GERANIUM sanguineum var. striatum

Product 1711 From 3842

GERANIUM sanguineum var. striatum

Bloody Cranesbill
[Vision Light Pink]
Select Item No. GA205

Also available as:


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Geraniaceae
Distinction: Award of Garden Merit (A.G.M.) from the Royal Horticultural Society.
Basic Colour: (pink / salmon)
Flower Colour: pale pink and red veined
Natural Flowering Period: May - September
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z3 - Z8
Height with Flowers: 25 cm
Soil Requirements: dry / well-drained
Characteristics: groundcover
Portion weight: 0.6 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 11.11111 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Gram to get 1000 plants
(if sown directly into pots etc. you will need a larger quantity):
20 Gram
Sowing Direction:

(8) These perennial seeds germinate very irregularly over a long period. Lower temperatures of less than +5°C [41°F] are very effective. Seed trays should not be discarded prematurely. Constant moisture must be maintained. Do not leave in direct sunlight. For Alstroemeria we recommend to keep sowing for 3 weeks at approximately +30°C [86°F], then 3 weeks at +5°C [41°F], then at +21°C [70°F].

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