Wildflower Meadow for medium/fresh soils

Product 2000 From 3842

Wildflower Meadow for medium/fresh soils

Flowermix without grasses

Select Item No. MX340

Can be combined with:
#MX380, #MX390, #MX920


1 Portion contains 20-250 seeds depending on value and size.
Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Plant Description

Article Type: (Wildflower mixture)
Special Features: The flowering mixture is particularly suitable for meadows and open areas with fresh soil. This wildflower mix (without grasses) has been put together according to Central European standards and is designed for areas in public settlements and home gardens. It contains the most important species of particular importance for fauna and flora of fresh meadow biotopes.
Sowing is best done in the months of April to June or mid-August to September. A quantity of 2-3g/m2 is required for sowing. The wild herb mixture can be supplemented with our balanced wild grass mixture (#MX380) with 0.6-0.8g/m2 as desired.
For easier manual sowing, it is advisable to supplement the seed mixture (herbs and possibly grasses) with a filler such as soybean meal or corn meal up to 20g/m2.
Please order wild grasses (#MX380) and/or filler soybean meal (#MX920) or corn meal (#MX390) separately.
Soil Requirements: average
Item No. Botanical name
AA028 ACHILLEA millefolium wild form
BA029 BELLIS perennis
CA170 CAMPANULA patula
CA260 CARDAMINE pratensis
CA271 CARUM carvi
CA332 CENTAUREA scabiosa
CO307 CENTAUREA cyanus wild form
DA165 DIANTHUS carthusianorum 'Rupert's Pink'
DA320 DIANTHUS superbus
DO010 DAUCUS carota ssp. carota
GA036 GALIUM verum
GA218 GERANIUM pratense
KA030 KNAUTIA arvensis
LA390 LOTUS corniculatus
LA484 LYCHNIS flos-cuculi
PA095 PAPAVER rhoeas
PA397 PLANTAGO lanceolata
PA403 PLANTAGO media
PA910 PRIMULA veris
RA096 RHINANTHUS alecterolophus
SA046 SALVIA pratensis
SA098 SANGUISORBA officinalis
SA394 SELINUM carvifolium
SA466 SILENE dioica
SA622 STACHYS officinalis
SB470 SILENE vulgaris
TA186 TRAGOPOGON pratensis
VA182 VICIA cracca

Additional species in the mix: CAMPANULA glomerata, CREPIS biennis, HYPOCHOERIS radicata, LATHYRUS pratensis, LEONTODON autumnalis, LEONTODON hispidus, MEDICAGO lupulina, ONOBRYCHIS viciifolia, PIMPINELLA major, RANUNCULUS acris, TRIFOLIUM pratense and marginally other species.

Wild grasses for flower meadows (MX380) recommended as a supplement.

Soybean meal (MX920) and corn meal (MX390) to facilitate manual seeding.

Portion weight: 1 Gram
Grams per 1000 seeds: 2.38095 Gram
Seeds per Gram
(does not correspond to the number of plants!):
Jelitto · Seeds of more than 3700 different species and varieties


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