly
MUHLENBERGIA dumosa Bamboo Muhly
MUHLENBERGIA lindheimeri Lindheimer's Muhly, Big Muhly
MUHLENBERGIA reverchonii Undaunted® Ruby Muhly, Seep Muhly
MUHLENBERGIA rigens Deergrass
MUSCARI comosum Grape Hyacinth
MYOSOTIDIUM hortensia Chatham Islands Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS pulvinaris Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS scorpioides Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Indigo-blue' Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Light-blue' Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Pink' Forget-Me-Not
MYOSOTIS sylvatica compacta 'Victoria White' Forget-Me-Not
MYRRHIS odorata Sweet Cicely, Myrrth, Sweet Chervil
NARDUS stricta Mat Grass
NARTHECIUM ossifragum Bog Asphodel
NASTURTIUM officinale Watercress
NEPETA cataria Common Catmint, Catnip
NEPETA cataria ssp. citriodora Lemon Catmint
NEPETA clarkei Himalayan Catmint
NEPETA govaniana Catmint
NEPETA nervosa Kashmir Catmint
NEPETA nervosa 'Pink Cat' Kashmir Catmint
NEPETA nuda Catmint
NEPETA racemosa Catmint
NEPETA racemosa 'Alba' Catmint
NEPETA racemosa 'Select' Catmint
NEPETA stewartiana Catmint
NEPETA subsessilis 'Blue Dreams' Japanese Catmint
NEPETA subsessilis 'Pink Dreams' Japanese Catmint
NEPETA subsessilis 'White Dreams' Japanese Catmint
NEPETA tuberosa Spanish Catmint
NERIUM oleander Oleander
NICOTIANA glauca Wild Tobacco
NIGELLA sativa Black Cumin, Fennel Flower
NIPPONANTHEMUM nipponicum Nippon Daisy
OCIMUM africanum 'Temperate Tulsi' (Rama Tulsi misap.) Wild Basil
OCIMUM americanum 'Typ Lime' Lemon Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Ararat' Red Spotted Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Purple Ruffles' Red Ruffled Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Cinnamon' Cinnamon Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Dark Opal' Purple-leaved Basil, Red-leaved Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Fino Verde' Small Leaved Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Genoveser' Large Sweet Basil
OCIMUM basilicum 'Typ Red Rubin' Purple-leaved Basil
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Genoveser-Hybr. 'Adi' Pot-Plant Basil
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Genoveser-Hybr. 'Aroma 2' Large Sweet Basil
OCIMUM basilicum F1-Hybr. 'Adi' Pot-Plant Basil
OCIMUM basilicum var. minutum 'Typ Greek' Greek Bush Basil
OCIMUM basilicum var. thyrsiflorum 'Typ Thai' Thai Basil
OCIMUM tenuiflorum Sacred Basil, Kapoor Tulsi
OENOTHERA acaulis var. aurea Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA biennis Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA caespitosa ssp. eximia Desert Evening Primrose, Tufted Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA glazioviana Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA harringtonii Colorado Springs Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA kunthiana Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA macrocarpa Ozark Sundrops
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. fremontii 'Silver Wings' Evening Primrose, Sundrops
OENOTHERA macrocarpa ssp. incana Silver Blade® The Hoary Evening primrose
OENOTHERA odorata 'Sulphurea' Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA pallida Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA perennis Narrowleaf Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA pilosella 'Yella Fella' Meadow Sundrops
OENOTHERA speciosa Pink Evening Primrose
OENOTHERA tetragona Sundrops
OENOTHERA versicolor Evening Primrose
ONONIS natrix Yellow Restharrow
ONONIS spinosa Restharrow
ONOPORDUM acanthium Scotch Cotton Thistle
ONOSMA polyphyllum Golden Drops
OPOPANAX chironium Hercules All Heal
OPUNTIA ficus-indica Prickly Pear
OPUNTIA humifusa Prickly Pear
OPUNTIA imbricata Tree Cholla, Cane Cactus
OPUNTIA polyacantha Prickly Pear
ORIGANUM majorana Sweet Marjoram, Garden Marjoram
ORIGANUM virens Spanish Marjoram
ORIGANUM vulgare wild form Wild Marjoram
ORIGANUM vulgare hort. Perennial Marjoram
ORIGANUM vulgare ssp. hirtum Greek Oregano, Pizza Oregano
ORIGANUM vulgare ssp. hirtum Pizza Oregano, Greek Oregano
ORIGANUM vulgare var. albiflorum White Marjoram
ORLAYA grandiflora White Lace Flower
ORNITHOGALUM pyrenaicum Spiked Star of Bethlehem
ORNITHOGALUM umbellatum Star of Bethlehem
OROSTACHYS fimbriata Dunce Cap
OXYRIA digyna Mountain Sorrel
PAEONIA anomala Peony
PAEONIA officinalis ssp. banatica Common Peony
PAEONIA peregrina Peony
PAEONIA Rockii-Hybr. Peony
PAEONIA tenuifolia Peony
PANAX ginseng Ginseng (Ren-Shen)
PANCRATIUM maritimum Sand Lily
PANICUM amarum Coastal Switchgrass, Bitter Beachgras
PANICUM clandestinum Deer-Tongue-Grass
PANICUM virgatum Switch Grass
PANICUM virgatum 'Emerald Chief' Switch Grass
PAPAVER Alpinum-Hybr. Alpine Poppy
PAPAVER dubium Longhead Poppy
PAPAVER miyabeanum 'Pacino' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles Classic Mix' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Orange' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Pink' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Scarlet' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 White' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Champagne Bubbles F1 Yellow' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. 'Gartenzwerg' Poppy
PAPAVER Nudicaule-Hybr. Deluxe Mixture Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Beauty of Livermere' Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Brilliant' Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Pizzicato' Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Prinzessin Victoria Louise' Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. 'Royal Wedding' Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. Deluxe Mixture Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. plena 'May Queen' Oriental Poppy
PAPAVER Orientale-Hybr. Nana 'Allegro' Poppy
PAPAVER pilosum ssp. spicatum Poppy
PAPAVER rhaeticum Poppy
PAPAVER rhoeas Corn Poppy
PAPAVER rupifragum Poppy
