GENTIANA cruciata

Product 1182 From 2743

GENTIANA cruciata

Cross Gentian, Star Gentian
Select Item No. GA098


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Gentianaceae
Origin: Europe, West Asia: mountain areas, meadows, forest margins.
Special Features: Unpretentious, drought tolerant, variable. Tolerant in pH. Easy to grow. Attractive leaves with a strong blue to sky-blue flower. As a cut flower GENTIANA cruciata needs warm termperatures or warm water on the stems for open flowers. Mostly resistant to viruses, bacteria and fungal pathogens. Important butterfly plant.
Basic Colour: (blue)
Flower Colour: dark blue
Natural Flowering Period: July - September
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z3 - Z7
Foliage: oblong ovate, broadly lanceolate, stem leaves not so broad, green
Growth Habit: rosettes-forming
Height with Flowers: 40 cm
Spacing between Plants: 25 cm
Soil Requirements: dry / gritty / well-drained / average
Usage: for the rock garden
Portion weight: 0.027 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 0.13514 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Gram to get 1000 plants
(if sown directly into pots etc. you will need a larger quantity):
1 Gram
Plug tray recommended size(s): open flats / 128
Sowing Direction:

(9) These seeds germinate rapidly depending on species and origin. If germination does not occur after 3–4 weeks a cooling period of 2–4 weeks is recommended.

Container Size(s): 1 plug per 8/9 cm (3 1/2")
Fertilizer: Light (100-150 ppm)
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