Wild grasses mix for Flower Meadows

Product 2293 From 3842

Wild grasses mix for Flower Meadows

Wild grasses without flowers

Select Item No. MX380

Can be combined with:
#MX340, #MX350, #MX360, #MX390, #MX920


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Article Type: (Wildflower mixture)
Special Features: The 'wild grasses without flowers' mix is designed to complement our wildflower mixes (#MX340, #MX50 and #MX360) and can also be used alone as a balanced grass mix. The mixture is created according to Central European standards and designed for areas in public settlement areas and house gardens. It contains many species of particular importance for the fauna and flora of various meadow biotopes.
Sowing is best done in the months of April to June or mid-August to September. A rate of 1-2g/m2 is recommended for sowing.
For easier manual sowing, it is advisable to supplement the seed mixture (grasses and possibly herbs) with a filler of up to 20g/m2 such as soybean meal (#MX920) or corn meal (#MX390).
Please order flowering mixtures (#MX340, #MX350, #MX360) and/or filler soybean meal (#MX920) or corn meal (#MX390) separately.
Soil Requirements: dry / average
Item No. Botanical name
ZA061 BRIZA media pure seed
ZA190 FESTUCA ovina

Additional species in the mix: BROMUS erectus, CYNOSURUS cristatus, HELICTOTRICHON pratense, POA pratensis, TRISETUM flavescens and marginally other species.

The wild grasses mix is recommended to supplement the flowering mixtures (MX340, MX350 and MX360). 

Soybean meal (MX920) and corn meal (MX390) to facilitate manual seeding.


Portion weight: 1 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 0.53191 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Jelitto · Seeds of more than 3700 different species and varieties


*: excl. TAX, excl. shipping