PAPAVER rupifragum 'Flore Pleno' Poppy
PAPAVER triniifolium Armenian Poppy
PARADISEA liliastrum 'Major' Paradise Lily
PARADISEA lusitanica Paradise Lily
PARAQUILEGIA microphylla Himalayan Spurless Columbine
PARDANCANDA norrisii Candy Lily
PARDANCANDA norrisii 'Dazzler' Candy Lily, Orchid Lily
PARIS quadrifolia Herb Paris
PARNASSIA palustris Grass of Parnassus
PARTHENIUM integrifolium Wild Quinine
PASSIFLORA caerulea Passion Flower
PASTINACA sativa Parsnip
PEGANUM harmala African-Rue, Harmal
PELTIPHYLLUM peltatum Umbrella-Plant
PENNISETUM alopecuroides Fountain Grass
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Jester' Purple-leafed Pear Millet
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Purple Baron' Purple-leafed Pear Millet
PENNISETUM glaucum 'Purple Majesty' Purple-leafed Pear Millet
PENNISETUM macrourum Riverbank Fountain Grass
PENNISETUM thunbergii Red Bunny Tails
PENNISETUM villosum Feathertop
PENSTEMON ambiguus var. ambiguus Sand Beardtongue, Pink Plains Beardtongue, Gilia Beardtongue
PENSTEMON angustifolius Narrowleaf Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON auriberbis Colorado Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Dark Rose Shades' Dwarf Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Rosy Red Shades' Dwarf Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada Violet Shades' Dwarf Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON barbatus f. nanus 'Pinacolada White Shades' Dwarf Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON barbatus var. praecox f. nanus 'Rondo' Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON confertus Yellow Beardtongue
PENSTEMON digitalis 'Husker Red Superior Strain' Beard Tongue, Firecracker
PENSTEMON eatonii Eaton‘s Firecracker, Firecracker Beardtongue
PENSTEMON grandiflorus Large Flowered Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON grandiflorus Prairie Jewel® Large Flowered Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON mensarum Grand Mesa Beardtongue
PENSTEMON pseudospectabilis Desert Beardtongue
PENSTEMON smallii Small's Penstemon
PENSTEMON speciosus Royal Penstemon
PENSTEMON spectabilis Royal Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON superbus Superb Beardtongue
PENSTEMON virens Blue Mist Beardtongue
PENSTEMON virgatus 'Blue Buckle' Stiff Beard-Tongue, Wand Bloom
PENSTEMON watsonii Watson’s Beard Tongue
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Amethyst' Mexican Beardtongue
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Colours' Mexican Beardtongue
PENSTEMON x mexicale 'Sunburst Ruby' Sunburst Beard Tongue
PERILLA frutescens var. crispa 'Green Shiso' Green Leaved Beefsteak Plant (Zi-Su-Ye)
PERILLA frutescens var. crispa 'Red Shiso' Beefsteak Plant, Red Shiso Zi-Su-Ye
PEROVSKIA atriplicifolia Russian Sage
PETASITES albus Butterbar
PETASITES hybridus Butterbur, Umbrella Plant
PETASITES hybridus Umbrella Plant
PETROPHYTUM caespitosum Rock Spirea
PETRORHAGIA saxifraga Coat-Flower
PETROSELINUM crispum var. crispum Double Curled Parsley
PETROSELINUM crispum var. neapolitanum Italian Parsley, Plain Parsley
PEUCEDANUM officinale Masterwort
PEUCEDANUM oreoselinum Mountain Hog's Fennel
PEUCEDANUM ostruthium Masterwort
PEUCEDANUM rablense Hog's Fennel
PHACELIA tanacetifolia Fiddleneck
PHAENOSPERMA globosa Waterfall Millet
PHALARIS arundinacea Ribbon Grass
PHLOMIS fruticosa Jerusalem Sage
PHLOMIS russeliana Jerusalem Sage
PHLOMIS samia (true) Son of Samia
PHLOMIS tuberosa Jerusalem Sage
PHLOX paniculata 'New Hybrids' Phlox
PHLOX pilosa Prairie Phlox
PHORMIUM cookianum New Zealand Flax
PHORMIUM cookianum 'Purpureum' New Zealand Flax
PHORMIUM tenax New Zealand Flax
PHORMIUM tenax 'New Hybrids' New Zealand Flax
PHORMIUM tenax 'Purpureum' New Zealand Flax
PHRAGMITES australis Common Reed
PHYGELIUS aequalis Cape Fuchsia
PHYGELIUS capensis Cape Fuchsia
PHYSALIS alkekengi var. franchetii 'Gigantea' Chinese Lantern, Bladder Cherry
PHYSALIS alkekengi var. franchetii 'Zwerg' Dwarf Chinese Lantern
PHYSOPLEXIS comosa Devil's Claw
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Alba' White Obedient Plant
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Rosea' Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead
PHYTEUMA betonicifolium Betonian Rampion
PHYTEUMA hemisphaericum Rampion
PHYTEUMA scheuchzeri Rampion
PHYTEUMA spicatum Rampion
PHYTEUMA spicatum ssp. coeruleum Rampion
PHYTOLACCA acinosa Pokeweed
PHYTOLACCA americana Pokeweed
PHYTOLACCA americana f. variegata 'Silberstein' Pokeweed
PIMPINELLA anisum Anise
PIMPINELLA major Greater Burnet
PIMPINELLA major 'Rosea' Pink Burnet Saxifrage, Greater Burnet
PIMPINELLA saxifraga Burnet Saxifrage, Small Pimpernel
PLANTAGO asiatica Asian Plantain (Che-Qian-Cao)
PLANTAGO coronopus 'Minutina' Buck's Horn Plantain
PLANTAGO lanceolata Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain
PLANTAGO lanceolata 'Libor' Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain
PLANTAGO major Common Plantain
PLANTAGO major 'Purple Perversion' Fringed Purple Plantain
PLANTAGO major 'Purpurea' Red-leaved Plantain
PLANTAGO major 'Rosularis' Rose Plantain
PLANTAGO major 'Variegata' Variegated plantain
PLANTAGO media Hoary Plantain
PLANTAGO nivalis Plantain
PLANTAGO sempervirens Plantain
PLANTAGO subulata Awl leaved Plantain
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Blue' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Light Pink' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra Pink' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra White' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Astra White-semi-double' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji Blue' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji Pink' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Fuji White' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone Blue' Balloon Flower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone White' Balloon flower, Chinese Bellflower
