CASSIA marilandica

Product 1647 From 3842

CASSIA marilandica

Wild Senna, Maryland Senna
Select Item No. CA280


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Life Cycle: Perennial
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Origin: Eastern USA to Iowa, south to Texas
Special Features: Yellow flowering racemes together with attractive, pest-free foliage. An easy-to-grow, low maintenance perennial.
Basic Colour: (yellow / gold)
Flower Colour: yellow
Natural Flowering Period: June - September
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z4 - Z10
Foliage: pinnatifid, with 6 - 10 elliptic leaflets
Growth Habit: erect
Height with Flowers: 120 cm
Spacing between Plants: 90 cm
Soil Requirements: dry / well-drained
Characteristics: medicinal plant
Usage: patio plant
Portion weight: 0.9 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 18.18182 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Gram to get 1000 plants
(if sown directly into pots etc. you will need a larger quantity):
50 Gram
Sowing Rates/Trays: 2 - 3 per cell
Plug tray recommended size(s): open flats / 72
Sowing Direction:

(1) Cold-germinators are still referred to as frost-germinators, although this isn’t quite correct. The sowing must be kept warm (about +18 to +22°C) [about 64 to 72°F] and moist for the first 2–4 weeks. After this period the sowing must be kept at a cold temperature (between –4 and +4°C) [between 25 and 39°F] for another 4–6 weeks. Colder temperatures of –5°C [23°F] are only advantageous for most species of the Ranunculus family. It is not so important if the temperature is higher or lower during the cooling period, but the cooling period has to be prolonged because the synthesis of the germination inducer, hormon-like acid, slows down or comes to a standstill.
It is beneficial to cover the sowing with snow during the cooling-period. The temperature below it usually keeps in the optimum range of –4 to 0°C [25 to 32°F]. The sowing is kept moist, and the melting snow helps to destroy the shell, which is advantageous for the germinating seedling. After this cooling-period the sowing may not be immediately exposed to high temperatures. The most effective temperatures are between +5 to +12°C [41 to 54°F], even if germination has started. The best location for this sowing, even in March, April and May, is the open field, the cold frame or a cold greenhouse.

(10) For these bigger hard-shelled seeds, mechanical damaging of the shell is helpful for quicker swelling. One method is to grind the seed in dry sharp sand. They can also be treated for several hours in a “softener” (Polyethylenglycol 6000), which is used for the production of plastic material.

Best Sowing Date
(northern Hemisphere, Field condition):
Sowing to Germination: 8 - 10 weeks
Germination to Transplant: 4 - 8 weeks
Transplanting to Potting: 6 - 10 weeks
Container Size(s): 1-2 plugs per 11/12 cm (4 1/2")
Fertilizer: Medium (150-200 ppm)
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