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Mariesii' Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower (Jie-Geng)
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Mixed Hybrids' Balloon Flower
POA alpina Blue Grass, Meadow Grass
POA chaixii Blue Grass, Meadow Grass
POA cita Silver Tussock, Snow Grass
POA glauca 'Blue Hills' Glaucous Meadow Grass
POLEMONIUM boreale 'Heavenly Habit' Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian, Charity
POLEMONIUM caeruleum Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. album Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian, Charity
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. dissectum 'Filigree Clouds' Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM caeruleum f. dissectum 'Filigree Skies' Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM carneum Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM cashmerianum Kashmir Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM foliosissimum Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM pauciflorum Fewflower, Jacob's Ladder, Pine Trumpets
POLEMONIUM pulcherrimum Jacob's Ladder
POLEMONIUM reptans Creeping Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian
POLEMONIUM yezoense 'Purple Rain Strain' Jacob's Ladder
POLYGALA chamaebuxus Shrubby Milkwort
POLYGONATUM latifolium Solomon's Seal
POLYGONATUM multiflorum Solomon's Seal
POLYGONATUM odoratum Solomon's Seal
POLYGONUM bistorta Bistort, Snakeweed
POLYGONUM capitatum Knotweed
POLYGONUM virginianum Knotweed
POLYGONUM virginianum 'Variegatum' Virginia Knotweed
POTENTILLA anserina Goose Grass
POTENTILLA argentea Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA argentea Silver leaved Conquefoil
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea 'Red' Himalaya Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla Himalayan cinquefoil
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla 'Golden Starlit' Himalayan Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla 'Scarlet Starlit' Himalayan Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA aurea Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA crantzii Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA erecta Bloodroot
POTENTILLA glandulosa ssp. nevadensis Nevada Cinquefoil, Sticky Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA gracilis Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA hyparctica Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA megalantha Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Helen Jane' Cinquefoil, Five Fingers
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Miss Willmott' Nepal Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Ron McBeath' Cinquefoil, Five Finger
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Roxana' Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA nepalensis 'Shogran' Nepal Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA neumanniana Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA palustris Blood Eye
POTENTILLA pensylvanica Prairie Cinquefoil, Pennsylvania Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA pyrenaica Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA recta Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA rupestris Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA speciosa Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA thurberi Cinquefoil
POTENTILLA thurberi 'Monarch's Velvet' Thurber's Cinquefoil
PRIMULA auricula Auricula Primrose
PRIMULA auricula ssp. bauhinii Alpine Auricula
PRIMULA beesiana Bees Primrose, Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA bulleyana Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA Candelabra-Hybr. Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA Candelabra-Hybr. 'Harlow Carr Hybr.' Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA capitata 'Salvana'(TM) Asiatic Primrose
PRIMULA chungensis Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA cockburniana yellow form bright yellow with golden eye
PRIMULA denticulata 'Blue Selection' Drumstick Primrose
PRIMULA denticulata 'Rubin Selection' Drumstick Primrose
PRIMULA elatior wild form Oxlip
PRIMULA Elatior-Hybr. 'Jessica' Red leaved Primrose, Oxlip
PRIMULA Elatior-Hybr. 'Silver Lace Purple' Primrose
PRIMULA florindae Tibetan Primrose, Himalayan Cowslip
PRIMULA frondosa Leafy Primrose, Bulgarian Primrose
PRIMULA parryi Parry's Primrose, Bog Primrose, Brookside Primrose
PRIMULA rosea 'Gigas' Primrose
PRIMULA sieboldii Woodland Primula
PRIMULA veris Cowslip
PRIMULA veris Cowslipn
PRIMULA veris 'Sunset Shades' Cowslip
PRIMULA veris ssp. macrocalyx Tall Meadow Cowslip
PRIMULA vulgaris ssp. sibthorpii Carnival Primrose
PRIMULA x bulleesiana Candelabra Primrose
PRIMULA x pruhoniciana 'Bergfrühling® Mixture' Mountain Spring Primrose
PRIMULA x pubescens Garden Auricula
PRIMULA x pubescens 'Kaleidoscope' Garden Auricula
PRITZELAGO alpina Chamois Cress
PRUNELLA grandiflora Self Heal
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Alba' Self Heal
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Freelander Mixed' Self Heal
PRUNELLA grandiflora 'Rubra' Self Heal
PRUNELLA laciniata Split-leaved Self Heal
PRUNELLA vulgaris Self Heal
PRUNELLA vulgaris 'BLBP 01' Allheal, Selfheal (Xia-Ku-Cao)
PTEROCEPHALUS perennis Moroccan pincushion
PULMONARIA officinalis Jerusalem Cowslip, Lungwort
PULMONARIA officinalis Jerusalem Cowslipn
PULSATILLA alpina Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA alpina ssp. sulphurea Sulphur Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA halleri Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA halleri ssp. taurica Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA montana Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA occidentalis Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA patens Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA pratensis ssp. nigricans Meadow Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA pratensis ssp. nigricans Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vernalis Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Alba' Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Blaue Glocke' Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Heiler-Hybrids' Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Perlen Glocke' Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Prima Papagena' Pasque Flower
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Rote Glocke' Pasque Flower
PUNICA granatum var. nana Dwarf Pomegranite
PYCNANTHEMUM muticum Blunt Mountain Mint
PYCNANTHEMUM pilosum American Mountain Mint
PYCNANTHEMUM tenuifolium American Mountain Mint
PYCNANTHEMUM virginianum Virginia Mountain Mint
RANUNCULUS acris Meadow Buttercup
RANUNCULUS buchananii White New Zealand Buttercup
RANUNCULUS cortusifolius Canaries-Buttercup
RANUNCULUS flammula Buttercup
RANUNCULUS glacialis Buttercup
RANUNCULUS gramineus Buttercup
RANUNCULUS haastii ssp. piliferus Buttercup
RANUNCULUS insignis Buttercup
RANUNCULUS lyallii Buttercup
RANUNCULUS thora Buttercup
RAOULIA australis Sheepcarpet
RATIBIDA columnifera Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat
RATIBIDA columnifera f. pulcherrima Long-Head Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower
RATIBIDA columnifera f. pulcherrima 'Red Midget' Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat
RATIBIDA pinnata Prairie Coneflower
REHMANNIA elata Chinese Foxglove
RESEDA lutea Cutleaf Mignonette
RHEUM alexandrae Alexander's Rhubarb
RHEUM australe Himalayan Rhubarb
RHEUM officinale 'BLBP 01' Chinese Rhubarb (Da-Huang)
RHEUM palmatum f. atrosanguineum Ornamental Rhubarb
RHEUM palmatum var. tanguticum Chinese Rhubarb, Turkey Rhubarb, Ornamental Rhubarb (Da-Huang)
RHEUM rhabarbarum 'Glaskins Perpetual' Garden Rhubarb
RHEUM rhabarbarum 'Victoria' Garden Rhubarb
RHEUM rhabarbarum (x hybridum) Rhubarb
RHEUM rhabarbarum (x hybridum) Rhubarbn
RHEUM rhaponticum Rhapontic-Rhubarb
RHEXIA virginica Dear Grass, Meadow Beauty
RHINANTHUS alecterolophus Yellow Rattle
RHODIOLA integrifolia ssp. atropurpurea King's Crown, Ledge Stonecrop, Roseroot
RHODIOLA rhodantha Queen's Crown, Redpod Stonecrop
RHODIOLA rosea Rose Root
RHODIOLA rosea Rose Root, Golden Root
RHODOCOMA capensis Cape Restio
RHODODENDRON ferrugineum Alpine Rose
RICINUS communis Castor Bean, Castor Oil Plant
RICINUS communis 'New Zealand Purple' Red-leaved Castor Bean
ROHDEA japonica Japanese Sacred Lily, Nippon Lily
ROMNEYA coulteri Californian Tree Poppy
ROSMARINUS officinalis Rosemary
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. deamii Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. fulgida Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. speciosa Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA grandiflora 'Sundance' Rough Coneflower, Tall Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Autumn Colors' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Cappuccino' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Denver Daisy' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Goldilocks' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Indian Summer' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Marmelade' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Maya' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Prairie Sun' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Sonora' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Toto Gold' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA hirta 'Toto Rustic' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA laciniata Green-Headed Coneflower, Wild Golden Glow
RUDBECKIA maxima Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA missouriensis Missouri Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA occidentalis Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA subtomentosa Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA triloba Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUDBECKIA triloba 'Prairie Glow' Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
RUELLIA humilis Wild Petunia
RUMEX acetosa Garden Sorrel
RUMEX acetosa 'De Belleville' Green Sorrel
RUMEX acetosella Sheep's Sorrel
RUMEX flexuosus Sorrel
RUMEX hydrolapathum Sorrel
RUMEX sanguineus var. sanguineus Bloody Sorrel
RUMEX scutatus French Sorrel
RUMEX scutatus French Sorrel, Buckler-leaved Sorrel
RUMEX scutatus ssp. glaucus 'Silver Leaf' Silver French Sorrel
RUSCUS aculeatus Butcher's Broom
RUSCUS hypoglossum Spineless Butcher's Broom
RUTA corsica Corsican Rue
RUTA graveolens Rue, Herb of Grace
RUTA graveolens 'Jackman's Blue Strain' Rue
SAGINA subulata Irish Moss, Pearlwort
SALVIA aethiopis African Sage
SALVIA amplexicaulis Sage
SALVIA apiana Sacred Sage
SALVIA argentea Silver Sage
SALVIA austriaca Pannonian Sage, Austrian Sage
SALVIA azurea Prairie Sage, 120 cm, bright azure blue
SALVIA bulleyana hort. Sage
SALVIA candidissima Woolly White Sage
SALVIA canescens var. daghestanica Sage
SALVIA columbariae Desert Chia, Golden Chia
SALVIA cyanescens Sage
SALVIA farinacea 'Victoria Blue' Sage
SALVIA farinacea 'Victoria White' Sage
SALVIA glutinosa Sticky Sage, Jupiter's Sage
SALVIA greggii Autumn Sage
SALVIA hians Sage
SALVIA hispanica Mexican Chia
SALVIA jurisicii Cutt Leaved Sage, Feathered Salvia, Jurisic's Lavander Sage
SALVIA lavandulifolia Spanish Sage
SALVIA lyrata 'Purple Knockout' Lyre-leaved sage
SALVIA miltiorrhiza 'BLBP 01' Chinese Sage, Red Sage (Dan-Shen)
SALVIA miltiorrhiza 'Weila®rhiza' Chinese Sage, Red Sage (Dan-Shen)
SALVIA moorcroftiana x indica 'Shangri-La' Shangri-La Sage
SALVIA napifolia Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Blaukönigin' Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Merleau Blue' Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Merleau Rose' Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Rosakönigin' Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Violettkönigin' Steppe Sage
SALVIA nemorosa 'Violettkönigin' Steppe-Sage
SALVIA nutans Nodding Sage
SALVIA officinalis Common Sage
SALVIA officinalis 'Extrakta' Extract Sage
SALVIA officinalis f. albiflora Common Sage
SALVIA pachyphylla Blue Sage, Mojave Sage
SALVIA patens 'Blue Angel' Clary, Muscatel Sage
SALVIA pratensis Meadow Sage
SALVIA pratensis Sage
SALVIA pratensis 'Meadow Ballet Blend' Meadow Clary Sage
SALVIA pratensis 'Rose Rhapsody' Meadow Clary Sage
SALVIA pratensis 'Swan Lake' Meadow Clary Sage
SALVIA pratensis 'Sweet Esmeralda' Meadow Clary Sage
SALVIA pratensis 'Twilight Serenade' Meadow Clary Sage
SALVIA przewalskii Tibetan Sage, Ganzi Sage, Red Sage
SALVIA recognita Sage
SALVIA ringens Sage
SALVIA scabra 'Good Hope' Sage
SALVIA sclarea Clary Sage, Muscatel Sage
SALVIA sclarea Clary, Muscatel Sage
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican Pink' Clary Sage
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican Pink' Clary Sage, Muscatel Sage
SALVIA sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' White Clary Sage, Clear Eye, Muscatel Sage
SALVIA tomentosa Balsamic Sage
SALVIA transsylvanica Sage
SALVIA verticillata Sage
SALVIA verticillata 'Alba' Sage
SANGUINARIA canadensis Blood Root
SANGUISORBA menziesii Burnet
SANGUISORBA minor hort. Salad Burnet, Small Burnet
SANGUISORBA officinalis Great Burnet (Di-Yu)
SANGUISORBA tenuifolia var. tenuifolia f. alba Burnet
SANICULA europaea Sanicle
SANTOLINA chamaecyparissus ssp. tomentosa Cotton Lavender
SANTOLINA etrusca Etruscian Santolina
SANTOLINA rosmarinifolia Cotton Lavender
SAPONARIA caespitosa Soapwort
SAPONARIA lutea Soapwort
SAPONARIA ocymoides Rock Soapwort
SAPONARIA ocymoides 'Snow Tip' White Rock Soapwort
SAPONARIA officinalis Soapwort
SAPOSHNIKOVIA divaricata 'BLBP 03' Chinese Laserwort, (Fang Feng)
SAPOSHNIKOVIA divaricata 'Weila®kovia' Chinese Laserwort (Fang Feng)
SARRACENIA flava Yellow Pitcher Plant
SARRACENIA purpurea Common Pitcher Plant
SARRACENIA species (alata x flava x leucophylla x purpurea) 'New Hybrids' Pitcher Plants
SARUMA henryi brilliant sulphur yellow
SATUREJA hortensis Summer Savory
SATUREJA montana Winter Savory
SATUREJA montana ssp. illyrica Purple Winter Savory
SATUREJA montana var. citriodora Lemon Savory
SATUREJA spicigera Creeping Savory
SAXIFRAGA aizoides Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA aspera Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA biflora Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA cochlearis Spoon-Leaved Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA cotyledon 'Pyramidalis' Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA cymbalaria Celandine Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA exarata Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA granulata Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA hostii Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA longifolia Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA manschuriensis Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA marginata Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA oppositifolia Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA paniculata Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA paniculata ssp. brevifolia Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA rotundifolia Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA umbrosa 'Elliott's Variety' Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Blütenteppich' Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Purpurteppich' Saxifrage
SAXIFRAGA x arendsii 'Schneeteppich' Saxifrage
SCABIOSA canescens Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Fama Deep Blue' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Fama White' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Isaac House Hybr.' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Perfecta Alba' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA caucasica 'Perfecta' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA columbaria Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Misty Butterflies' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Pincushion Blue' Little Pincushion, Small Scabious,
SCABIOSA columbaria f. nana 'Pincushion Pink' Little Pincushion, Scabious
SCABIOSA graminifolia Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA japonica var. alpina 'Ritz Blue' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA japonica var. alpina 'Ritz Rose' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA lachnophylla 'Blue Horizon' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA ochroleuca Cream Pincushion
SCABIOSA ochroleuca Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCABIOSA ochroleuca 'Moon Dance' Pincushion Flower, Scabious
SCILLA bifolia Alpine Squil
SCILLA hyacinthoides Squil
SCILLA mischtschenkoana Early Squill
SCIRPUS holoschoenus Head Rush
SCIRPUS lacustris Bull Rush
SCIRPUS mucronatus Rush
SCIRPUS sylvaticus Forest Rush
SCIRPUS tabernaemontani Rush
SCLERANTHUS biflorus var. uniflorus Knawel Cushion
SCROPHULARIA macrantha Figwort
SCROPHULARIA nodosa Woodland Figwort
SCUTELLARIA alpina Helmet Flower, Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA alpina 'Arcobaleno' Helmet Flower, Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA alpina 'Moonbeam' Helmet Flower, Alpine Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA altissima Helmet Flower, Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis Baicalein Scullcap (Huang-Qin)
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis 'BLBP 02' Baical Scullcap (Huang-Qin)
SCUTELLARIA baicalensis 'BLBP 02' Baicalein Scullcap (Huang-Qin)
SCUTELLARIA galericulata Swamp Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA incana Helmet Flower, Downy Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA integrifolia Hyssop leaved Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA orientalis Oriental Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA orientalis var. pinnatifida Oriental Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA pontica Helmet Flower, Skullcap
SCUTELLARIA resinosa 'Smokey Hills' Prairie Scullcap
SECURIGERA varia Crown Vetch
SEDUM acre Wallpepper
SEDUM acre 'Oktoberfest' Stone Crop, Wall Pepper
SEDUM aizoon Stonecrop
SEDUM album White Stonecrop
SEDUM ellacombianum Orange Stonecrop
SEDUM floriferum Stonecrop
SEDUM forsterianum ssp. elegans 'Silver Stone' Stonecrop
SEDUM glaucophyllum Stonecrop
SEDUM hispanicum Stonecrop
SEDUM hybridum 'Czar's Gold' Stonecrop
SEDUM kamtschaticum Stonecrop
SEDUM lanceolatum Stonecrop
SEDUM middendorffianum var. middendorffianum Stonecrop
SEDUM montanum Stonecrop, Mountain Sedum
SEDUM montanum ssp. orientale Stonecrop
SEDUM obtusifolium var. listoniae Stonecrop
SEDUM ochroleucum European Stonecrop
SEDUM oreganum Oregon Stonecrop
SEDUM populifolium Stonecrop
SEDUM pulchellum Stonecrop, Widow's Cross
SEDUM reflexum Stone Orpine
SEDUM rubens 'Lizard' Stonecrop
SEDUM sediforme Pale Stonecrop
SEDUM selskianum 'Goldilocks' Stonecrop
SEDUM sexangulare Tasteless Stonecrop
SEDUM species Mixture Stonecrop
SEDUM spurium 'Summer Glory' Two-row stonecrop
SEDUM spurium 'Voodoo' Stonecrop
SEDUM spurium var. coccineum Two-Row Stonecrop
SEDUM stenopetalum Wormleaf or Yellow Stonecrop
SEDUM stoloniferum Stonecrop
SEDUM takesimense Ullungdo Island Stonecrop
SEDUM telephium 'Emperor's Waves' Emperor's Stonecrop
SEDUM telephium ssp. maximum Stonecrop
SEDUM ternatum Stonecrop
SEDUM ussuriense Stonecrop
SELINUM carvifolium Cambridge Milk Parsley
SELINUM wallichianum Milk Parsley
SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum House Leek
SEMPERVIVUM hybridum winter hardy varieties House Leek
SEMPERVIVUM montanum Hens and Chicks, House Leek
SEMPERVIVUM tectorum House Leek
SERRATULA tinctoria Sawwort
SESELI elatum ssp. osseum Mountain Fennel
SESELI gummiferum Moon Carrot
SESELI petraeum Rock Mountain Fennel
SESLERIA albicans Blue Moor Grass
SESLERIA argentea Silver Moor Grass
SESLERIA caerulea Blue Moor Grass
SESLERIA heufleriana Green Moor Grass
SESLERIA nitida Blaugras
SETARIA palmifolia Palm Grass
SIBBALDIA procumbens Creeping Glow Wort Sibbaldia
SIDA hermaphrodita Virginia Mallow
SIDALCEA candida 'Bianca' White Prairie Mallow
SIDALCEA malviflora 'Starks Hybrids' Prairie Mallow
SIDALCEA Malviflora-Hybr. 'Partygirl' Prairie Mallow
SIDERITIS hyssopifolia Spanish Mountain Tea, Hyssop-leaved Ironwort
SIDERITIS scardica Greek Mountain Tea
SIDERITIS syriaca South Greek Mountain Tea
SIGESBECKIA pubescens 'BLBP 01' St. Pauls Wort (Xi-Xiang-Cao)
SILENE acaulis Campion
SILENE alba Campion
SILENE alba White Campion
SILENE alpestris Campion
SILENE caroliniana ssp. wherryi Campion
SILENE dioica Red Campion, Red Catchfly
SILENE nutans Nottingham Catchfly
SILENE orientalis Campion
SILENE regia Campion
SILENE saxifraga Campion
SILENE schafta 'Shell Pink' Schafta Campion
SILENE schafta 'Splendens' Campion
SILENE schafta f. albiflora 'Wishing Wheels' White Schafta Campion
SILENE tatarica Campion
SILENE uniflora 'Compacta' Campion, The Compact Maiden's Tears
SILENE uniflora 'Weißkehlchen' Campion
SILENE vulgaris Campion
SILENE zawadskii Campion
SILPHIUM albiflorum White Rosinweed
SILPHIUM integrifolium Prairie Dock
SILPHIUM laciniatum Compass Plant
SILPHIUM mohrii Shaggy Rosinweed
SILPHIUM perfoliatum Prairie Dock
SILPHIUM terebinthinaceum Prairie Dock
SILYBUM marianum St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle
SILYBUM marianum St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle
SILYBUM marianum var. albiflorum St. Maria's Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle
SISYRINCHIUM angustifolium Blue Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM angustifolium f. album Blue Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM bellum Blue Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM californicum Blue Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM idahoense var. macounii 'Moody Blues' Blue-Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM palmifolium Palm-leaf Yellow-Eyed Grass
SISYRINCHIUM striatum Blue Eyed Grass
SMILACINA racemosa False Solomon's Seal
SMILACINA stellata Star Flower, False Solomon's Seal, Strarry False Solomon's Seal
SMYRNIUM olusatrum Black Lovage, Alexanders
SOLANUM dulcamara Bittersweet
SOLDANELLA alpina Snowbell
SOLDANELLA montana Snowbell
SOLDANELLA pusilla Snowbell
SOLIDAGO canadensis 'Golden Baby' Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO cutleri Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO glomerata Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO riddellii Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO rigida Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO rigida ssp. humilis 'Golden Rockets' Prarie Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO roanensis Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO speciosa Golden Rod
SOLIDAGO virgaurea European Goldenrod
SOLIDAGO virgaurea ssp. minuta Dwarf European Goldenrod
SORGHASTRUM nutans Indian Grass
SORGHASTRUM nutans 'Indian Steel' Indian Grass
SPARGANIUM erectum Bur-Reed
SPERGULARIA rubra Sandspurry
SPHAERALCEA ambigua Desert Globemallow, Apricot Mallow
SPHAERALCEA coccinea Globe Mallow
SPHAERALCEA rivularis Wild Hollyhock
SPODIOPOGON sibiricus Greybeard Grass
SPOROBOLUS airoides Alkali Dropseed
SPOROBOLUS heterolepis Prairie Dropseed
SPOROBOLUS wrightii Giant Sacaton Dropseed
STACHYS byzantina Lamb's Ears
STACHYS byzantina 'Silky Fleece' Dwarf Lambs' Ears
STACHYS macrantha Big Betony
STACHYS macrantha 'Morning Blush' Big Betony
STACHYS officinalis Betony, Bishopswort
STACHYS recta Yellow Woundworth
STELLERA chamaejasme Himalayan Stellera
STEVIA rebaudiana Sugar Leaf, Sweet Herb
STIPA barbata Silver Feather Grass
STIPA capillata Feather Grass, Needle Grass
STIPA extremiorientalis Feather Grass
STIPA gigantea Giant Feather Grass, Giant-Oat
STIPA ichu Peruvian Feather Grass
STIPA joannis Grey-Sheathed Feather Grass
STIPA pennata European Feather Grass
STIPA pulcherrima Feather Grass
STIPA tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass, Angel Hair
STIPA tirsa Horsetail Feather Grass
STIPA trichotoma 'Palomino' Chilean Needle Grass, Serrated Tussock,
STOKESIA laevis Stoke's Aster
STOKESIA laevis 'Omega Skyrocket' Stoke's Aster
STOKESIA laevis f. alba 'Träumerei' Stoke's Aster
STYLOPHORUM diphyllum Wood Poppy
STYLOPHORUM lasiocarpum Wood Poppy
SUCCISA pratensis Devil's Bit Scabious
SUCCISELLA inflexa 'Frosted Pearls' Devil's Bit
SYMPHYANDRA hofmannii Ring Bellflower
SYMPHYANDRA pendula Bellflower
SYMPHYANDRA wanneri Ring Bellflower
SYMPHYANDRA zanzegura Ring Bellflower
SYMPHYTUM officinale Comfrey
TAGETES lucida Sweet Mace, Mexican Tarragon, Yauhtli
TAGETES patula/erecta Mix French Marigold
TALINUM calycinum Flameflower, Rock Pink
TALINUM paniculatum Jewels of Opar (Tu-Ren-Shen)
TALINUM teretifolium Appalachian Flameflower, Rock Pink
TANACETUM balsamita Costmary
TANACETUM cinerariifolium Dalmatian Pellitory
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Giant Mixture' Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Pink' Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson Red' Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy
TANACETUM coccineum 'Super Duplex' Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy
TANACETUM macrophyllum Wolfie's Choice
TANACETUM niveum 'Jackpot' White Tansy
TANACETUM parthenifolium Feverfew
TANACETUM parthenium Feverfew
TANACETUM parthenium 'Golden Moss' Feverfew
TANACETUM vulgare Tansy
TARAXACUM albidum White Dandelion
TARAXACUM albidum f. citrinum Lemon flowering Dandelion
TARAXACUM officinale Dandelion (Pu-Gong-Ying)
TARAXACUM pseudoroseum Pink Dandelion
TECOMA stans Trumpet Bush
TELLIMA grandiflora Alaska Fringecup
TEUCRIUM chamaedrys Wall Germander, Wood Sage
TEUCRIUM hircanicum Germander, Wood Sage
TEUCRIUM montanum Germander, Wood Sage
TEUCRIUM orientale Oriental Germander
TEUCRIUM polium Felty Germander, Wood Sage
TEUCRIUM polium Felty Germander, Wood Sage,
TEUCRIUM scorodonia Germander, Wood Sage
THALICTRUM alpinum Alpine Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM aquilegiifolium Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM delavayi Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM delavayi 'Album' Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM flavum ssp. glaucum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM foetidum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM lucidum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM minus 'Adiantifolium' Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM minus ssp. minus Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM petaloideum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM polygamum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM rochebruneanum Meadow Rue
THALICTRUM rochebruneanum var. grandisepalum Meadow Rue
THAMNOCHORTUS cinereus Silver-Reed
THAMNOCHORTUS spicigerus Thatching-Reed
THERMOPSIS chinensis Chinese Bush Pea
THYMUS comosus Tufted Thyme
THYMUS fragrantissimus Orange Thyme
THYMUS longiflorus Long Flower Fhyme
THYMUS mastichina Mastic Thyme, Spanish Wood Marjoram
THYMUS praecox Creeping Thyme, Early Thyme
THYMUS pulegioides Greater Wild Thyme, Field Thyme
THYMUS serpyllum 'Magic Carpet' Shepherd's Thyme
THYMUS serpyllum hort. Shepherd's Thyme
THYMUS vulgaris 'French Summer' French Thyme
THYMUS vulgaris 'German Winter' Common Thyme
THYMUS zygis Spanish Thyme
TIARELLA polyphylla 'Filigran' Foam Flower
TIARELLA wherryi Foamflower
TOLMIEA menziesii Piggyback Plant, Pickaback Plant
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Blanca' Spiderwort
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Blue' Spiderwort
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Carmine-Red' Spiderwort
TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana 'Mix' Spiderwort
TRAGOPOGON pratensis Meadow Goat's Beard
TRICYRTIS formosa Formosa Toad Lily
TRICYRTIS hirta Toad Lily
TRICYRTIS hirta 'Alba' Toad Lily
TRICYRTIS Hirta-Hybr. 'Miyazaki' Toad Lily
TRICYRTIS latifolia Toad Lily
TRICYRTIS macrantha ssp. macranthopsis Toad Lily
TRIFOLIUM alpinum Clover
TRIFOLIUM badium Brown Trefoil
TRIFOLIUM ochroleucum Clover
TRIFOLIUM rubens Feather Clover
TRIFOLIUM trichocephalum Clover
TRIGLOCHIN maritimum Arrow Grass
TRIGONELLA caerulea Sweet Trifoil, Blue Fenugreek
TRIGONELLA foenum-graecum Fenugreek, Greek Clover (Hu-Lu-Ba)
TRIOSTEUM himalayanum Feverwort
TRITELEIA laxa Grass Nut, Triplet Lily, Ithuriel's Spear
TROLLIUS asiaticus Globe Flower
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Golden Queen' Chinese Globeflower
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Morning Sun' Globe Flower
TROLLIUS chinensis ssp. macropetalus Chinese Globeflower
TROLLIUS europaeus Globe Flower
TROLLIUS europaeus f. compactus 'Lemon Supreme' Globe Flower
TROLLIUS laxus var. albiflorus Globe Flower
TROLLIUS pumilus Dwarf Globeflower
TROLLIUS x cultorum 'New Hybrids' Globe Flower
TROLLIUS x cultorum 'New Moon' Globe Flower
TROPAEOLUM majus 'Mix' Indian Cress
TULIPA sylvestris Florentine Tulip
TULIPA tarda Tulip
TUSSILAGO farfara Coltsfoot (Kuan-Dong-Hua)
TWEEDIA coerulea Blue Star Milkweed, Southern Blue Star
TWEEDIA coerulea 'Alba' White Star Milkweed, Southern White Star
TYPHA angustifolia Slender Reed Mace
TYPHA latifolia Common Reed Mace
URTICA dioica Stinging Nettle
URTICA urens Small Nettle, Dog Nettle
VACCINIUM corymbosum American Blueberry, Highbush Blueberry, Huckleberry
VACCINIUM macrocarpon Cranberry
VACCINIUM myrtillus Blueberry
VACCINIUM vitis-idaea Mountain Cranberry
VALERIANA montana Mountain Valerian
VALERIANA officinalis Common Valerian
VALERIANA officinalis 'BLBP 19' Valerian
VANCOUVERIA hexandra Barrenwort, Inside-Out Flower
VERATRUM album White Hellebore, White false hellebore
VERATRUM californicum Verafrum
VERATRUM maackii Verafrum
VERATRUM nigrum Verafrum
VERBASCUM blattaria f. albiflorum Mullein
VERBASCUM bombyciferum Silver Mullein
VERBASCUM bombyciferum Silver Mullein, Giant Silver Mullein
VERBASCUM chaixii Mullein
VERBASCUM chaixii 'Sixteen Candles' Mullein
VERBASCUM chaixii f. album 'Wedding Candles' Mullein
VERBASCUM densiflorum Large-flowered Mullein
VERBASCUM hybridum 'Southern Charm' Mullein
VERBASCUM nigrum wild form Dark Mullein
VERBASCUM nigrum var. album Mullein
VERBASCUM olympicum Mullein
VERBASCUM olympicum f. album White Mullein
VERBASCUM phlomoides 'Spica' Mullein
VERBASCUM phlomoides 'Wega' Mullein
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Flush of White' Mullein
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Rosetta' Rosetta Purple Mullein
VERBASCUM phoeniceum 'Violetta' Purple Mullein
VERBASCUM phoeniceum Mixed Colours Mullein
VERBASCUM phoeniceum wild form Purple Mullein
VERBASCUM roripifolium Mullein
VERBASCUM thapsus Aaron's Rod, Great Mullein
VERBENA bonariensis Purpletop Vervain
VERBENA bonariensis Verbena On A Stick
VERBENA hastata Blue Vervain, American vervain, Swamp Verbena
VERBENA hastata 'Blue Spires' Verbena
VERBENA hastata 'Pink Spires' Verbena
VERBENA hastata 'White Spires' Verbena
VERBENA officinalis Common Vervain (Ma-Bian-Cao)
VERBENA officinalis var. grandiflora 'Bampton' Common Vervain
VERBENA rigida Verbena
VERBENA stricta Verbena
VERBENA tenuisecta Moss Verbena
VERBESINA alternifolia Yellow Iron Weed, Wingstem
VERBESINA helianthoides Yellow Crownbeard
VERNONIA arkansana Ironweed
VERNONIA fasciculata Ironweed
VERNONIA lettermannii Narrow-leaf Ironweed
VERNONIA noveboracensis Ironweed
VERONICA armena Armenian Speedwell
VERONICA beccabunga European Speedwell, Brooklime, Water Pimpernel
VERONICA fruticans Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA fruticulosa Speedwell, Bird's Eyen
VERONICA gentianoides Gentian Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA incana Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA incana 'Silbersee' Silver Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA longifolia Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA longifolia 'Alba' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA longifolia 'Blue Shades' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA longifolia 'Pink Shades' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA officinalis Common Speedwell
VERONICA orchidea 'Blue Fingers' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA pinnata 'Blue Feathers' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA porphyriana Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA prostrata Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA repens Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA schmidtiana Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA spicata Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA spicata 'Alba' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA spicata 'Pink Goblin' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA spicata 'Sightseeing' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA spicata f. nana 'Blauteppich' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA Subsessilis-Hybr. 'Blue Pyramid' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICA teucrium 'Royal Blue' Speedwell, Bird's Eye
VERONICASTRUM sibiricum Culver's Root
VERONICASTRUM sibiricum Culver's Root, Black Root, Physic Root
VERONICASTRUM virginicum f. albiflorum Culver's Root, Physic Root
VERONICASTRUM virginicum f. caeruleum Culver's Root, Physic Root
VICIA cracca Bird Vetch, Tufted Vetch
VIGUIERA multiflora Goldeneye
VINCETOXICUM hirundinaria White Swallowwort
VIOLA arvensis European Field Pansy
VIOLA bertolonii Violet, Pansy
VIOLA calcarata Spurred Violet
VIOLA cornuta 'Admiration' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Aprikosenfarbe' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Blue Perfection' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Bowles Black' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Helen Mount' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'King Henry' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Lutea Splendens' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Minor' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Rubin' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'White Perfection' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA cornuta 'Yellow Perfection' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA corsica Violet, Pansy
VIOLA elatior Tall Violet
VIOLA labradorica hort. 'Purpurea' Labrador Violet, Pansy
VIOLA mandshurica Violet, Pansy
VIOLA mandshurica 'Fuji Dawn' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA odorata 'Königin Charlotte' Sweet Violet
VIOLA odorata 'Reine de Neiges' Sweet Violet
VIOLA odorata 'Royal Wedding' Wood Violet, Sweet Violet
VIOLA odorata var. sulfurea (Sulphurea) Sweet Violet
VIOLA palmata Violet, Pansy
VIOLA pedatifida Violet, Pansy
VIOLA pumila Violet, Pansy
VIOLA reichenbachiana Violet, Pansy
VIOLA rupestris 'Rosea' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA sororia Violet, Pansy
VIOLA sororia 'Albiflora' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA sororia 'Dark Freckles' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA sororia 'Freckles' Violet, Pansy
VIOLA sororia 'Sorority Sisters' Confederate Violet , Pansy
VIOLA sororia 'Sorority Sisters' Confederate Violet, Pansy
VIOLA tricolor Wild Pansy
VITEX agnus-castus Chaste Tree, Abraham's balm, Monk's pepper,
WAHLENBERGIA akaroa Rock Bell
WAHLENBERGIA albomarginata Rock Bell
WYETHIA amplexicaulis Mule Ears
XEROPHYLLUM tenax Bear Grass
YUCCA baccata Broad Leaf Yucca, Banana Yucca
YUCCA filamentosa Adam's Needle
YUCCA glauca Adam's Needle
ZIGADENUS elegans Zigadene
ZINNIA grandiflora Rocky Mountain Zinnia
ZIZIA aptera Golden Alexander's, Meadow Zizia, Meadow Parsnip
ZIZIA aurea Golden Alexander's
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